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2009 Venango Conservation District Rain Barrel Workshop

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2009 Venango Conservation District Rain Barrel Workshop

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    1. 2009 Venango Conservation District Rain Barrel Workshop Financial and other support for this project is provided by the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts through a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act, administered by the US Environmental Protection Agency.  

    2. Non-Point Source Pollution What is it? Non-Point Source Pollution is pollution that can not be traced to a single source.

    3. When rain water lands on impervious surfaces, it cannot soak into the ground. It picks up contaminates and carries them off to your water ways.

    4. Impervious Surface a surface incapable of being penetrated

    5. Impervious Surface Examples Roof tops Concrete sidewalks and driveways Asphalt surfaces Stone Brick Tightly compacted soil

    6. Contaminates Examples Sediment Heavy metals Pesticides Fertilizers Automotive fluids Household chemicals Organic waste

    7. The EPA says that Non-Point Source Pollutants make up more than half of the US water quality impairment.

    8. Stormwater Facts Rushing stormwater also contributes to stream bank erosion increasing Non-Point Source Pollution loading. Most stormwater drains do not lead to treatment facilities but directly to local water ways.

    9. How Can Non-Point Source Pollution Be Prevented? Reduce the amount of stormwater run off rushing over impervious surfaces.

    10. Rain Barrel A container that collects rain water for later landscape use.

    11. A Rain Barrel Can Reduce Non-Point Source Pollution. A rain barrel collects and holds rain water from your roof. A rain barrel puts rain water to good use and reduces contaminate loading. A rain barrel promotes infiltration of rainwater into the ground.

    12. Rain Barrel Water Can Be Used For: Lawn and garden watering This untreated water can be better for your plants. It contains no water treatment chemicals. Car washing Window cleaning RAIN BARREL WATER IS NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION.

    13. How To Put Your Rain Barrel To Good Use Choose a Location Find a downspout that drains to an impervious surface Install the Barrel on a Sturdy Raised Surface Cement blocks work well Connect the Downspout Trim the downspout to a few inches above the barrel An elbow may be needed to aim the spout Plant a Rain Garden A rain garden will capture water and hold it for infiltration Plans can be obtained from the Venango Conservation District

    14. Consider Safety Mosquitoes Keep the mosquito netting in good repair Watch for pooling at barrel top Small children & pets Keep barrel on steady level surface A bungee can keep it from tipping Don’t allow children or pets to climb the barrel House foundation Prohibit drainage onto your foundation

    15. Components The barrel Intake basket Overflow Outlet Outgoing spigot

    16. Maintenance Inspect your barrel regularly. Drain your barrel after rain events. Empty your barrel and disconnect it for winter storage.

    17. Other Ways You Can Prevent Non-Point Source Pollution From Your Backyard Cover bare soil Plant ground cover Plant native vegetation and mulch Install permeable surfaces Wood chip or gravel walkways and driveways Brick or stone surrounded by sand

    18. Other Ways You Can Prevent Non-Point Source Pollution From Your Backyard Employ terrace landscaping Cut terraces in steeply sloped areas Slows stormwater run off Vegetate to further filter run off Plant a rain garden Plant in the path of stormwater run off Holds water for filtration into the ground

    19. Other Ways You Can Prevent Non-Point Source Pollution In Your Backyard Plant a vegetable garden cover crop Exposed soil laying on your harvested garden can be easily washed away. Plant annual grass, clover or gains after harvest.

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