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E-health in Belgium. 1. The legal contextSocial security lawHospital lawSeveral laws concerning the health sectorRegional responsibilitiesLiberalisation of the telecom sectorPrivacy legislationTelematics law (in preparation). E-health in Belgium. 1. The legal context: Social security lawLaw of June 29th 1981 (BS July 2nd 1981)
1. E-health in Belgium Contents:
The legal context
The social security system
Cross-roads base for social security
Federal government structures and projects
Regional government structures and projects
Industrial players
Learned societies and associations
3. E-health in Belgium 1. The legal context: Social security law
Law of June 29th 1981 (BS July 2nd 1981)
“general social security principles for employees” (werknemers)
4. E-health in Belgium 1. The legal context: Hospital law
Law of August 7th 1987 on hospitals (B.S. 07.10.1987)
5. E-health in Belgium 1. The legal context: Several laws concerning the health sector
Law of April 29th 1996 replaced by law of December 10th 1997, modified by law September 7th 1998
KB (Royal Decree) May 3rd 1999 (B.S. 17-07-1999) on the “global medical record” (Algemeen medisch dossier)
6. E-health in Belgium 1. The legal context: Regional responsibilities
Decree of June 27th 1990 “Flemish Fund for Social Integration of Handicapped Persons
7. E-health in Belgium 1. The legal context: Liberalisation of the telecom sector
Law of March 21st 1991
Encryption free in Belgium
8. E-health in Belgium 1. The legal context: Privacy legislation
De Wet van 8 december 1992 tot bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer ten opzichte van de verwerking van persoonsgegevens - verder de W.V.P. genoemd - regelt de bescherming tegen het ongeoorloofd opnemen, gebruiken en verspreiden van persoonsgegevens via databestanden. Ook auditieve en visuele registraties vallen onder de wet.
The Privacy Commission
Sectorial committees
9. E-health in Belgium 1. The legal context: Telematics law (in preparation)
10. E-health in Belgium 2. The social security system
11. E-health in Belgium 3. The cross-roads bank for social security
(Kruispuntbank van de Sociale Zekerheid)
Meta-database: (who, what, where, accessible by whom)
Social security ID
Social security card (SIS-card)
Linked with Isabel (inancial) network
12. E-health in Belgium 3. The cross-roads bank for social security
links more than 2000 concerned entities, +-300 million messages per year
13. E-health in Belgium 4. Federal government structures and projects
Federal Ministry of Health, Federale Overheids Dienst (FOD) Volksgezondheid, veiligheid van de voedselketen en leefmilieu
Superior Health Council (Hoge Raad voor Geneeskunde)
Telematics commission
Yearly symposia: elematics@health.be (usually begin of December)
14. E-health in Belgium 4. Federal government structures and projects
Telematics commission + working groups
Data Structure -> KMEHR
Hospital communication
Legal aspects
Initiating and following-upon projects
Advisory reports
15. E-health in Belgium 4. Federal government structures and projects
Be-Health (health portal
Vision group
Management group
Single point of entry for authoritative information
Database access to existing in several administrations
New services: for example unique patient-ID
Win-win situation (no data duplication)
Interactive (web) as well as programming interface
Currently (2006) pilot projects
16. E-health in Belgium 5. Regional government structures and projects
Limited responsibilities (mostly federal)
Kind en Gezin
Hesitating start “Vlaams gezondheidssysteem” (Peter Hooft)
Projects in context of IWT and IBBT
17. E-health in Belgium 6. Education
Master na master in het beheer van gezondheidsgegevens (VUB, Ugent, UA)
Postgraduaat Gezondheidsbeheer KUL
18. E-health in Belgium 7. Industrial players
Providers of health records
Providers of dental/nursing/physical therapist packages
Providers of hospital information systems
Communication between healthcare providers (Medibridge)
Medical laboratories
Pharmacists and their providers
Providers involved in “crossroards bank” “Farmanet”
19. E-health in Belgium 8. Learned societies and associations
MIM (Belgian Society for Medical Informatics)
Several sub-groups of professional societies
WVVH (Scientific Society of General Practitioners), now part of “Domus Medicus”)
Nursing Federation
National Council for Physical Therapy
European Association for Medical Informatics
World Association: IMIA
CEN (European Centre for Normalisation), Brussels
20. E-health in Belgium 9. References
Federal Ministry of Health portal site: ttps://portal.health.fgov.be (under health care ..telematics ) or the former
Crossroads Bank for Social Security: ttp://www.ksz.fgov.be
De sociale zekerheid in België ttp://inami.fgov.be/nl/sec-soc/index.htm