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WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNT FROM YOUR AUDIENCE FEEDBACK?. My initial audience survey…. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/XQV5TYR.
My initial audience survey… http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/XQV5TYR The purpose of the first questionnaire I created was to find out what features my audience expected from a thriller film. The responses I obtained gave me guidance on my cinematography, editing, music and more specifically costume. For example, 100% of respondents said that not fully revealing the villain increases the tension, therefore I used specific camera angles to conceal my antagonist as much as possible at the beginning of the film. Also from the audiences response I decided to leave the film on a cliff hanger and use slow, eerie music for the villain’s scenes instead of silence.However, there were certain aspects I didn’t take from my audience survey which was mainly due to practicality. For example, 50% of respondents voted for the protagonist to wear high heeled boots as part of her costume. This wasn’t practical as many of the scenes were quite fast paced and would have been difficult for the actress.
Peer feedback… In the final editing stages, my film was watched by my classmates. They made comments on what they liked and what could be improved, which helped me in two ways. Firstly, the positive comments boosted my confidence in my film. The aspects that they liked the most included my choice of music and cinematography. Secondly, because I had been editing for a long time they noticed some features that needed altering which perhaps I wouldn’t have picked up. These included making the sound transitions a little smoother, and making the volume consistent throughout the film.
Poster and film review… https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/VWDNL7Y I created a questionnaire about my poster and film review to find out if they effectively promoted my film. Based on this audience feedback these products did make the audience want to either see the film or find out more about it. Asking the audience through a survey was the only way I could reliably find out if my products were effective, as myself and my peers had already seen the film in progress.
In conclusion… Throughout this project audience feedback has been very important in creating a good film. My initial feedback helped shape it into the thriller genre by highlighting the generic conventions, and feedback from my peers in the later stages made the film flow.On the other hand, some of the feedback proved unhelpful. I have learned that some suggestions from the audience should be taken as a rough guideline in the early stages, as they are not aware of many aspects of filmmaking (eg. Time limits, locations, my plans and ideas). This aspect of my project has made me more aware of the importance of audience feedback, especially in the wider film industry. It’s a necessity in order to tailor a film to an audience so when it’s released, it will appeal to directly to it’s target viewer. If I were to make a feature film, I would conduct even more audience research in all stages of production (eg. Test screenings).