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CUYAHOGA COUNTY TRANSITION WORK GROUP ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Cuyahoga County Charter ARTICLE VIII--HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SECTION 8.01 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. There shall be a Department of Health and Human Services, which shall administer all programs and activities for which the County has or has assumed responsibility for the protection and enhancement of the health, education and well-being of County residents and that are not assigned by general law to other boards, agencies or officials, and shall coordinate its activities and cooperate with such other boards, agencies and officers in order to avoid duplication of services and activities. The Council shall provide by ordinance for such deputies and assistants to the Director of Health and Human Services as shall be conducive to the efficient performance of the duties of the Department of Health and Human Services.
CUYAHOGA COUNTY TRANSITION WORK GROUP ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES STATE LAW IMPLICATIONS Mandates: Child welfare, child support, adult protective services, public assistance Funding: State and Federal sources, $240 million in local funding (2 Health & Human Services levies) Structure: Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 329.021 County Department of Job and Family Services Triple-combined agency (CDJFS/PCSA/CSEA)
Dept. Staff Service Numbers Budget DCFS 857 1,687 children in custody 19,652 child abuse Hotline intakes (2009) $153 million EFS 724 140,000 cases (275,00 residents receive health care coverage) $204 m ($133m client benefits) CUYAHOGA COUNTY TRANSITION WORK GROUP ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CURRENT SERVICE DATA As of 5/2010
Dept. Staff Service Numbers Budget CSEA 391 476,000 people served $240 million in support collections (2009) $32 m DSAS 263 2009 – 3,000 adult abuse/neglect allegations 2010 – 10,000 Medicaid nursing home cases 10,399 Medicaid waiver cases $26 m CUYAHOGA COUNTY TRANSITION WORK GROUP ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CURRENT SERVICE DATA As of 5/2010
CUYAHOGA COUNTY TRANSITION WORK GROUP ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CHARTER: ARTICLE VIII - CHARGE • Review existing Health and Human Services operations by department/division and function; and by relationship with other boards, agencies and officials • Recommend an organizational and operational structure that will • ~ best enable the Department of Health and Human Services to protect and enhance the health, education and well-being of county residents as mandated by general law and as deemed necessary and desirable for county residents; and, • ~ coordinate relationships with related boards, agencies and officials to avoid duplication of services and activities and realize efficiencies • Offer such other recommendations related to best practices in health and human services as deemed necessary and/or desirable so as to achieve transformational realignment and efficiencies • Departments/Divisions Affected: Executive Office of Health and Human Services; • Children and Family Services; Senior and Adult Services; Employment and Family • Services; Cuyahoga Support Enforcement Agency
CUYAHOGA COUNTY TRANSITION WORK GROUP ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES EIGHT OTHER WORK GROUPS TRANSITION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE OF CHAIRS PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT WORKGROUP COMCOMMITTEE OF CHAIRS MITTEE OF CHAIRS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COLLABORATION WORKGROUP HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES WORK GROUP Co-Chairs: John Begala and Rick Werner Cuyahoga County and CCS Staff Support Funders Focus Group Providers Focus Group Community Focus Group Draft Reports > Overview for Executive Cty. Contract Data > Overview for Council Initial Meetings Agency Overviews Demographic Public Comment > Demographic Profiles and GIS Data Focus Group Comments > Strategic Opportunities > Long Range Issues TIME LINE APRIL MAY JUNE AUGUST SEPTEMBER MARCH JULY
CUYAHOGA COUNTY TRANSITION WORK GROUP ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES The Center for Community Solutions John Begala, Executive Director, HHS Transition Co-Chair Staff Support: Emily Campbell Sheila James Ken Slenkovich Cuyahoga County Rick Werner, Deputy County Administrator/Director of Job & Family Services, HHS Transition Co-Chair Staff Support: Janet Carr Mary Louise Madigan Glenda May Legal Counsel Jeanne M. Rickert, Esq. - Jones Day
CUYAHOGA COUNTY TRANSITION WORK GROUP ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMUNITY FOCUS GROUP MEMBERS John Begala, Co-Chair Rick Werner, Co-Chair Melissa Bilancini Claire Boettler Bernardine Brooks Richard Browdie Latasha Brown Katherine Buleuea Deana Calcagni Emily Campbell Eugenia Cash Richard Cirillo Terrell Cole John Corlett Marcos Cortes Colleen Cotter Maridell Couture Debbie Cowan David Crampton Daniel Cratcha Marc Crosby Debra Lewis Curlee Don Davies Marvin Davies Megan Davis Carol Dayton Joe DeCapite Maureen Dee Mary Denihan William Denihan Kareem Dent Lokeita Dimes Jillian Driscoll Rebekah Dorman Kenneth Adams Terry Allan Dennis Anderson Richard T. Andrews Georgia Anetzberger Melanie Assid Paula Atwood Susan Axelrod Marilyn Bagley Jeff Bailey Zerrine Bailey Valerie Baker Celeste Bayorek Mary Bazie Deb Beckwith Susan Biasko
CUYAHOGA COUNTY TRANSITION WORK GROUP ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMUNITY FOCUS GROUP MEMBERS Continued – Page 2 Lang Dunbar, Jr. Leslie Dunn George Espy Bill Eyman Melanie Falls Paula Farrell Billie Osborne Fears Jacqueline Fletcher Erika Forde Deborah Forkas Steve Friedman Joe Gauntner Dave Gillespie Ruth Gillett Doug Gray Michelle Gray Charity Hall Ann Marie Hanna Solomon Harge Susan Harnden Keith Headen Ginny Hearn Annaliesa Henley Joe Hewitt Anne Hill Vincent Holland Cecelia Huffman-White Liz Hunter Monica Willis Jackson Susan Jankite Julie Jarvis Katherine Johnson Mark Johnson Mike Jones Jacquie Kasprisin Marita Kavalec Ben Kearney Maggie Keenan Mary Kelley Dawn Kolograf Brad Lamb Evan Langholt Catherine Lester Isaiah Lewis Edward Little Gail Long Mary Louise Madigan
CUYAHOGA COUNTY TRANSITION WORK GROUP ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMUNITY FOCUS GROUP MEMBERS Continued – Page 3 Stacey Maleckar Robin Martin Mike Matoney Glenda Cox May Jacqueline McCray Tim McDevitt Karen McDuffie Mary McElrath William McGivern Sally McHugh Tom Mendelsohn David Merrimen Jason Miller Laurie Miller Rev. Dr. Brian Moore Marvetta Morman Debbie Moss Tom Mullen Chris Murray Natalie Leek Nelson Susan Neth David Nodge Angela Norrell Phillip Nunes David Oakley Tom O’Malley Mary O’Shea Scott Osiecki Larn Parks Jaida Patterson Judy Peters Charmaine Pope Bert Rahl Carlos Ramos Denise Rembert Jill Rizika Nicky Roberts Lula Holt Robertson Ron Robinson Kim Rodas Rev. Max Rodas Debbie Rodriguez Judith Ross Jordan Rothkopf Angela Rush Terrence Ryan
CUYAHOGA COUNTY TRANSITION WORK GROUP ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMUNITY FOCUS GROUP MEMBERS Continued – Page 4 Muqit Sabur Renay Sanders Jim Schall Sabra Scott Charles See Michael Sering Anthony Sharaba Robert Shields Dave Shopp Judith Simpson Ken Slencovich Don Slocum George Smith Robert Staib Dolores Stewart Lorri Stewart Marlene Stoiber-Burroughs Kathleen Stoll Steve Streepy Carolyn Sugiuchi Craig Tame Doug Tayek Ericka Thoms Christian Tobin Mario Tonti Reginald Turner Greg Uhland Luis Vazquez David Visocky Diane Walcott James Walker Mary Warren Alisha Washington Cindy Weiskittel Steve Wertheim Sr. Donna Wilhelm Danny Williams Eboney Williams Thomas Williams Diane Wilson Shane Winnyk Debbie Winston Angela Woodson Dona Wright Denise Zeman
CUYAHOGA COUNTY TRANSITION WORK GROUP ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES WORK GROUP MEMBERS Terry Allan Susan Axelrod John Begala, Co-Chair Richard Browdie Emily Campbell John Corlett Colleen Cotter Debra Lewis Curlee William Denihan Rebekah Dorman Leslie Dunn Marcia Egbert George Espy Deborah Forkas Joseph Gauntner Ron Hill Catherine Lester Gail Long Mary Louise Madigan Jacqueline McLemore Sharon Milligan Thomas Mullen Judith Peters William Ryan Judith Simpson Mario Tonti Natoya Walker-Minor Rick Werner, Co-Chair Danny Williams Denise Zeman
CUYAHOGA COUNTY TRANSITION WORK GROUP ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES FUNDERS FOCUS GROUP MEMBERS Susan Axelrod Mitchell Balk William Denihan, Co-Chair Marcia Egbert Deborah Forkas Joseph Gauntner Ruth Gillett Kathleen Hallissey Marita Kavalec Susanna Krey Mary Louise Madigan Janet Narten Terry Ryan Judith Simpson Deborah Vesy Gordon Wean Denise Zeman, Co-Chair City of Cleveland Representative Suburban Cities Representative Veteran Services
CUYAHOGA COUNTY TRANSITION WORK GROUP ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES PROVIDERS FOCUS GROUP MEMBERS DRAFT MEMBERSHIP Joyce Able-Schroth Michael Byun Deb Cowen Maureen Dee Jillian Driscoll Joan Englund Stephanie Fallcreek Billie Osborne Fears Deborah Forkas, Co-Chair Rich Frank Elaine Gohlstin Aldonis Grimes Mary Hall Ron Hill Dawn Kolograf Natalie Leek-Nelson Dave Lundeen Mary Louise Madigan Robin Martin Robert Math Dr. B.A. Moore Pat Nobili Betsie Norris Judie Peters Jill Rizika Max Rodas Debbie Rodriquez Maurice Stevens Mario Tonti, Co-Chair Luis Vazquez
CUYAHOGA COUNTY TRANSITION WORK GROUP ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES JULY – SEPTEMBER TIMELINE July: Funders and Providers Focus Groups Report Out Community Focus Group Work Group Meeting August: Draft Recommendations Presented to Work Group and Community Focus Group September: HHS Recommendations to Transition Executive Committee
CUYAHOGA COUNTY TRANSITION WORK GROUP ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Visit the County Charter website at: www.charter@cuyahogacounty.us or visit the Cuyahoga County Charter Transition Facebook Page