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Explore the school to work transition system in Spain, including vocational guidance, training programs, and European projects. Learn about compulsory education, vocational training, and initiatives for a seamless transition into the workforce. Discover the strong and weak points of the system, as well as success stories and challenges. Find out about initiatives like the Leonardo Project and strategies for career guidance and employment preparation.
SCHOOL TO WORK TRANSITION IN SPAIN: • SYSTEM AND PROJECTS • Introduction • Vocational Guidance and Training in the Spanish System 2.1 Compulsory Education 2.2 Initial Training Programmes. Social Guaranty Programmes. Q. Level 1. 2.3 Vocational Training Intermediate Level. Q level 2. 3. Strong a weak points. 4. European Projects: New Perspectives and practices. 4.1 Leonardo 4.2 Comenius 5. Other actions 5.1 Entrepreneurship 5.2 Individual School projects 5.3 Municipal initiatives. 6. Conclusion.
2.1 Compulsory Secondary Education 12 - 16 • Academic and Vocational counselling: • Basic right • Quality Factor • Levels: Class - School - District • Class level: Form teacher • Themes: • group management and learning atmosphere • pupils’ integration at school • election of class representatives • participation in class and school life • follow up of the academic progress and evaluation • individual counselling • learning difficulties • academic and vocational counselling
School Level: Guidance Department Head: psychopedagoge. School Orientation Plan. District Level: Professional team: psychologist, pedagogue, social worker. Support to and coordination of school Guidance Departments. Intervention in complex and specific learning problems.
School to Work Transition: • Basic Professional Training in Compulsory Secondary • 12-16 years of age. • Technology: • 2 / 3 hours a week. • Body of knowledge, abilities, attitudes and skills common to many professional profiles. • Guarantee of a multipurpose training. • Goal: Enhance the training-employment relationship throughout this stage of education. Personal Counselling Guide at the end of compulsory education
2.2 Initial Training Programmes. Social Guaranty Programmes. Qualification level 1. • For pupils that do not reach the general objectives of compulsory secondary education. • Minimum age: 16 • Goal: to provide all youths with a minimum basic and professional training to • join the labour market or • Follow education in Intermediate Vocational Training • Curriculum: • Basic Education, Counselling, Training for the labour market, and Specific Vocational Training with on-the-job training • Duration: Between one and two academic years. • No more than twenty pupils per group
2.3 Vocational Training Intermediate Level. Qualification Level 2. • 1300 and 2000 hours (one and a half or two school years). • 300-700 hours on-the-job training • Co-operative training: close collaboration and exchange of services between the productive sector and the education system: • Joint formulation by Education Authorities and experts from the working world of a catalogue of vocational certificates, which should serve as a guide for the kind of training that the education system is to provide. • Inclusion of 'On-the-Job Training' in the curriculum of the Vocational Education and training. • Teacher training in companies, the enlistment of technology experts from the productive sector as teachers in Vocational Training establishments, training courses in such establishments for company employees, etc • Labour Marquet Orientation and Training provides to all VET students the necessary skills and knowledge to enter successfully into the labour market
3. STRONG AND WEAK POINTS • Vocational Education and Training • Successful results in terms of • Employment • Number of students enrolled • Number of titles (139 in 22 professional branches) • Leonardo Project: A relation between the educational system and the labour marketSecondary Vocational School of Mechanics and Construction Industry of Zabrze, Poland.
2. STRONG AND WEAK POINTS • Compulsory Secondary Education • A single type of school for all 12 to 16 year-olds. • Diversity managed within the class group • Difficulty to integrate difficult students with permanent school failure. • NATIONAL DEBATE. CONSERVATIVE PROPOSAL • Itineraries at 15 years of age • 1. Academic • 2. Vocational, • Labour market oriented.
4. EUROPEAN PROJECTS: NEW PERSPECTIVES AND PRACTICE 4.1 Leonardo: Mobility projects, Networks. Mobility: DOWNUP Coordinator City of Granada Target group: people with down syndrome. Activities: Research on their social and vocational situation. Placement in ordinary companies. Vocational training for trainers on the job. Design and development of educational programmes and methodologies of intervention
Leonardo Networks Guide to the World of Occupations Online programme: assistance for occupational choices and employment seek. Database offering support in all phases of career guidance: Self awareness, awareness of labour market opportunities, career decision making, implementing decisions and getting appropriate employment. Euroguidanceis the working title for the Network of Leonardo National Resource Centres for Vocational Guidance (NRCVG). Established by the European Commission Transit (materials for mobility), Guideet (innovation in guidance), Eurodime (European dimension of guidance), Fit for Europe, etc.
FIRST YEAR: MUTUAL KNOWLEDGE AMONG PARTNERS. Participating students, teachers, schools and their context. Use of letters, e-mail, video, web-pages. Topics for pupils: Myself, my family, my class, my school, my friends, my house, my town, landscapes, environment, art, traditions, and food… Self-knowledge: Who am I? My likes. My interests. The job of my dreams. What I am good at. My aptitudes and skills
SECOND YEAR: COLLECT, PROCESS AND TRANSMIT INFORMATION ABOUT THE WORLD OF WORK. • Collect information: • Knowledge of the school system, career choices, academics requisites. • Activities connecting the school with their economical context. Parents jobs. Most common jobs in the area. • Visits of professionals and representatives of local institutions to the school. • Visits of students and teachers to firms and local institutions. • Interviews to workers: Professional qualification, profile, skills, type of activities… • Interviews to entrepreneurs: business organisation, chart, professional demands… • Active job search: CV, phone calls, job offers online, job interviews (at school, on firms)… • Process information: • Reports on visits, photographs, diagrams, personal experiences, data processing, video, wall-charts, dossiers, brochures, computer presentations, web-pages, oral presentations
Third year: compare information All the information is exchanged, collected in every partner school and compared. Out of this comparison new information is produced, processed and presented
SOFT SKILLS FOR OUR LEARNING SOCIETY: • Local and International team working. Interdisciplinary teams. • Communication, social skills. • Project working. • Use of ICTs. • Foreign languages. • Interaction with the school context
FIRST YEAR OUTPUTS Vocational Training at School with Disabled, Disadvantaged and Demotivated Students IES San Isidro. Azuqueca de Henares. Spain Coordinator: BuSO Don Bosco, Belgium
SECOND YEAR OUTPUTS: COLLECTING, PROCESSING AND TRANSMITTING INFORMATION IES de Noreña, Asturias, Spain Young people in Europe: The World of Work and Culture Web presentation of students’activities Interviews with employers and analysis of results.
Project Communication as a Life long learning IHBS from Graz IES Saltés from Punta Umbría Spain Visits of professionals to school Work experience
Project Communication as a Lifelong Learning Professional School Galileo Oristano, Italy Presentation and data analysis in a CD
Project Communication as a Lifelong Learning Victor Kaplan Hauptshule, Neuberg, Austria Video reporting the activities on vocational orientation and transition developed during a whole school year.
Project • Communication as a Lifelong Learning • The lower secondary school of Jynkänlahti, Kuopio, Finland • Web tool letting partners the publication of web content online
5. OTHER ACTIONS.5.1 Entrepreneurship. VALNALÓN Regional government of Asturias Entrepreneurs Training Chain Primary education: An Enterprise in my School. Age 5-12 years Lower secondary education (EJE) Young European Enterprise. Age14-16 Upper Secondary and vocational training Entrepreneurs Workshop. Age 17-18 , 16-25
5.2 Single school projects: • Adapted Lower Secondary • School Virgen de Belén, Huelva, Spain • Goal: • Positive insertion in school and in society of youngsters at risk • Drop-out prevention • Method: • Early start in vocational training (age 12) • Reduction in the number of teachersfor more individualised attention.
5.3 Municipal initiatives International Association of Educating Cities. IAEC Barcelona. Network on School-to-Work Transition “To set up a stable platform with educative, economic and social agents in the city so as to establish ongoing, global co-operation between the educational and production systems” Database on experiences and projects.
Integral Training Plan • Town of Punta Umbría • Goals: • Basic education, orientation and training to young people without qualification an not in education or work. • Reinsertion in education or labour market. • Curriculum: VET courses, basic education, social skills, cultural and sport activities. • Resources: provided by different local and regional institution and coordinated by the Local Development Area of the municipality.
6. Key features of future quality actions: • Early start in vocational learning and counselling. • Cooperation School-Community (municipalities, enterprises and different organisations). Local Networks. Active citizenship. • Cooperation Labour-Education administrations. • European dimension. • Networking for the exchange of ideas, information and training opportunities. • More attention to the insertion of groups of risk ㊎