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How to Prevent Backaches ?. Presented By: JASKP. Causes of Lower Back Pain and its effects in daily lifestyle.
How to Prevent Backaches? Presented By:JASKP
Causes of Lower Back Pain and its effects in daily lifestyle • About 160 new back pain patients are seen weekly at SGH’s Physiotherapy Department – about 70 per cent of them office workers who suffer as a result of prolonged sitting. (Singapore) • The second report focuses on a study by Singapore’s Republic Polytechnic on the effect of a heavy school bags on Singapore’s students. The study done by Dr Michael Koh and Mr Tarkeshwar Singh of the Republic Polytechnic. • 55 percent public school students suffer backache: studySaturday, 21 June, 2008 3:11:26 PM by IANS (India) • Washington, June 15 (ANI): Teenagers who spend too much time in front of the idiot box and computer screens are prone to severe back aches and recurrent headaches, reports a German study.
CAUSES • Lifestyle • obesity/weight gain • smokingstress • Environmental stress • Fitness • poor physical condition/posture • Inactivity • Weak muscles • Injuries • poor sleeping positions • Accidents • Poor habits eg. Sitting • Increase Awareness • Education / Knowledge • Early intervention
OPTIONS • Medication • Physical activities • Education • Improved Lifestyle
Physical Activities/Training • Pros • Sustained improvement to weak muscles • Improved general health • Cons • Time consuming • Monotony • Improper technique will lead to other injuries
Increase Awareness • Pros • Early education early intervention • Cons • Mind setting • Influx of information – confusion
Lifestyle • Pros • Healthy lifestyle • Improved health • Less medical spending • Cons • Reluctant to change habits • Impatient to wait for result • Environmental and Social stress
CONSEQUENCES • Use of Medication • - immediate and short term • Adverse effects • - body may not adapt well to medication • - allergy, side effects etc • - additional cost incurred • - stressful • - disrupt daily routine • Value = +--
EXERCISE & TREATMENTBack Pain | Neck Pain - Singapore Physiotherapists... is a specialist physiotherapy centre focusing on chronic and recurring back and neck pains... "My lowerback was always in pain if Isat or stood for too long. ...www.coreconcepts.com.sg - Cached Manual TherapyAt Core Concepts, we offer a wide a range of manual therapy techniques depending on your medical condition. Amongst some of the manual treatments offered include: Joint Mobilisation Nerve Mobilisation Spinal and Joint Manipulation Soft and hard tissue manual therapy Deep tissue massage We also offer: Ultrasound electrotherapy Sport taping services
EXERCISE & TREATMENT Core Stability Exercises Core Concepts focuses on rehabilitative core stability training. Rehabilitative because we work with clients who have weak core muscles or those who are unable to elicit a contraction, as typically is the case for persons with chronic and recurring pain. Clinical Massage Therapy Clinical Massage Therapy is for those who no longer required physiotherapy but would like to have massages done in a safer clinical environment. Clinical massage therapy technique includes clinical massage techniques like myofascial treatments, deep tissue massage, Cyriax cross-fiber friction, neuromuscular trigger point technique, and muscle energy technique.
EXERCISE & TREATMENT Exercise Can Help Relieve Lower Back Pain You will best benefit from working every muscle cluster two to 3 times per week. ... to-date joint health information, articles, and products at our site: joint pain. ... backpaincare.net/exercise-can-help-relieve-lower-back-pain.php
CONSEQUENCES Indulge in Physical Activities - It’s a discipline - has many choice - can be done individually, buddy and group - Can be done safely Adverse effects - Over enthusiasm can lead to other injuries - time consuming Value = +++
CONSEQUENCES Promote Education - Improve Knowledge and awareness - Many resourses (news paper, I-net, books, phamplets etc) - can start from young Adverse effects - Fail to emphasise the importance of safe practises such as lifting and carrying, sitting too long and awkwardly, - long process and situational (practice only when injured) - Preached and not practiced Value = ++
Statistics In Singapore alone, it is estimated that some 450,000 individuals suffer from chronic pain that lasts for more than 3 to 6 months. The number of residents age 65 years or older will multiply threefold from current 300,000 to 900,000 in 2030. By then, one in every five residents will be a senior. Many older individuals experience chronic pain associated with the general wear and tear on bones, joints and muscles. ”Report on Aging Population” Submitted to Prime Minister on 3 Feb 2006, www.clinicmasterasia.com Presented By:JASKP
Singapore education: TIMSS, Teach More, Learn More, less sleep and back and shoulder painJanuary 5th, 2009educononline.com/.../singapore-education-timss-teach-more-learn-more-less- sleep-and-back-and-shoulder-pain/ The second report focuses on a study by Singapore’s Republic Polytechnic on the effect of a heavy school bags on Singapore’s students. The study done by Dr Michael Koh and Mr Tarkeshwar Singh of the Republic Polytechnic. They found that Singapore’s students tend to take shorter, quicker steps to offset the typically heavy loads that they carry to school. According to the report the changes in gait will not reduce the problems these students will face with regards to their posture, or their joints and ligaments which can lead to back and shoulder pains. Another doctor, Dr Kevin Lim, an orthopaedic consultant at the KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Singapore, says that he treats up to five to ten children every week for such pains. The report says this is despite schools in Singapore now providing lockers for the students.
EDUCATION & INFORMATIONwww.knowabouthealth.com/low-back-pain-lumbago Ginger is commonly used in cooking and traditional medicine for thousands of years. It was an important plant in the traditional Indian system of Ayurvedic medicine and now one of the most widely used herbs worldwide. In India ginger is added in tea and in almost every vegetable curry as a part of daily consumption. Ginger is getting its way into bread, candies and cookies. The reason of increasing use of ginger and ginger products is due to its exceptional medicinal properties. As an alternative treatment ginger has been used to treat various health conditions like stomach aches, nausea, diarrhea, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and joint pain. Recently a new study conducted in University of Georgia reported that ginger consumption reduces muscle pain caused by exercise. GINGER www.knowabouthealth.com/low-back-pain-lumbago
EDUCATION & INFORMATION Who conducted the study?The study was funded by the McCormick Science Institute (MSI), an independent organization that supports research into the health effects of culinary herbs and spices. The study was carried out by Chris Black, an assistant professor of Kinesiology at Georgia College and State University in Milledgeville, UGA doctoral student Matt Herring and David Hurley, an associate professor of population health in UGA’s College of Veterinary Medicine. What did the research involve?This study consisted of two randomized controlled experiments looking at the effect of daily ginger supplements on muscle pain. The study involved 78 volunteers. In the first study, 36 participants were randomly assigned to receive raw ginger capsules or placebo capsules for 11 days. In the second study, 42 participants were randomly assigned to receive capsules containing heat-treated ginger or placebo capsules. The participants took part in strenuous arm exercises on the eighth day, and researchers assessed the pain experienced for the next three days, as well as various measures of inflammation. Different groups under study were compared.
CONSEQUENCES Improve or change LIFESTYLE - Promote healthy living - Many benefits (improved posture, confidence, lesser medical attention etc) - lesser worries - cultivate discipline Adverse effects - Need the correct support to cultivate correct habits. - Social and environment compulsion Value = +++
Lifestyle • Children Social stress (schooling) • Kanpur, June 21 (IANS) Heavy school bags are the main cause for growing backache complaints among school-going children. About 55 percent students studying in public schools suffer from backache, while 30 percent government school students fall prey to the problem, says a new study. • Poor diet, wrong posture while walking, standing, watching television, studying, bathing and lying on the bed also accentuate the problem, says the study by the Joint Care Club (JCC) on the students of ten schools up to class VIII here.
Too much time in front of TV screens, monitors linked to physical problemsTuesday, 15 June, 2010 5:04:39 PM by ANIwww.topnews.in/.../too-much-time-front-tv-screens-monitors-linked-physical -problems-27683 • Washington, June 15 (ANI): Teenagers who spend too much time in front of the idiot box and computer screens are prone to severe back aches and recurrent headaches, reports a German study. • He said, “A rising prevalence of physical complaints such as back pain, neck and shoulder pain, and headache has been reported for adolescent populations. Parallel to this, adolescents are spending an increasing amount of time on screen-based activities, such as TV, computer games, or other types of computer based entertainment”. • Torsheim and his colleagues also concluded that physical complaints are not related to the type of screen-based activity, but to the duration and ergonomic aspects of such activity. • “The consistent but relatively weak magnitude of associations is in line with the interpretation that screen time is a contributing factor, but not a primary causal factor, in headache and backache in the general population of Nordic school-aged teenagers,” Torsheim said • .
About Us Singapore General HospitalSingapore's oldest and largest tertiary acute hospital and national referral center.sgh.com.sg/about-us/newsroom/News-Articles-Reports/2009/Pages/... • About 160 new back pain patients are seen weekly at SGH’s Physiotherapy Department – about 70 per cent of them office workers who suffer as a result of prolonged sitting.
VALUES Physical activities +++ Improved Lifestyle +++ Education ++ Medication +--
lifestyle • Walking Posture Analysis • Chronic lower back pain is a difficult-to-manage problem. It may not simply be a problem localised to the spine but instead related to your walking posture or gait. • The spine at the low back region may appear normal under medical imaging such as MRIs but yet you experience pain. It could be from the continuous stress to your lower back from your walking posture. • Like sitting for too long or typing at the keyboard for too long in an incorrect position can cause Repetitve Stress Injuries (RSI) to your neck and wrist, incorrect muscle imbalances in the pelvic region, leg length descrepancies, improper foot pronation, knee mis-alignment can lead to chronic low back pain. • A range of studies puts the number of steps an average person takes each day from 3000 to over 5000 steps each day. That is over a million steps per year. It is not hard to imagine the amount of stress placed on your lower back. • With Walking Posture Analysis, it provides us with an insight into the stress factors that are affecting your lower back. From here, we have a better understanding on the areas to correct during your treatment period and the adjustments you need to make.