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Pearson Access for SAC’s

Pearson Access for SAC’s. Online test management system. Agenda. Pearson Access Online test management SAC Responsibilities Communication Scheduling Test Security Proctor Training Accommodations. SAC responsibilities Pearson Access. Communication.

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Pearson Access for SAC’s

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  1. Pearson Access for SAC’s Online test management system

  2. Agenda • Pearson Access • Online test management • SAC Responsibilities • Communication • Scheduling • Test Security • Proctor Training • Accommodations

  3. SAC responsibilitiesPearson Access

  4. Communication • Will need to be ongoing and include all who are working with the assessment at your building • Two district contacts: • Assessment administration, logistics, etc: Kim Terry • Technology: preparing computers, etc: Susan Collins

  5. Assessment TechnologyCDE

  6. PearsonAccess – Overview • PearsonAccess is a comprehensive test management system • To access PearsonAccess go to: www.pearsonaccess.com/co • One portal for resources, student information, PearsonAccess test sessions, online testing and score entry

  7. Colorado PearsonAccess Landing Page

  8. PearsonAccess – Home The Home tab in PearsonAccess displays links to the all the functions available to your user account.

  9. PearsonAccess Navigation

  10. PearsonAccess - Navigation Global navigation links appear on the top of every screen.

  11. PearsonAccess - Navigation Tabs and sub tabs allow you to navigate quickly to specific screens

  12. PearsonAccess - Navigation “Breadcrumbs” show the navigation path to the screen

  13. PearsonAccess - Navigation To change the test administration, click on the Change link. The administration change will apply to all screens.

  14. PearsonAccess - Navigation: Help Help offers context-specific support. Click to close the Help window.

  15. Within Pearson Access you will… • Create test sessions • Choose correct proctor caching server • Add students to sessions • Mark accessibility features per student if need text to speech, color contrast, text to speech with color contrast, or oral script • Start all test sessions/students • Resume tests-- requires constant communication from proctors • Mark student tests complete before Stopping test sessions • Print and maintain security of authorization tickets • Student Auth tickets-printing, handing out/collecting in (chain of custody), destroying at end • Print Seal Codes for proctors

  16. Key SAC Responsibilities BEFORE Testing • PearsonAccess • Set up user accounts for all necessary personnel • Identify and maintain a list of students requiring the text-to-speech form and accommodations (paper-based and computer-based administrations). • Verify that PearsonAccess accounts for students needing: • Paper forms of the assessment, including braille and large print • Oral scripts (paper and online) • Request from your DAC additional secure and non-secure materials as needed • Assign all students to a test session • Assign students requiring special forms for the computer-based assessment to the appropriate form • Register/add new students

  17. PearsonAccess User Roles Before testing

  18. PearsonAccess User Accounts • Access to PearsonAccess is role-based • SAC will Create New User Accounts and Assign Roles for CMAS Test Administrators and CoAlt Test Examiners-school decision on CMAS proctor accounts • SACs will manage the User Accounts they set up, this includes: • Manage Expired/Locked Accounts • Reset Passwords • Update Roles

  19. PearsonAccess User Accounts • View and Create User Accounts • SAC role can view and manage other user accounts. SACs permissions include: • Create user accounts • Reset other users’ passwords • Lock and unlock accounts • Delete accounts • Update account information

  20. PearsonAccess – Home The Home tab in PearsonAccess displays links to the all the functions available to your user account.

  21. PearsonAccess User Accounts • To view and access current user accounts • Log in to PearsonAccess • Administrative Management > View User Accounts

  22. Creating PearsonAccess User Accounts • Create a New Individual User Account • Go to Administrative Management > View User Accounts. • Click New User to go to the New User Account screen.

  23. Creating PearsonAccess User Accounts • Create a New Individual User Account • Enter the required fields. • Select a user role (or roles) for the new user. • Select an organization (or organizations) for the new user. • Click Save. After you click Save, a notification is sent automatically to that user’s email address. • The email contains a link to the login screen where the new user can choose a password and enter the site.

  24. PearsonAccess User Roles (SACs) • School Assessment Coordinators (SACs) permissions include: • Creating user IDs for CMAS Test Administrators and CoAlt Test Examiners • Creating PearsonAccesstest sessions and teacher assignments • Selecting proctor caching servers when setting up PearsonAccess test sessions (CMAS only) • Printing Student Authorization Tickets and Seal Codes (CMAS only) • Monitoring test administration sessions within PearsonAccess

  25. PearsonAccess User Roles (Student Enrollment) • Student Enrollment permissions include: • Managing student enrollment data • Ensuring that all students are uploaded to PearsonAccess and that demographic information is correct

  26. PearsonAccess User Roles(CMAS Test Administrators) • CMAS Test Administrators permissions include: • Ability to administer the ePATs • Proctor caching test content • Starting and stopping test sessions • Administering the CMAS and managing PearsonAccess test sessions • Checking student test status • Marking test complete

  27. PearsonAccess User Roles (CoAlt Test Examiners) • CoAlt Test Examiners permissions include: • Entering IEP information • Entering student scores in PearsonAccess

  28. Roles-based Access The interface dynamically changes to display only functions for which the user is authorized. CoAlt Score Entry Role CMAS Test Administrator Role

  29. Password Maintenance • Proper password management prevents unauthorized access to testing data. • Your password will expire every 90 days and will need to be reset; however, if you have the need to change your password before the 90 days, you can do so from the Your Account link. • If you forget your password or your password expires, you can click on the Reset your password link located on the login screen to reset your password. • NOTE: Passwords must be 8-32 characters in length and must not include the following special characters: ^&*(><"'`+= |

  30. PearsonAccess – Logging In • Enter your User ID and Password then click Sign In • If you have problems logging in, use the links below to Unlock User, Reset your password, if you need help signing in or if you have forgotten your User ID.

  31. Contacting Customer Service • CMAS: Science and Social Studies • 1-888-687-4759 • Reasons for SAC’s to contact Pearson: • PearsonAccess questions- logging in, passwords, creating user accounts, etc. • TestNav questions • Live testing is happening and there is a tech issue

  32. Creating PearsonAccess Test Sessions SAC and Student Enrollment

  33. Creating Test Sessions-Before testingwww.pearsonaccess.com

  34. Definitions • PearsonAccess Test Session: Virtual data grouping of students who are grouped together within PearsonAccess for test management purposes. Each PearsonAccess test session consists of one grade level and one content area (three sections). Students must be placed in a scheduled PearsonAccess test session before they can log in to a test. • Test Section: The parts of a CMAS: Science and Social Studies assessment. Each grade and content area of the CMAS: Science and Social Studies assessments include three sealed test sections. • Physical Testing Group: Students who test within a physical testing environment at the same time.

  35. Creating a PearsonAccess Test Session • A virtual grouping of students by grade level and content area. Students must be placed in a scheduled test session before they can log in to a test. • Select Test Management tab > Manage Test Sessions • Click New Session to create a new test session • Create sessions at least one week before testing window

  36. Creating a PearsonAccess Test Session • Enter the session information displayed on the Session Details screen • Select to View By Groups radio button to add students to the session

  37. Test Session Details • The Test Session Details screen displays each session’s status, assigned test, start time and assigned students • Session start time is a guideline for planning and is not enforced by the online testing system

  38. Moving Students into Test Sessions • To move or add students to a testing session within PearsonAccess, click Add Students

  39. Moving Students into Test Sessions • Select to View By Groups or Students radio button to add students to the session • Place a check next to those students to add or move the student into the session and click Add to Session

  40. PearsonAccess Student DataAdding Students Student Enrollment

  41. New Student Wizard • Adding a New Student • With the new student wizard users can: • add a new student to the database. • (Student Enrollment) • enroll the student in a test. (Student Enrollment or SAC) • register the student for a test. • (Student Enrollment or SAC)

  42. New Student Wizard • Adding a New Student • To add a new student, follow the step-by-step instructions. In four steps you can add the required student data to the system so that the student is ready to test. • If you exit the wizard before completing all four steps, the wizard will walk you through the remaining steps when you are ready. You can exit the wizard at any time, and the system will retain the last saved activity.

  43. New Student Wizard

  44. New Student Wizard • Adding a New Student (continued) • Go to Student Data > Student Data Information. • Select the Students option button. • Click New Student. • Enter the required information to create the student, and then click Save and Next. • Enter the required information to register the student for a test administration, and then click Save and Next. • The student is now registered for testing in the selected test administration. • To register the student in a group, select the group or create a new group, and then click Save and Next. • The student is added to the group. Select the test the student will take and then click Save and Exit. • The student is now successfully enrolled and registered to test.

  45. Questions?

  46. Accommodations and Accommodated Forms

  47. Making Accommodated Selections in PearsonAccess • Accommodated selections can be made on student-by-student basis by the SE role within PearsonAccess using the steps outlined below. • Go to Test Management > Register Students. • To view all students, select the Show All Students check box and then click Search. • To search for an individual student, enter search criteria and then click Search. You must enter or select at least one search field; the more specific the criteria, the more focused the search will be. • Select a student. • Click the name of the student. • Click on “Assigned Test” tab (there are three tabs: registered student record, assigned groups, and assigned tests) • Click on name of assigned test • Click Edit and indicate what is needed. • For online testing with oral script (student is in front of computer viewing the test and marking answers there while live human person reads them the test aloud using a paper oral script) • Choose for CMAS Accommodations before testing: Accommodated online form • Choose for Oral script: either the English, Spanish, script for translation • For paper/pencil tests with oral script (IEP/504 or ELL students only)(student in front of paper/pencil test viewing the test and marking answers there while live human person reads them the test aloud using a paper script) • Choose for CMAS Accommodations before testing: Paper form (regular) • Choose oral script: either the English, Spanish, script for translation • Click Save.

  48. TestNav Online Special Forms • Text to Speech Text is read aloud to the student by means of the embedded text-to-speech software • Color Contrast Allows the student to select alternate colors for text and background • Text to Speech with Color Contrast enabled

  49. Selecting Special Forms Override Before testing select Form Override Select Appropriate Accommodated Form Group Type from menu Select the default accommodated form and provide a short reason Text to Speech Color Contrast Text to Speech & Color Contrast Oral Script

  50. TestNav Assistive Technology Devices • Assistive Technology Devices listed in the link below have no known conflicts with TestNav 8.0 http://pearsononlinetesting.com/TestNav/AT/ • The site is updated as devices are tested and confirmed to be compatible with TestNav

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