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Here are theft prevention tips to ensure the safety and security of your assets while keeping your operations running smoothly:
HowtoPreventTheftinArizona Warehouses Warehousesareoneofthemost commonlocations for theftstooccur. This is especially true when criminals know that there is a high inventory level oraneasywaytogetinto thebuilding.Whiletherearemanyways to prevent theft in Arizona warehouses, choosing which methods are right for your business can be challenging. Here are theft prevention tips to ensure the safety and security of your assets while keeping your operationsrunning smoothly: InstallaVideoSurveillanceSystem When protectingyourbusinessfromtheft orintrusion,agoodruleof thumbisthatifyoucan’tseeit,youcan’t defendit.Thefirststepin
securing yourpropertyis to installavideosurveillancesystemto monitor your premise. Placing cameras in high-traffic areas such as the exterior of your warehouse, at entry and exit points, and in sensitive spaces can help you prevent and deter crime and hold people accountable. Anyphysicalbarrierbetweenyourwarehousingfacilityandtheoutside world shouldbeequippedwithsensorsthatalert youwhensomeone approaches. Although this helps keep out burglars and trespassers, it’s notenoughtopreventtheftfromwithin. SecurityGatesandGateAutomation A secure door is one of the most important parts of your warehouse securitysystem.By installingparkingaccesscontrol solutions, automatic slide gates, or commercial doors by Access Professional Systems, you can protect your assets while maintaining operationalefficiency.Asyourfacility’smainentryandexitpoint,you’ll wanttoensurethese areasaremonitoredwithvideosurveillanceand protectedwithgateautomationsolutions.Ifyouneedhelp deciding which commercial door is best for your property, contact us fora consultationtoday! AlarmSystems Alarm systemscanalsomonitorthe interiorofyourwarehouse, especiallyifyou’restoringvaluableoreasilystolenitems.The alarmcan be set up to monitor doors, windows, and other entry points. It’s also helpful tohaveanalarmsystem installedaroundtheperimeter ofyour
building so that when someone tries to break in, you’ll know it immediately. DoaBackgroundCheck While not every theft happens at the hands of a staff member, it’s importantto notethatyouremployeesaretheoneswho knowtheinner workings of your business. They may know where you keep all your valuables or haveaccesstotheequipmentneeded foranyheists. A background check is a great way to ensure that potential hires are reliable and trustworthy. You can do this in-house or by a third party; either way, ensure all records are updated regularly, so you’re aware of changesinanemployee’scircumstances. TrackInventory If you want to prevent theft in your warehouse, you must have an inventorytrackingsystem.Thismeanshavinganongoingrecordthat tracks each item’s location, date, and time. You also need to have informationabout whattypesofmaterialsarestoredineachplace. AccessControlSystems The type of access control you use depends on what works best for your business. Installing a key fob or RFID reader at your entry and exit points may be enough to secure your valuables. Alternatively, you could use biometricfingerprint scannersorfacialrecognitionsoftwareat key entrances and exits—these are often called “smart locks” because they integraterelatedtechnologiesinto traditionallockingmechanisms.
For the best access control solutions in Arizona, look no further than Access Professional Systems. Our team of expert technicians can install, maintain,andservice industry-leadingaccesscontrolsystemsto protect your people, property, and business. We also specialize in designing and integrating custom securitysystem solutions foruniquebusiness needs.Contactus todaytolearnmore! OptimizeYourWarehouse Security:TheAPSWay Your needs,thevalue/riskofyourassets,yourlocation,andthetypeof business you run should be considered when choosing the right security solution for your warehouse or facility. Almost all manufacturing and logistics businesses can benefit from security systems to protect their perimeters.It’simportanttorememberthetruecostoftheft ismore thanjustgoodsstolen.It’salsothetimeandproductivitywastedby tryingto resolveissues.Securitysystemsalso keepyouremployeessafe, giving thempeaceofmindandmakingfor amoreproductiveworkplace. WhyChoose AccessProfessional Systems? Access Professional Systems has been securing properties and communities for over45years.Ourcommitmenttoproviding our customerswithcustomizedsolutionswithqualityservicemeanswe’ll workwithyoutodevelopa securitysystemtailored toyourneeds regardless of your company’s size or budget. For the best security solutionscompanyinArizona,look nofurther thanAccessProfessionals. Get in touch to learn more about how our solutions can benefit your business!