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What Do I Need to Know About IEPs?. June, 2009. Take a minute…. What is the purpose of an IEP?. It is About Access. What Does Access Mean?. Access means a barrier-free opportunity to learn and use materials, resources, and events in natural settings.
What Do I Need to Know About IEPs? June, 2009 SERC
Take a minute… What is the purpose of an IEP? SERC
It is About Access SERC
What Does Access Mean? • Access means a barrier-free opportunity to learn and use materials, resources, and events in natural settings. • “Barrier-free” means without any unnatural or arbitrary obstacles Moll (2003) SERC
What Practices Lead to Effective IEPs? • Knowing the rationale behind IEPs • Decision-making • Documenting the decisions • Implementing the IEP • Measuring student progress SERC
The Rationale Legal Background Terminology Philosophy Decision-Making Values SERC
What is the Purpose of IDEA? “ To ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living” §601 (d) of IDEA ‘04 SERC
FAPE Free Appropriate Public Education means special education and related services that… • have been provided at public expense; • meet the standards of the State; • include an appropriate school education; and • conform with the IEP procedures §602 (9) of IDEA ‘04 SERC
What Is Essential to Know? • Special Education • Related Services • Supplementary Aids & Services • Least Restrictive Environment SERC
Special Education “Specially designed instruction, at no cost to parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability…” §602 (29) of IDEA ‘04 SERC
Specially Designed Instruction “Adapting, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible child…, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction: • To address the uniqueneeds of the child that result from the child's disability; and • To ensure access of the child to the general curriculum, so that the child can meet the educational standards within the jurisdiction of the public agency that apply to all children.” Regulations: Part 300 / A / 300.39 / b / 3 SERC
Related Services “Transportation, and such developmental, corrective, and other supportive services… as may be required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education...” • speech-language pathology and audiology services • interpreting services • psychological services • physical and occupational therapy • recreation, including therapeutic recreation • social work services • school nurse services (to receive FAPE) • counseling services, including rehabilitation counseling • orientation and mobility services • medical services (except medical services for diagnostic and evaluation purposes only) §602 (26) of IDEA ‘04 SERC
Supplementary Aids and Services “Aids, services, and other supports that are provided in regular education classes or other education-related settings to enable children with disabilities to be educated with nondisabled children to the maximum extent appropriate in accordance with [LRE].” §602 (33) of IDEA ‘04 SERC
LRE Provision “ To the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities… are educated with children who are not disabled, and special classes, separate schooling, or other removal of children with disabilities from the regular educational environment occurs only when the nature or severity of the disability of a child is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily.” §612 (a)(5)(A) of IDEA ‘04 SERC
Mainstreaming • Selective placement of students in special education in one or more general education classes • Assumes a student must “earn” the opportunity by “keeping up” • The student needed to adapt • The general education classroom did not change SERC
Inclusion • Expresses a belief system (philosophy) of educating each child, to the maximum extent appropriate, in the school and classroom(s) where he or she would otherwise attend • Involves bringing support services to the child rather than moving the child to the services SERC
A Necessary Paradigm Shift Special Class General Education Class Mainstreaming LRE Visitor Member Stetson and Associates, Inc. SERC
ALL kids are general education students A New Era: Revitalizing Special Education for Children and Their Families. (2002). SERC
A Reflection on LRE • How is the general education classroom considered as the first placement option (before removal)? • How are supplementary aids and services used to support students staying in the general education classroom? • Does the discussion about placement/location occur only after goals & objectives are set? SERC
Based on That Purpose… • An IEP should focus on: • Increasing time with non-disabled peers (TWNDP) • Increasing participation and progress in general education curriculum SERC
What Are Your Decision-Making Values? • More-is-Better • Assumes that quantity equals quality • Tends to decrease LRE • Return-on-Investment • Selects service most likely to “fix” • Has an underlying notion of “you’re not ok” Giangreco (2001) SERC
Only-as-Special-as-Necessary • Uses natural supports that exist in general education • Determining the appropriate type & amount of service Giangreco (2001) SERC
The Process Planning and Placement Teams SERC
Planning & Placement Team (PPT) CT Regulations “A group of certified or licensed professionals, who represent each of the teaching, administrative and pupil personnel staffs and who participate equally on thedecision makingprocessto determine the specific educational needs of the child and develop an IEP for the child.” Conn. Agencies Regs. § 10-76a-1(15) SERC
Planning vs. Telling • The purpose of the PPT is to MAKE DECISIONS and CREATE A PLAN • So when we come into the meeting with goals already written and placement already determined… • Who really made the decisions? • When were they made? • What were they based on? • Does this comply with the intent of the law? SERC
IEP Team – Federal Statute A group of individuals composed of— • The parents; • At least 1 regular education teacher; • At least 1 special education teacher, • A representative who is • Qualified to provide or supervise specially designed instruction; • Is knowledgeable about general education curriculum; & • Is knowledgeable about availability of resources; • An individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results (may be a member of the team); • Other individuals who have special expertise; & • Whenever appropriate, the child. §614 (d) of IDEA ‘04 SERC
Why an Administrator? Someone to ensure… • Supervision of the special education • Expertise in general education curriculum • Appropriate services and resources are provided without delay • Coordination of staffing, scheduling, and resources SERC
A Reflection on Membership • Do parents and students have an active roll in the PPT decisions? • Who has the expertise in the general education curriculum, including specific subject areas? • Who has specific knowledge about the student’s performance level? • Who has the ability to coordinate resources and supervise the implementation of special education services? SERC
Reflective Question • What is the difference between these two terms? • Paperwork • Documentation SERC
Reflective Question • What is the difference between these two terms? • Paperwork • work such as writing letters or reports, which must be done but is not very interesting • Documentation • official documents, reports etc., that are used to prove that something is true or correct Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English http://www.ldoceonline.com/ SERC
Reflective Question • Does the “paperwork” drive the process or does the process get documented? SERC
Documenting the Process The Individualized Education Program SERC
What Comes First? Write a number next to each item that represents the typical order of decisions in a PPT. SERC
3 1 2 Compare & Contrast • Compare this order to the IEP documentation. Z SERC
Key Word: ALIGNMENT Need for Specially Designed Instruction Goals & Objectives/ Program Accommodations & Modifications Types of Support & Placement SERC
Documentation of the Process • PPT Meeting • Cover Page p.1 • Demographic information • Record of Attendance • PPT Recommendations p.2 • (Summary optional) • Prior Written Notice p.3 SERC
Present levels of academic & functional performance Measurable annual goals How & when progress will be measured & reported Special education & related services/supplementary aids & services/program modifications or supports for school personnel Explanation of extent, if any, the child will NOT participate with non-disabled children in regular class Any accommodations necessary on state & district wide assessments Beginning date & frequency, location, & duration of services & modifications Post secondary goals & transition services (following 15th birthday) Individualized Education Program (IEP) • “A written statement for each child with a disability that is developed, reviewed, & revised in accordance with this section & that includes -” §614 (d) of IDEA ‘04 SERC
Documentation of the Process • IEP • Present levels of Performance pp.4&5 • Transition Planning p.6 • Goals & Objectives p.7 • Program Accommodations & Modifications p.8 • State & District Testing Accommodations p.9 • Special Factors, Progress Reporting, Exit Criteria p.10 • Summary of Special Education, Related Services, and Regular Education p.11 SERC
Recording Data • **Required Data Collection p.12 SERC
Present Level of Performance Page 4 & 5 • How does the student’s present level of performance compare to general education content & performance standards? • What general education standards does the student know and can do? SERC
The Achievement Gaps Demands/ Expected Performance Skills Gap Present Level Years in School KU-CRL SERC
Specialized Instruction Page 4 & 5 • How does the student’s disability specifically affect involvement and progress in to the general curriculum? • If {concern}, then {impact} occurs in the area of… SERC
Transition Planning Page 6 • How was the student’s needs for transition assessed? • How are the student’s preferences and interests determined? • How does the student’s transition planning link to goals and objectives? SERC
Measurable Goals & Objectives Page 7 • What specific strategies, skills, and concepts does the student need to learn? • Observable (Can we see, hear, touch it?) • Measurable (Can we count it?) • Specific (Can we agree when we see it?) SERC
Paying attention Aggressive behavior Out of seat Off task Throwing objects Homework completion Comprehension Spelling errors Phonemic awareness Math facts known Writing narrative Correct words per minute Which Ones Are Observable, Measurable, & Specific? How would you change vague and non-measurable terms to be observable, measurable, and specific? SERC
The “Stranger Test” Can any teacher implement these goals/objectives? • The student will use appropriate vocabulary in writing assignments • Using a highlighter and a set directions for a task, the student will highlight the verbs to indicated what needs to be done • The student will improve social skills in group settings 80% of the time SERC
The “Dead Person” Test Can a dead person meet these goals/objectives? • During circle time, the student will remain quiet for ten minutes • The student will keep hands and feet to self • For class discussions the student will use a ticket each time she wants to contribute SERC
Strategies Problem-solving and decision-making Study skills Coping Compensation Self-awareness Self-management Skills Able to do Specific applications Concepts Need to know Abstract ideas What Needs to Be Learned? SERC
Writing a Desired Goal • Clearly define the outcome • Observable (can be seen) • Measurable (can be counted) • Specific (clear terms, no room for a judgment call) SERC