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SPECIAL INITIATIVES & BEST PRACTICES. WEST BENGAL A K Agarwal Principal Secretary. BRINING GREEN REVOLUTION TO EASTERN REGION- THRUST AREAS. Bringing 172 below average productivity blocks to state average Productivity level
BRINING GREEN REVOLUTION TO EASTERN REGION- THRUST AREAS • Bringing 172 below average productivity blocks to state average Productivity level • Enhancing productivity @ 2.5% per annum of 153 blocks having more than or equal to state average productivity
Sl. No. Sub-schemes SLSC approved allocation Release of fund by GOI Release of fund by Nodal Deptt. Achievement Physical (Nos.) Financial Physical Achievement (Nos.) Committed Expenditure 1 Production and Distribution of seeds 5119.00 (50% of the total approved SLSC schemes) 830.00 i) Seed Village 3500 700.00 3500 700.00 ii) Hybrid paddy & maize seed 600 MT 130.00 600 MT 130.00 iii) Varietal replacement 8,32,400 1670.00 8,32,400 1670.00* Sub Total 2500.00 830.00 2500.00 2 Creation of Minor Irrigation 1300.00 i) Construction of STW Clusters 130 1006.00 Nil - ii) Construction of Masonry Field Channels 1,49,400 RMT 1494.00 34270 RMT 342.70 Sub Total 2500.00 1300.00 342.70 3 Construction of Land & Water Resources 1319.00 i) Development of cultivable wasteland 640 ha. 115.20 333 ha. 60.00 ii) Development of waste land through plantation 400 ha. 80.00 400 ha. 80.00 iii) Development of sand laden/revering areas 3000 ha. 270.00 3000 ha. 270.00 iv) Water resources Development 590 874.00 290 430.00 v) Re-excavation of existing water bodies, farm ponds 430 388.00 116 105.00 vi) Construction of Dug-well/Ring wells/Indara 420 231.00 91 50.00 vii) Clearance of Drainage congestion 20,000 RMT 144.00 4762 RMT 30.00 viii) Strengthening of Drainage Lines 4000 RMT 64.00 938 RMT 15.00 ix) Providing water lifting devices to SHG/WC 336 70.56 - - x) Misc. Contingence - 21.90 - - Sub Total 2258.66 1319.00 1040.00 4 Addressing Problematic Soils 916.97 Fund would be released on receipt of 2nd installment 5 Farm Mechanization 2000.00 - Do - 6 Operational Expenses 61.37 - Do - Grand Total 10237.00 5119.00 3449.00 3882.70 PHYSICAL PROGRAMME : 2010-11 (Rs. In Lakh) * Distribution of seed kit has been completed. The amount is being released to West Bengal State Seed Corporation (WBSSC) on reimbursement basis. ** 75.85% of the work component of Sl. 1 to 3 has been completed. 6
BRINING GREEN REVOLUTION TO EASTERN REGION: ACTION PLAN 2011-12 • Govt. Order for selection of blocks /villages / beneficiaries/progressive farmers has been issued. • Blocks / villages have been provisionally selected. It is to be formalised as per GO. All willing beneficiaries in the selected 1000 ha/villages have to be covered. • Seed requirement has been finalised. • Orders for procuring seeds from NSC/WBSSC are being placed pending SLSC meeting. • Action Plan for Asset creation, Site specific activities and other interventions is under preparation. • Total travel cost of Rs. 64 Lakh- breakup between GOI/State/KVK needed.
MILLETS: ACTION PLAN 2011-12 • Bulk of area is in hill sub-divisions of Darjeeling district, where normal functioning has been affected. Alternate implementation arrangements are being explored. • 5 block demonstrations in 5 Blocks (417, 386, 310, 188, 110 ha.) • Awareness- Darjeeling PAO • Training- RKM • Research- Directorate/SAU • Seed- Millet Directorate is yet to confirm.
BACKGROUND • About 7.2 lakh hectare paddy could not be sown in kharif 2010. • About 4 lakh hectare paddy could not be sown in Rabi-Summer 2010-11. • Demand from districts for portable pump sets. • Objective – at least life saving irrigation.
FEATURES - 1 • Source of water – Local water bodies. (Over 10 lakh ponds etc. have been constructed under NREGS.) • Portable, 3.1 HP, petrol/diesel/electric. • Uniform subsidy of Rs.12000 per pump sets. (Subsidy is 60-75 per cent, depending upon the model chosen from amongst the models approved under the rate contract.) • Beneficiaries – SHGs/Cooperatives/other groups. (There are over 6 lakh credit linked SHGs in west Bengal.)
FEATURES - 2 • SHGs etc. are encouraged to lease out pump sets to other farmers. • Lease rent is low and it is decided by three-member block level committee. • Pump sets would remain property of the Govt. for three years. Beneficiaries will be fully responsible for maintenance during this period. • After three years, if the three-member block level committee does not decide to withdraw the pump sets from the beneficiary concerned, ownership of the pump sets would automatically stands transferred to the beneficiary. • MOU is signed between the beneficiary and the ADO.
TARGET • 1 lakh pump sets in two years. • 2010-11: 58000- funds released/allocated. • 2011-12: 42000- to be sanctioned.
IMPACT • Life saving irrigation for 5 - 10 lakh hectares.
ISSUES Number of schemes to be reduced. Certainty in allocation under RKVY. 15
ISSUES Rapid increase in allocations: Demand exists. Absorptive capacity has to keep pace. Certainty in allocation needed. 17