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Presentation to the Select Committee on Social Services. Annual Report Department of Home Affairs 2012/13 18 February 2014. Table of Contents. Vision, Mission, Values Support for achieving the priorities of Government Minister’s Performance Agreement
Presentation to the Select Committee on Social Services Annual Report Department of Home Affairs 2012/13 18 February 2014
Table of Contents • Vision, Mission, Values • Support for achieving the priorities of Government • Minister’s Performance Agreement • Outcomes and Objectives of the Department • Strategy to transform the department: 2011 – 2014 • Overall performance and overview of progress and challenges • Performance against measurable objectives • Reporting on performance • Financial information • Audit 2012- 2013 • Way forward and conclusion • Human Resource statistics
The Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) of government has twelve priority outcomes. The DHA contributes directly to three of the twelve outcomes: • Improved quality of basic education • A long and healthy life for all South Africans • All people in South Africa are and feel safe • Decent employment through inclusive economic growth • A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path • An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network • Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities with food security for all • Sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life • A responsive, accountable, effective and efficient local government system • Environmental assets and natural resources that are well protected and continually enhanced • Create a better South Africa and contribute to a better and safer Africa and World • An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship
Department of Home Affairs Performance Agreement: 2009 - 2014 • Completion of all strategic information and identification projects within already defined budgets and time frames • Effective and efficient refugee management strategies and systems • Contributing to the level of skills and general economic development in South Africa targets by realising a positive skills migration trend of around 50,000 migrants annually . The focus should be on critical skills shortages, supportive of the medium term strategies and government’s outcomes. • The registration of every child birth within 30 days of delivery. • The issuing of identity documents to every South African 16 years and above. • Improving the turnaround times for all services, queuing times and unit costs per service. • Determining and improving the maximum distance for a citizen to travel to access Home Affairs services.
The Strategic Plan is grounded on three Outcomes that align with its mandate and priorities Outcome 1: Secured South African citizenship and identity Outcome 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free
Outcome 1: • Secured South African citizenship and identity • Measurable Objectives • To ensure that registration at birth is the only entry point for South Africans to the National Population Register (NPR) • To issue Identity Documents (IDs) to citizens turning 16 years of age and above • To ensure the identification and registration of South African citizens and foreign nationals to enhance the integrity and security of identity
Outcome 2: • Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development • Measurable Objectives • To ensure a secure, responsive and flexible immigration regime in support of national security, priorities and interests • To implement effective and efficient asylum seeker and refugee management strategies and systems • To facilitate the efficient movement of bona fide travellers to support national interests and priorities, and to prevent and prohibit the movement of undesirable persons in the interest of national security • To contribute towards realising a positive skills migration trend of around 50 000 migrants annually
Outcome 3: • A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free • Measurable Objectives • To transform the culture of the organization in support of securing identity, citizenship and international migration • To ensure ethical conduct and a zero tolerance approach to corruption • To obtain a clean audit report • To ensure secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients
STRATEGY TO TRANSFORM THE DEPARTMENT 2011 - 2014 • Achieve and maintain a clean, secure National Population Register. • Effective implementation of proactive, risk-based and efficient management of immigration. • Ongoing transformation of DHA values as embodied in its organizational and service delivery approach, practice and capacity. • Effective harnessing of technology to support the achievement of the above priorities. • Develop state and civil society partnerships in support of the service delivery and security mandates of the DHA.
Overview of Progress (1) • Continuous improvement of service to the people 2009 - 2013 • The number of health facilities connected for online registration of births and deaths increased from 118 in March 2009 to 334 in March 2013. • From March 2011 to March 2013 there was a 20.4% increase in the number of births registered within 30 days – that is from 500 524 to 602 530 births. • 93% of passports that were applied for through the live capture process are delivered within 13 working days. • There has been a steady expansion of the footprint of Home Affairs from a total of 273 frontline office in March 2006 to a total of 403 in March 2013. • A Corporate Accounts Unit has been established to service projects and institutions of national importance such as Eskom, with turnaround times of 2 weeks achieved.
Overview of Progress (2) • Continuous improvement of service to the people 2009 - 2013 • There has been substantial progress has been with regard to Civic Services in terms of securing the NPR; ensuring all citizens are registered; and delivering services according to acceptable standards. • The facilitation of large volumes of persons through ports of entry and support for large international events is reasonably efficient and secure. Permitting largely eradicated a backlog of temporary residence permits; and there were some efficiency gains in deportations and in the adjudication of asylum seekers. • With regard to organisational transformation, the foundations were laid for the modernisation project to be rolled out. Also, systems were put in place for the devolution of HR and finance functions to provinces. The Learning Academy began to play a significant role in training and staff development, having established accredited and relevant courses. • The DHA facilitated the Second Conference of African Ministers responsible for Civil Registration in Durban, South Africa, which was of strategic importance.
Overview of Challenges (3) • Reliance on outdated systems that do not proved accurate management information remains a serious obstacle to improving service delivery and audit outcomes. This will largely be addressed through the Modernisation Programme. • There are multiple challenges in managing a complex and dynamic immigration environment. These range from policy and legislation to capacity and operations and involve many role players and dependencies on other departments. Historically the priority has been on securing the identity and status of citizens, but more focused attention is now being paid to immigration. • The issue of dependencies in general impacts on performance against objectives, such as reliance on the Department of Public Works. Efforts are being made to strengthen working relations while seeking creative solutions. • Aligning and strategically managing the planning and budgeting cycle is a challenge, including HR planning, and steps are being taken to effect improvements going forward.
PERFORMANCE AGAINST STRATEGIC OBJECTIVESOutcome 1: Secured South African citizenship and identity
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE (1.1) To ensure that registration at birth is the only entry point for South Africans to the National Population Register (NPR) • SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE • 602 530 births were registered within 30 days: The target was 594 000 births. • 85 health institutions were connected and are operational: The target was 80.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE (1.2) To issue Identity Documents (IDs) to citizens 16 years of age and above • SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE • 41 876 learners were issued with IDs. The target was to issue 100% of South African learners who applied. • The main problem was a lack of an accurate method of measuring achievement. There is now an instrument in place in terms of a field for capturing the information. • Another challenge was to gain access to the database of scholars and visit schools on scheduled dates. The existing partnership with the Department of Basic Education is being strengthened to ensure this happens across all provinces.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE (1.3) To ensure the registration and identification of all South African citizens, foreign residents, refugees and asylum seekers to enhance the integrity and security of identity SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE National Identity System: The new system was not designed as the contract with Cuba was not finalised. However, South Africa and Cuba signed an agreement to enable cooperation Live capture for passports and IDs: This was not rolled out to 167 offices mainly because the sub-contracting agreement with SARS was not concluded in 2012/ 2013. Pilot of smart card: Service provider tested sufficiently with 100 cards. Existing EDMS records retrieved: Old system successfully resuscitated. E-permitting and Visa system specifications approved: Specifications finalised.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE (1.3) To ensure the registration and identification of all South African citizens, foreign residents, refugees and asylum seekers to enhance the integrity and security of identity) • SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE (Continued) • 100% of ID duplicates for clients coming forward resolved within 12 weeks was the target. The main challenge was two persons sharing one ID number as this requires both persons to come forward. • The Department published lists in the media; made announcements; and obtained contact details from various sources. Only a few persons could be contacted or came forward. Less than 2 000 out of about 19 000 cases. • A policy and strategy has subsequently been approved and is being implemented to take decisive action deal with this challenge..
PERFORMANCE AGAINST STRATEGIC OBJECTIVESOutcome 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (2.1) To ensure a secure, responsive and flexible immigration regime in support of national security, priorities and interests. • SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE • An immigration policy document was submitted to Minister for approval. Additional research is being conducted to further develop the document. • A Visa Facilitation Service (VFS) was rolled out at three (3) high volume foreign missions: Angola (1) and the DRC (2).
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (2.2) To implement effective and efficient asylum seeker and refugee management strategies and systems • SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE • Status Determination Committees (SDC), with a minimum of 2 sub-committees were not established as planned. In the reporting period the main reason was a delay in implementing the 2011 Refugees Amendment Act . • A strategy and plan was not developed for the relocation of existing refugee reception offices near borders because of unresolved policy issues related to court cases. • One refugee reception office (office accommodation) was not established along the borderline because the Department of Public Works (DPW) was unable to procure a site. A site options have subsequently been identified by a service provider.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (2.3) To facilitate the efficient movement of bona fide travellers to support national interests and priorities, and to prevent and prohibit the movement of undesirable persons in the interest of national security • SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE • The development and approval of Infrastructure standards for ports of entry was not finalised. Specialist assistance was required and is being procured. • An SLA was not signed with Department of Public Works (DPW) for implementation of infrastructure improvements at ports of entry. Engagements are still ongoing while pursuing an alternative approach. • Improved residential and office infrastructure was not provided at 6 ports of entry. The main reason was delays with DPW processes and development of standards. Interim plan being rolled out and approval requested to appoint a service provider.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (2.4) To contribute towards realising a positive skills migration trend of around 50 000 migrants annually • SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE • Permitting reporting system developed and tested to differentiate between critical and other skills. A basicsystem was put in place in terms of added fields on database, but full implementation taking longer than expected. • Strategy developed and approved by DHA to facilitate the attraction and retention of foreign migrants with critical skills. The larger national strategy is not the responsibility of the DHA but several departments. The role of the DHA is to facilitate via the permitting system and improvements have been made, such as the Corporate Accounts unit dealing with families as a unit.
PERFORMANCE AGAINST STRATEGIC OBJECTIVESOutcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (3.1) To transform the culture of the organization in support of securing identity, citizenship and international migration • SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE • Strategy to reposition the DHA as a learning organisation. The draft strategy document is being finalised and will then be submitted to management for consideration. • Two Leader Forums were conducted, as planned, and leaders forums will continue to be a key element in leadership development. • Coaching clinics for 250 supervisors were conducted at senior, middle and junior management levels.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (3.2) To ensure ethical conduct and a zero tolerance approach to corruption • SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE • Reports, compiled on security evaluations performed on 4 (four) processes. Security evaluations performed on processes to identify gaps and risks at Missions, Ports of Entry, Supply Chain Management and Deportations. • DHA database, which provides integrated reports on counter corruption cases, accessible to two JCPS cluster departments to strengthen counter corruption: Negotiations with role players took a lot of time. The database was designed and a tender is in process. • A draft concept paper is under consideration on the role of DHA in the fighting corruption and strengthening the security of identity and immigration systems. Initial research has been conducted.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (3.3) To obtain a clean audit report • SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE • An unqualified audit report for 2012/13 financial year was not received. . • 100% of valid invoices settled within 30 days of certification and approval. There was a substantial improvement mainly due to decentralisation of procurement and payment to Provinces and the roll out of LOGIS. [QUOTE % IMPROVEMENT] Additional steps are being taken to tighten and improve procedures. • A Trading Entity was not established and operational for all civic and immigration services. The governance and financial management framework was identified and established to provide guidance over management of the trading account. However, due to the complexities of operating the account it was agreed with National Treasury that implementation should be deferred.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (3.4) To ensure secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients • SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE • Feasibility study commenced on a model for acquiring permanent accommodation for the DHA and refurbishment of all state owned buildings. A priority was building a permanent head office. The initial site identified was deemed unsuitable and DPW has restarted the process of finding a site. • 538 (60%) of the 895 funded posts were filled by 31 March in a 6-month turn-around-time. The target was 100%. Steps are being taken to deal with process and capacity challenges in filling posts. • The refurbishment of 15 offices. 19 offices were refurbished during the review period. 10 of these offices were carried over from the 2011/12 financial year. • Access strategy developed to bring DHA services closer to the people.. Norms were developed but the approval process has not yet been completed.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (3.4) continued …….. To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients • SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE • 92.16% of IDs were issued within 54 working days. Total issues for the year was 958 364.The target was 95%. • 98% of IDs were issued within 47 working days. Total issued for the year 2012/13 is 896 613. The target was 95%. • 94% of machine readable passports issued within 24 working days (manual process). The target was 95%. • 93% of applications for machine readable passports issued within 13 working days (live capture process). The target was 97%. • Electronic queue management system. Five systems were implemented that were rolled over from 2011/ 12.
Reporting on performance: audit 2012- 13 • Summary of issues • Inadequate reviews of validity of evidence of performance • Evidence and source information in some cases not supporting statements of performance • Lack of standard operating procedures for the accurate recording of actual achievements • Note • The formulation of some of the targets was improved in October so that they could be measured more effectively.
AUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS • Notes: • Saving on Programme 1 due to delays in spending on WAIO/Modernisation budget. • 2. Overspent on the budget resulting in unauthorised expenditure, due to implementation of the Trading Account being postponed. The overspending is due to printing costs for forms and face value documentation, courier costs and cash in transit service costs. • 3. The decision to postpone the Trading Account until a suitable self financing vehicle is obtained, was done in consultation with National Treasury. In the meantime, Treasury will continue allocating the Department funds for the three expenditure items listed above.
AUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION • Notes: • As mentioned previously, the over-expenditure relates to the expenditure for the Trading Account, of which implementation was postponed, namely: • Printing costs for forms and face value documentation; • Courier costs and • Cash in transit service costs.
AUDIT: 2012/13 FINANCIAL YEAR • Receivables for departmental revenue * Foreign revenue * Fines and penalties • Accruals * Lease for White Hall building - London 3. Leave entitlement * Cancellation of leave * Formula error in calculating untaken leave • Movable tangible capital assets * Fair value evaluation of assets * Disposal
ADMINISTRATIVE TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGES • Decentralisation of administration to provincial offices – teething challenges. • Implementation of new asset management system. • Manual foreign revenue management systems. • Migration from old to new movement control system • Poor application of control mechanisms • Outdated systems produce uneven quality of management information • Internal audit needs to review performance evidence regularly
WAY FORWARD • Review the collection method of revenue abroad. • Conclude the development of Regulations in respect of the Immigration Act. • Continue implementation of IT modernisation • Agree on a suitable self-funding mechanism. • Develop and implement support mechanisms for the decentralised method. • Implement quality control mechanisms • Internal audit to conduct regular reviews and verify performance evidence • Ensure standard operating procedures are in place for performance reporting
CONCLUSION: • The management of the Department would like to express its sincere appreciation to the Hon Chair and Members of the Select Committee for their continued support and guidance during the financial year under review. • The Department would also like to thank the Auditor-General for the dedication shown during the audit to ensure that the Department improves its financial and administrative management processes in future. • In addition, the Department would like to thank the Audit Committee and National Treasury, specifically the Office of the Accountant-General, for their continued support. • The Department undertakes to endeavor to achieve a clean audit in future.
STATUS ON THE FILLING OF TOTAL VACANT FUNDED POSTS - 2012/13 The total number of vacant posts reported on the HR Oversight report reflects 1057. The 1057 is more with 174 posts, because these posts are newly funded for 2013/2014 financial year
- The above-mentioned table includes all posts (priority or natural attrition) to be filled during the financial year.