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Enhancing Selection Criteria for McGovern-Dole Program Priority Countries

Explore revised methodology using new indices for selecting priority countries for the McGovern-Dole Program. Incorporating GNI, stunting, youth literacy, school attendance, and income disparity to improve country determination factors. Discuss limitations and possible additional factors.

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Enhancing Selection Criteria for McGovern-Dole Program Priority Countries

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  1. McGovern-Dole Program Priority Country Determination Factors Roundtable

  2. Methodology Used in FY2009-10 A country needed to meet the following criteria in order to be considered a priority country: per capita income below $3,595 (World Bank statistics) and a population greater that 1 million a net food importer with a greater than 20 percent prevalence of undernourishment as a proportion to the total population (FAO); an adult literacy rate below 75 percent government commitment to education FAS Post coverage and FAS’ ability to monitor the implementation of the programs no security or market issues

  3. Improvements Needed • Government Commitment to Education • Health of Children • Female primary to secondary school attendance drop-off • Attendance Rates • Need to capture wealth disparity within a country (“pockets of poverty”) • Others?

  4. Revised Methodology Ideas Incorporate new indices including some of the ideas presented in the following slides Existing programs will continue to take priority and The following three indicators will remain: Government commitment to education USDA Post coverage and ability to monitor agreements No concerns with security or market issues

  5. Possible New Factors Gross National Income Per Capita (GNI) • Countries must have a GNI at $3705 or less • Limitation: index doesn’t not take into account inequalities in income (could hide pockets of poverty), the mix of goods produced, the creation of externalities (e.g. pollution—who pays for it?), and output of the social economy

  6. Possible New Factors Cont Stunting • Countries must have greater than 20% of children that are stunted • Limitation: index only measures malnutrition for children under five years old and may not be an effective measure of long term food insecurity

  7. New Factors Cont Youth Literacy Rate • Countries must have a youth literacy rate less than 80% for both males and females • Limitation: indicator doesn’t measure literacy for children younger than 15, rather for youth between 15 to 24 years old

  8. New Factors Cont School Attendance (Primary and Secondary) • Countries must have a primary attendance rate less that 80% for both males and females and a secondary attendance rate less than 70% for both males and females • Limitation: difficult to determine the strength of this indicator as a measure of student learning

  9. New Factors Cont Income disparity • Used as a counterbalance to the GDP in countries that meet the other criteria • Limitation: indicator only measures money, it doesn’t factor in economic size, and it is self-reported (the Gini will miss a large part of the inequality in a country where indigenous populations are excluded from census)

  10. Other Possible Factors Transition Rate from Primary to Secondary School Survival Rate to Grade 5 Corruption and Transparency Indexes Number of Teachers Others?

  11. Possible Countries

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