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Unveiling the Origin of Galaxies: The Dense Gas History of the Universe

Explore the evolution of galaxies through radio astronomy, star formation, and gas dynamics from both optical and radio perspectives. Learn about the Atacama Large Millimeter Array and glimpse into early galaxy formation with existing facilities.

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Unveiling the Origin of Galaxies: The Dense Gas History of the Universe

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  1. ALMA, EVLA, and the Origin of Galaxies (Dense Gas History of the Universe) Chris Carilli (NRAO) Bonn, Germany, September 2010 • The power of radio astronomy: dust, cool gas, and star formation • Current State-of-Art • z ~ 6: Quasar host galaxies = early formation of massive galaxies and SMBH • z ~ 1 to 3: Normal galaxy formation during the epoch of galaxy assembly = probing the ‘Gas Rich Universe’ • Bright (near!) future: The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (and CCAT!) and Expanded Very Large Array – recent example! • Thanks: Wang, Riechers, Walter, Fan, Bertoldi, Menten, Cox, Daddi, Schinnerer, Pannella, Aravena, Smolcic, Neri, Dannerbauer… ESO

  2. Star formation history of the Universe (mostly optical view) First light + cosmic reionization ‘epoch of galaxy assembly’ ~50% of present day stellar mass produced between z~1 to 3 Bouwens +

  3. Star formation as function of stellar mass ‘active star formation’ specific SFR = SFR/M*~ e-folding time-1 tH-1 ‘red and dead’ Zheng ea ‘Downsizing’: Massive galaxies form most of stars quickly, at high z (see also: stellar pop. synthesis at low z; evolved galaxies at z ~1 to 2)

  4. Optical Limitation 1: Dust • Dust correction in UV • Factor 5 at z < 4 • No correction at z > 6 ? Bouwens +

  5. Optical Limitation 2: Cold gas = fuel for star formation (‘The missing half of galaxy formation’) Integrated Kennicutt-Schmidt star formation law: relate SFR and gas content of galaxies Low and high z starbursts Power-law index = 1.5 Low z spirals ‘SFR’ ‘Mgas’

  6. Millimeter through centimeter astronomy: unveiling the cold, obscured universe GN20 z=4 submm galaxy Wilson et al. CO image of ‘Antennae’ merging galaxies CO HST/CO/SUBMM • cm/mm reveal the dust-obscured, earliest, most active phases of star formation in galaxies • cm/mm reveal the cool gas that fuels star formation

  7. Radio – FIR: obscuration-free estimate of massive star formation • Radio: SFR = 1x10-21 L1.4 W/Hz • FIR: SFR = 3x10-10 LFIR (Lo)

  8. Spectral lines • Molecular gas • CO = total gas mass tracer • M(H2) = α L’(CO(1-0)) • Velocities => dyn. mass • Gas excitation => ISM physics (densities,temperatures) • Astrochemistry/biology, eg. dense gas tracers (HCN) directly associated with star formation (Smail, van Dishoeck) • Gas supply: smooth accretion or major gas rich mergers? submm cm z=0.2 Atomic fine structure lines Molecular rotational lines z=4

  9. Fine Structure lines [CII] 158um (2P3/2 - 2P1/2) • Principal ISM gas coolant: photo-electric heating by dust • Traces star forming regions and the CNM • [CII] most luminous line from meter to FIR, up to 1% Lgal • Herschel: revolutionary look at FSL in nearby Universe – AGN/star formation diagnostics (Hailey-Dunsheath) Fixsen et al. [CII] CO [OI] 63um [CII] [OIII]/[CII] [OIII] 88um [CII] Cormier et al.

  10. MAMBO at 30m (Cox) Powerful suite of existing cm/mm facilites First glimpses into early galaxy formation 30’ field at 250 GHz rms < 0.3 mJy Very Large Array 30’ field at 1.4 GHz rms< 10uJy, 1” res High res imaging at 20 to 50 GHz rms < 0.1 mJy, res < 0.2” Plateau de Bure Interferometer High res imaging at 90 to 230 GHz rms < 0.1mJy, res < 0.5”

  11. SDSS Apache Point NM Theme I: Massive galaxy and SMBH formation at z~6 – Quasar hosts at tuniv<1Gyr • Why quasars? • Rapidly increasing samples: z>4: > 1000 known z>5: > 100 z>6: 20 • Spectroscopic redshifts • Extreme (massive) systems: Lbol ~1014 Lo=> MBH~ 109 Mo => Mbulge~ 1012 Mo • Downsizing: study of very early massive galaxy formation intrinsically interesting 1148+5251 z=6.42

  12. Dust in high z quasar host galaxies 30% of z>2 quasars have S250 > 2mJy MAMBO 30m 250GHz surveys HyLIRG Wang sample 33 z>5.7 quasars • LFIR ~ 0.3 to 1.3 x1013 Lo (~ 1000xMilky Way) • Mdust ~ 1.5 to 5.5 x108Mo • Dust formation at tuniv<1Gyr? AGB Winds ≥ 1.4e9yr • High mass star formation? (Dwek, Anderson, Cherchneff, Shull, Nozawa, Valiante)

  13. Dust heating? Radio to near-IR SED low z SED TD ~ 1000K TD = 47 K • FIR excess = 47K dust • SED consistent with star forming galaxy: • SFR ~ 400 to 2000 Mo yr-1 Star formation? AGN Radio-FIR correlation

  14. Fuel for star formation? Molecular gas: 8 CO detections at z ~ 6 with PdBI, VLA • M(H2)~ 0.7 to 3 x1010 (α/0.8) Mo • Δv = 200 to 800 km/s • Accurate host galaxy redshifts 1mJy

  15. CO excitation: Dense, warm gas, thermally excited to 6-5 230GHz 691GHz (Papadopoulos, Smail) starburst nucleus Milky Way • LVG model => Tk > 50K, nH2 = 2x104 cm-3 • Galactic Molecular Clouds (50pc): nH2~ 102 to 103 cm-3 • GMC star forming cores (≤1pc): nH2~ 104 cm-3

  16. LFIR vs L’(CO): Star Formation Law • Further circumstantial evidence for star formation • Gas consumption time (Mgas/SFR) decreases with SFR FIR ~ 1010 Lo/yr => tc > 108yr FIR ~ 1013 Lo/yr => tc < 107yr SFR 1e3 Mo/yr Index=1.5 MW 1e11 Mo Mgas

  17. Imaging => dynamics => weighing the first galaxies z=6.42 0.15” TB ~ 25K PdBI CO3-2 VLA -150 km/s 7kpc 1” ~ 5.5kpc + +150 km/s • Size ~ 6 kpc, with two peaks ~ 2kpc separation • Dynamical mass (r < 3kpc) ~ 6 x1010 Mo • M(H2)/Mdyn ~ 0.3

  18. Break-down of MBH – Mbulge relation at very high z (Maiolino) z>4 QSO CO z<0.2 QSO CO Low z galaxies • ‘Causal connection between galaxy and SMBH formation’ • At high z, CO only method to derive Mbulge MBH ~ 0.002Mbulge <MBH/Mbulge> ~ 15 higher at z>4 => Black holes form first?

  19. Fine Structure Lines: [CII]158um search in z > 6.2 quasars [CII] 1” [NII] For z>6 => redshifts to 250GHz => Bure! (Knudsen) • S[CII] = 3mJy • S250GHz < 1mJy • => don’t pre-select on dust • L[CII] = 4x109 Lo (L[NII] < 0.1L[CII] ) • S250GHz = 5.5mJy • S[CII] = 12mJy

  20. 1148+5251 z=6.42:‘Maximal star forming disk’ PdBI 250GHz 0.25”res • [CII] size ~ 1.5 kpc => SFR/area ~ 1000 Mo yr-1 kpc-2 • Maximal starburst (Thompson, Quataert, Murray 2005) • Self-gravitating gas and dust disk • Vertical disk support by radiation pressure on dust grains • ‘Eddington limited’ SFR/area ~ 1000 Mo yr-1 kpc-2 • eg. Arp 220 on 100pc scale, Orion SF cloud cores < 1pc

  21. Theme I summary: cm/mm observations of 33 quasars at z~6 – only direct probe of the host galaxies EVLA 160uJy J1425+3254 CO at z = 5.9 • 11 in mm continuum => Mdust ~ 108 Mo: Dust formation in SNe? • 10 at 1.4 GHz continuum: Radio to FIR SED => SFR ~ 1000 Mo/yr • 8 in CO => Mgas ~ 1010 Mo = Fuel for star formation in galaxies • High excitation ~ starburst nuclei, but on kpc-scales • Follow star formation law (LFIR vs L’CO): tc ~ 107 yr • Departure from MBH – Mbulge at z~6: BH form first? • 3 in [CII] => maximal star forming disk: 1000 Mo yr-1 kpc-2

  22. Building a giant elliptical galaxy + SMBH at tuniv< 1Gyr (‘extreme downsizing’) 10 • Multi-scale simulation isolating most massive halo in 3Gpc3 • Stellar mass ~ 1e12 Mo forms in series (7) of major, gas rich mergers from z~14, with SFR 1e3 Mo/yr • SMBH of ~ 2e9 Mo forms via Eddington-limited accretion + mergers • Evolves into giant elliptical galaxy in massive cluster (3e15 Mo) by z=0 6.5 Li, Hernquist et al. Li, Hernquist+ • Rapid enrichment of metals, dust in ISM • Rare, extreme mass objects: ~ 100 SDSS z~6 QSOs on entire sky • Goal: push to normal galaxies at high redshift

  23. Theme II: ‘Normal’ star forming galaxies during epoch of galaxy assembly (‘sBzK’ at z ~ 2) HST • HST imaging => disk sizes ~ 1” ~ 8kpc, punctuated by massive star forming regions • color-color diagrams identify thousands of z~ 2 star forming galaxies • near-IR selected => ‘stellar mass limited sample’: M* ~ 1010 to 1011Mo • Common ~ few x10-4 Mpc-3 (5 arcmin-2)

  24. Unbiased star formation rates in z~2 sBzK VLA 1.4GHz stacking: 30,000 in COSMOS (Decarli) • COSMOS 2 deg2 Deep Field (Scoville ea) • Approaching SDSS volume at z > 1 • 2e6 galaxies from z~ 0 to 7 <S1.4> = 8.8 +/- 0.1 uJy • <SFR> = 96 Mo yr-1 [FIR ~ 3e11 Lo] • VLA size ~ 1” ~ HST Pannella +

  25. Stacking in bins of 3000 1010 Mo 3x1011 Mo • SFR ~ independent of blue magnitude • SFR increases with B-z => dust extinction increases with SFR (or M*) • SFR increases with stellar mass

  26. Dawn of Downsizing: SFR/M* vs. M* (Karim) 1.4GHz SSFR • SSFR constant with M*, unlike z<1=> ‘pre-downsizing’ ~ constant efolding time • z>1.5 sBzK well above the ‘red and dead’ galaxy line => even large growing exponentially • UV dust correction = f(SFR, M*) [factor 5 at 2e10 Mo ~ LBG (Shapely+ 01)] z=2.1 z=1.5 5x tH-1 (z=1.8) z=0.3 UV SSFR

  27. CO observations with Bure: Massive gas reservoirs without extreme starbursts (Daddi ea 2009) • 6 of 6 sBzK detected in CO • Gas mass ~ 1011 Mo ~ gas masses in high z HyLIRG • but • SFR < 10% HyLIRG • Gas masses ≥ stellar masses => pushed back to epoch when galaxies are gas dominated!

  28. Closer to Milky Way-type gas conditions (Dannerbauer) HyLIRG 1.5 1 • Lower CO excitation: low J observations are key! • FIR/L’CO: Gas consumption timescales >= few x108 yrs

  29. Summary Theme II: Probing the Gas Rich Universe = Gas dominated, normal galaxy formation at z ~2 Genzel + 08 • SSFR constant with M*: ‘pre-downsizing’ • Well above ‘red + dead’ curve up to 1011 M* • Gas masses ~ 1011 Mo ≥ stellar masses • Gas consumption time > few x108 yrs • ‘Secular (spiral) galaxy formation during epoch of galaxy assembly’ • Great promise for ALMA + EVLA!

  30. (Testi) What is ALMA? Tenfold improvement (or more), in all areas of (sub)mm astronomy, including resolution, sensitivity, and frequency coverage. • antennas: 54x12m, 12x7m antennas • frequencies: 80 GHz to 720 GHz • res = 20mas res at 700 GHz • rms = 13uJy in 1hr at 230GHz • What is the EVLA? similar ten-fold improvement in most areas of cm astronomy • frequencies = 1 to 50 GHz • 8 GHz BW => 80x old • res = 40mas res at 43GHz • rms = 6uJy in 1hr at 30GHz ALMA+EVLA ~ Order magnitude improvement from 1GHz to 1 THz!

  31. Pushing to normal galaxies 100 Mo yr-1 at z=5 cm telescopes: star formation, low order molecular transitions -- total gas mass, dense gas tracers (sub)mm: dust, high order molecular lines, fine structure lines -- ISM physics, dynamics EVLA 1.4 GHz continuum: thousands of sBzK galaxies

  32. ALMA and first galaxies: [CII] 100Mo/yr 10Mo/yr ALMA ‘redshift machine’: [CII] in z>7 dropouts

  33. Wide bandwidth spectroscopy J1148+52 at z=6.4 in 24hrs with ALMA • ALMA: Detect multiple lines, molecules per 8GHz band = real astrochemistry • EVLA 30 to 38 GHz (CO2-1 at z=5.0 to 6.7) => large cosmic volume searches for molecular gas (1 beam = 104 cMpc3) w/o need for optical redshifts

  34. ALMA Status • Antennas, receivers, correlator in production: best submm receivers and antennas ever! • Site construction well under way: Observation Support Facility, Array Operations Site, 5 Antenna interferometry at high site! • Early science call Q1 2011 5 antennas on high site EVLA Status • Antenna retrofits 70% complete (100% at ν ≥ 18GHz). • Early science in March 2010 using new correlator (2GHz) • Full receiver complement completed 2012 + 8GHz

  35. GN20 molecule-rich proto-cluster at z=4 CO 2-1 in 3 submm galaxies, all in 256 MHz band 0.3mJy z=4.055 4.051 4.056 +250 km/s 0.4mJy • SFR ~ 103 Mo/year • Mgas ~ 1011 Mo • Early, clustered massive galaxy formation 1000 km/s -250 km/s

  36. Dense gas history of the Universe  Tracing the fuel for galaxy formation over cosmic time SF Law SFR Millennium Simulations Obreschkow & Rawlings Mgas Primary goal for studies of galaxy formation in next decade!

  37. EVLA/ALMA Deep fields: the‘missing half’ of galaxy formation • Volume (EVLA, z=2 to 2.8) = 1.4e5 cMpc3 • 1000 galaxies z=0.2 to 6.7 in CO with M(H2) > 1010 Mo • 100 in [CII] z ~ 6.5 • 5000 in dust continuum Millennium Simulations Obreschkow & Rawlings

  38. END ESO

  39. CCAT: wide field ‘finder’ surveys

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