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Get water out of Ear using acQuaMD

acQuaMD is a clinically proven product and is often used to dislodge water trapped in the outer ear canal. It uses low or high-setting vibrations to gently shake moisture out of the ear. Know more about acQuaMD and how it is used to get water out of your ear.

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Get water out of Ear using acQuaMD

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How to get water out of Ear using  acQuaMD

  2. acQuaMD is the world’s first device that uses an innovative vibration method to disperse water trapped in the outer ear canal.

  3. How It Works

  4. 1) Unpack your new acQuaMD

  5. 2) Open the battery hatch 3) Place batteries in

  6. 4) Attach the right size Nib

  7. 5) Power on and adjust speed 6) Insert gently into ear canal

  8. Doctors highly recommend acQuaMD for all households. It has been clinically tested and proven to safely and effectively remove water from the ear canal. For more details: acquamd.com

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