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Background . Malawi is one of the poorest countries in world, threatened by extreme climate risks Climate change is expected to make things worse.

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  1. Background • Malawi is one of the poorest countries in world, threatened by extreme climate risks • Climate change is expected to make things worse. • The communication and use of weather and climate predictions is a crucial challenge for adaptation, particularly among illiterate farmers and other vulnerable community members.

  2. Context Droughts Climate risks Cyclones and flooding El Niño and Droughts Climate change

  3. Partners • Malawi Meteorological Services • Red Cross Climate change center • Malawi Red Cross Society • Malawi Institute of Management • International Institute of Applied Sciences (IIASA) 4

  4. Purpose and objectives Purpose • Use of audio-visual tools to strengthen the capacity of small holder farmers in salima district to adapt to droughts and floods Objectives • To accelerate and enhance training/learning in risk communication, to drought adaptation strategies by smallholder farmers • To learn from the communities on how they view and understand climate change and climate change adaptation and build on these understandings

  5. Activities • Stakeholder meetings • Community sensitization • Community assessments KAP study, vulnerability capacity assessment (VCA) and other social learning methods • Review and application of climate change scenarios • Procurement of audio visual tools • Trainings • Production of audio visual tools • Participatory workshops • Monitoring and evaluation • Documentation of the process

  6. participatory workshops using audio visual tools Learning and sharing with the community on impact of floods/droughts, what happens during these disasters, what are the causes and how to predict the disasters and plan on how to do certain things differently

  7. Expected progress: Community involvement and participation in collecting information for developing audio-visual tools and other materials store process Disseminate: 8

  8. Concerns and challenges • Designing and communicating weather forecasts to illiterate farmers • Difficult to convince donors to fund adaptation programs. It requires long term funding

  9. Lessons learnt • Its not easy to mobilize funding for adaptation programs

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