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Annual Quality Report 2008

Annual Quality Report 2008 About Triumph Healthcare

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Annual Quality Report 2008

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  1. Annual Quality Report 2008

  2. About Triumph Healthcare • Triumph Healthcare is a nationwide provider of long term acute care. Each hospital provides specialized care to medically complex patients who require prolonged hospital stays. The care is provided utilizing an interdisciplinary team of physicians, nurses, therapists and the patient and family. The interdisciplinary team establish mutually agreed upon goals and treatment plans in order for the patient to obtain his/her maximal potential.

  3. Accreditation and Licensure • All Triumph Hospitals are licensed by the state and accredited by The Joint Commission • All Hospitals surveyed during 2008 received full accreditation, with no more than 7 requirements for improvement.

  4. Quality Improvement Program • The leaders of Triumph Healthcare are committed to the principles of continuous performance improvement. The goal of this program is to exceed our customers expectations.

  5. What our patients say…… Information obtained from patient satisfaction surveys, 2007 versus 2008

  6. 2008 Clinical Initiatives • During 2008, Triumph Healthcare fully embraced and implemented the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s clinical initiatives. • These included prevention of: • Ventilator Associated Pneumonia • Bloodstream Infections • Hospital Acquired Pressure Wounds • Patient Falls

  7. Improved Quality Of Care • Through the use of “bundles” and other initiatives, Triumph Healthcare was able to prevent a number of adverse events and improve the overall quality of care that was provided to our patients.

  8. BUNDLES • Bundle: is a set of 3-5 evidence-based practices that are proven to be necessary for the best care and will result in improved patient care. • Triumph Healthcare incorporated bundles into its daily practices. It includes, but not limited to, the following: 1. VAP Bundle 2. Central Line Bundle

  9. The VAP Bundle implemented at Triumph Healthcare has a set of 5 evidence-based practices: • Elevation of the head to 30-45 degrees • Peptic Ulcer disease (PUD) prophylaxis • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis • Oral hygiene/ care every 2 hours • Daily “sedation vacations” and assessment of readiness to extubate

  10. Clinical OutcomesVentilator Associated Pneumonia(VAP) 2007 Rate - 2.10 2008 Rate - .85 The mean national VAP rate for medical-surgical ICUs is 2.7 according to the IHI

  11. The Central Line Bundle has a set of5 evidence-based practices • Hand hygiene • Maximum barrier precautions • Chlorhexidine skin antisepsis • Optimal catheter site selection (avoid the femoral site) • Daily review of line necessity, with prompt removal of unnecessary lines.

  12. Clinical OutcomesBloodstream Infections 2007 Rate - 2.47 2008 Rate – 1.74 According to the 5 Million Lives Campaign approximately 5.3 central line infections (often termed catheter-related bloodstream infections) occur per 1,000 catheter days in ICUs.

  13. Pressure Wounds • Triumph standardized their wound care program in 2007 and instituted a new electronic documentation system in 2008. • IHI’s recommendation of completing a Braden daily (risk assessment) daily was instituted in the Spring of 2008. • Triumph continues to share best practices throughout the system in an effort to improve overall care. • Triumph’s outcomes related to wound care are consistently better than national outcomes.

  14. Hospital Acquired Pressure Wounds 2007 Rate -1.61 2008 Rate – 1.66 The national rate for incidence of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers in 2004 was 7.7 (AHCPR).

  15. Falls • According to Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2.3 to 7 falls occur in U.S. hospitals every 1,000 patient days. • Because of this, fall prevention has been a major focus for Triumph Healthcare. • Triumph has embraced the national Patient Safety Goal related to fall prevention as published by the Joint Commission. • Triumph has maintained a low rate of 3.5. for 2 years.

  16. Patient Falls 2007 Rate - 3.52008 Rate –3.5 National benchmark 2.3 - 7.0 per 1000 patient days

  17. Belief Triumph’s commitment to continually improving the care and services we provide has ensured that we have been able to fulfill our guiding principle of EVERY LIFE improved

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