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2. SALAAH (NAMAAZ). Salah is the second pillar of Islam. As such, it is one of the most important factor in Islam. The Prophet (SAW) said:
1. 1 Jamaat ul Muttaqeen1010 SW 196 Ave, Pembroke Pines, FL 33029
Ladies Class
January 21, 2006
2. 2 SALAAH (NAMAAZ) Salah is the second pillar of Islam. As such, it is one of the most important factor in Islam. The Prophet (SAW) said: “Salah is the pillar of Islam and whosoever abandons it, demolishes the very pillar of religion.”
What is the Prayer?
The Qur’anic term for the Islamic Prayer is Salaah, which means seeking nearness to Allah. The Quran has taught all the essentials of Salaah and the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has demonstrated how it has to be observed and performed.
3. 3 Requirements & Conditions of Establishing Prayer
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6. 6 Salaah is not to be regarded as a burden which has to be perform as quickly as possible, but as an act of supreme worship of Allah, and must be observed in full consciousness and attention for all actions and movements.
6. Establishing Congregational Prayer: The Fard Prayer has to be performed in congregation, except when one’s life or property is at stake, or one is ill. The Qur’an says: “….and bend down with those who bend down.” (2:43)
The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: “A person who hears the call to congregational Prayer, and has no genuine reason to prevent him from offering Prayers, but yet offers his Prayer alone, his prayer will not be accepted by Allah.” (Abu Dawud)
7. Distinctive & Leisurely Recital : The Qur’an deserves to be recited distinctively with due attention, understanding and awareness of the meaning, with love and interest, and considering each verse deeply.
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8. Zeal & Dedication: The ideal prayer is that one’s whole heart and mind is turned towards Allah, and after observing one Prayer, zealously and keenly looking forward to the next:
“O Believers, when you hear the call to the Friday Prayer, hasten to the remembrance of Allah and leave your trading.” (62:9)
9. Humility & Submission: One should stand before Allah like a humble and obedient servant with a submissive heart in awe of the Almighty and should express feelings of humility as well.
8. 8 10. Devotion & Humbleness: Devotion and a humble state of mind are the very essence of the Prayer. A Prayer devoid of it is no Prayer at all. One’s mind and body, heart and soul should be fully inclined towards Allah; no mean thought or base emotion should cross the mind during Prayer: “Successful indeed are the believers, who are humble in their Prayers and who shun what is vain.” (23:1-3)
11. Feeling of Divine Presence: Prayer is a sure means of cultivating the feeling of Divine presence. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said: “ Man is nearest to his God when he prostrates himself before him.”
12. Remembrance of Allah: The most comprehensive way of remembering Allah is through Prayer because this has been prescribed by Allah. “…and establish Prayer for my remembrance.” (20:14)
9. 9 13. Avoid Display: An ideal Prayer is performed without any tinge of hypocrisy or display and one should be sincere and true to oneself and to Allah in the act of worship. A Prayer that is offered with the view to be seen by others, is no Prayer and is even harmful: “Doomed are the praying ones who are unmindful of their Prayers and act only to be seen by others.” (107:4)
14. Complete Resignation: The final requirement of an ideal Prayer is that one should be completely resigned Allah’s will, and should live a life in complete obedience to His laws, and even embrace death for His sake.
Prayer is the last thing that the Holy Prophet (SAW) recommended to his nation before he died: “Prayer, prayer and what your right hand possesses.” It will be the last thing taken away from the religion.
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12. 12 Forbidden & Undesirable Times of Prayer
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14. 14 RAK’AHS OF PRAYERS All Fard rak’ahs are obligatory.
1. Fajir: 2 Sunnat (Compulsory), 2 Fard
It is reported that the Holy Prophet (PBUH)said: “The two Sunnat rak’ahs of Fajir are dearer to me than the whole world.”
2. Zuhr: 4 Sunnat (Compulsory), 4 Fard, 2 Sunnat (Compulsory), 2 Nafil
Jumu’a: 4 Sunnat (Compulsory), 2 Fard, 4 Sunnat (Compulsory)
15. 15 3. Asr: 4 Sunnat (Voluntary), 4 Fard
4. Maghrib: 3 Fard, 2 Sunnat (Compulsory), 2 Nafil
5. Isha: 4 Sunnat (Voluntary), 4 Fard, 2 Sunnat (Compulsory), 3 Witr (Compulsory), 2 Nafil
The 2 Nafil after Witr was commended by the Prophet (PBUH). If a person finds it hard to rise for Tahajjud, those 2 rak’ahs would suffice for it.
Azan is a term of the Shari’ah which is an announcement to inform others by using certain words that the time for congregational prayer has begun.
When the Adhan is being called, one should listen to it attentively and should repeat the words after the Mu’azzin, and when he says: “Hayya ‘alas salaah” and “Hayya alal falaah”, one should say: “La haula wa la quwwata illa billah”
We are helpless to do good or abstain from evil without Allah’s help.
17. 17 During the Adhan for the Fajir Salaah, when the Mu’azzin says: “As-Salatu kairum minan naum” – Prayer is better than sleep, then respond with:“Sadaqta wa bararta” – You have uttered the truth and counselled right.
After the Adhan, one should recite the following supplication: “Allahumma rabba hazihid da’watii tammati was salatil qaimati, ati Muhammada nil wasilata wal fad’lata, wab’athhu maqamam mahmuda nillazi wa’dttahu” – O Allah, Lord of this most perfect call, and of the prayer which is about to established, grant to Muhammad the favor of nearness unto Thee and excellence and a place of distinction, and exalt him to a position of glory, which Thou has promised him.
Anas reported that the prophet (PBUH) said: “A supplication made between the adhan and the Iqamah is not rejected”
Literally, Iqamah means “to stand up”
During the Iqamah it is preferred that one repeat the words, except at “Qad qamatis salaah” one should respond with: “Aqamaha Allahu wa adamaha “ - May Allah keep it established forever.
Whoever calls the Adhan should also call the Iqamah.
Conditions of when Salaah is Obligatory
Salaah is obligatory on a person that meets the following conditions:
- Should be a Muslim
- Should be an adult
- Should be sane and in the normal state of mind
- For females, should be in the state of purity
19. 19 Requirements of Prayer Fard Parts in Prayer: There are 14 factors that have to be fulfilled for a valid and proper prayer: 7 are the pre-requisites, and 7 are the pillars of prayer (observed during Prayer)
1. Cleanliness of body
2. Cleanliness of garments
3. Cleanliness of place
4. Covering of satar: For males covering the body between the navel and the knee; for females covering the entire body excluding the face, hands and feet
5. Ascertain the right time for Prayer
6. Facing the Qiblah
7. Intention
20. 20 PILLARS OF PRAYER 1. Takbir Tahrimah: To begin Prayer with “Allahu Akbar.”
2. Qiyam: To stand upright during the obligatory prayers. If one cannot stand, then pray according to what is capable of doing, as Allah does not burden a soul beyond its ability.
3. Qira’at: Recite at lease 1 verse of the Quran
4. Ruku: To bend down so that the hands reach the knees; this is obligatory once in each rak’ah.
5. Sajdah: To prostrate oneself twice in every rak’ah
6. Qa’dah Akhirah: The final sitting in the prescribed way and recital of the Tashahud.
7. Salaam: To end the prayer.
21. 21 How to Perform Salaah One should stand up in a natural posture
The body should be neither tightly stretched up nor unduly bent forward
The feet should be at least 4 inches apart and the eyes looking at the place where the forehead would rest for Sajdah. Now, one should turn to the complete attention towards Allah with the feeling of standing in His presence, and recite the following:
“Innee wajjahto wajhiya lillazi fataras samawati walarda haneefan wama ana minal mushrikin “
I have turned my face sincerely towards Him who created the heavens and the earth, and I am not of those who commit Shirk”
Express the intention of the Prayer to be offered and the rak’ahs. The intention can be expressed in one’s language e.g.: “I intend to offer 3 rak’ahs of Fard of Maghrib Salaah
22. 22 If the prayer is congregational, one should add that the salaah is offered under the leadership of an Imam.
1. Takbir Tahrimah: After expressing the intention, raise the hands up to the shoulder level, keeping the palms facing the Qiblah and fingers naturally apart and straight say Takbir, “Allaho Akbar” and place the hands folded on the breast with the palm of the right hand on top of the left hand without gripping the left wrist with the thumb and little finger of the right hand
23. 23 2. Thana: Begin the salaah with Thana:
“Subhanak Allahuma wa bihamdika wa tabarakas muka wa taala jadduka wa la Ilaha ghairuk”
Glory be to Thee, O Allah, and I praise Thee. Blessed is Thy name and Thou are exalted. There is no God other than Thee
3. Ta’awwuz & Tasmiyah: Then say, “A’uzu billahi minash shaitainir rajim, Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem”
I seek Allah’s protection from Satan the accursed, in the name of Allah, the Beneficent , the Merciful
4. Al Fatihah: Then recite Al Fatihah followed by a surah or passage that has at least 3 short verses from the Quran. If one is following an Imam, one should listen attentively to the recitation and say Aamin inaudibly after Al Fatihah
24. 24 5. Ruku: Saying Takbir, bend down in Ruku. Bending should only be so much that the hands reach the knees; they do not have to grip the knees but place the fingers gently on the knees, keeping the elbows in close contact with the sides and recite the tasbih, “Subhana Rabbiyal Azim” - Glorified is my Lord, the Great, at least 3 times or any odd number of times.
25. 25 6. Qaumah: While resuming to the upright standing posture say:
“Sami Allahu lim man hamidah”
Allah listens to one who praises Him
Then say: “Rabbana lakal hamd “ - Our Lord! Praise is only for Thee.
while upright.
If one is a follower then say only “Rabbana lakal hamd” and the Imam only says: “Sami Allahu limman hamidah.” If one is offering salaah alone then both has to be pronounced.
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8. Jalsah: Assume the upright sitting position with “Allaho Akbar”, lifting the forehead first, then the hands in a manner that the feet have to be turned to the right and buttocks placed on the ground. The 2 open hands are placed on the thighs naturally with the fingers reaching the knees and pointing to the front. According to Hadith, one can recite “Allahummagh firli war hamni wahdini wa’afini war zuqni” - O Allah! Grant me forgiveness, have mercy on me, guide me right and favor me with protection and livelihood. Then saying “Allaho Akbar “ go down for the 2nd Sajdah and again recite the Tasbih“Subhann Rabbi yal Aala” at least 3 times while in Sajdah.
Hadrat Aisha said that the HolyProphet (SAW) forbid his companions to sit like a dog and he also forbid them to rest the elbows on the ground during sajdah as the beasts do when sitting.
28. 28 Jalsah position
29. 29 Now saying “Allaho Akbar” stand up for the 2nd rak’ah starting with Bismillah, Al Fatihah and verse from the Quran and continue like the 1st rak’ah
9. Qa’dah: After completing the 2nd rak’ah assume the prescribed sitting position under Jalsah and recite the Tashahhud.
10. Tashahhud: “Atta hiyyatu lillahi was salawatu wat tayyibatu As salamu alaika ayyuhan Nabiyyu wa rahmat ullahi was barakatuhu, Assalamu alaina wa ala Ibadillahis salihim. Ash hadu alla Ilaha illaa Allahu wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasuluh”
All worships are for Allah. Allah’s peace be upon you, O Prophet, and His mercy and blessings. Peace be on us and on all righteous servants of Allah. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger
30. 30 While reciting “La-ilaha” one should make a ring with the thumb and the middle finger of the right hand, keeping the other fingers closed, raise the forefinger to point up to the sky, and drop it at “ill Allah” keeping the fingers in the same position to the end of the salaah.
If the salaah is Fard and consists of 3 or 4 rak’ahs, one has to stand up with Takbir, “Allaho Akbar” for the 3rd and 4th rak’ah, reciting only Al Fatihah.
If the salaah is 4 rak’aks Sunnat, after the Al Fatihah recite a surah or verse from the Quran
After the 2nd sajdah of the 3rd or 4th rak’ahs, one has to again assume the sitting position and recite Tashahhud followed by Salat (Darood) and Dua.
31. 31 11. Salat (Darood): Recite after Tashahhud:
“Allahumma Salli al Muhummadin wa ‘ala ali muhammadin kama sallaita ala Ibrahima wa’ ala ali Ibrahima innaka hamidum Majid. Allahumma barik ala Muhammadin wa ala ali muhammadin kama barakta ala Ibrahima was ala ali Ibrahima innaka Hamidum Majid “
“O Allah! Have mercy on Muhammad and those related to Muhammad just as Thou hadst mercy on Abraham and on those related to Abraham. Surely Thou art Praiseworthy, the Great! O Allah! Send blesssing on Muhammad and on those related to Abraham. Surely, Thou are Praiseworthy, the Great!”
32. 32 12. Dua Maasoorah: One may recite after the Salat the following supplication:
“Allahummagh firlee wa liwaa lidaiya wa liman tawaalada wale jameeil muminiina wal munenaate wal muss limena wal muss limaatil ahhyaae minhum wal amwaate innaka mojeebud dawaate berahma teka yaa arhamar raahemeen”
O God! forgive me and forgive my father and my mother; forgive all the believing men and believing women; forgive Thy servants – male and female; forgive the living and the dead. Thou art One who accepts the prayers of Thy servants, O god. Grant Thy Mercy, O Merciful One
33. 33 13. Salaam: After reciting the dua, one then completes the salaah with salutation by gradually turning the face to the right over the shoulders and reciting the Salaam:
“Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah”
Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy
then again gradually turning to the left reciting the Salaam
The salaam brings the salaah to an end.
The Ayat Al Kursee may be read at the end of Fard salaah
One may make extra supplications to Allah. Some of the supplication as reported from the Holy Prophet are as follows:
34. 34 “Astagh firullah! Astagh firullah! Astagh firullah! Allahumma antasalam wa minkas salam. Tabarakta ya zal jalalli wal ikram”
I seek forgiveness from Allah: I seek forgiveness from Allah; I seek forgiveness from Allah. O Allah! Thou art peace, and from thee is peace; Thou art blesed, O Possessor of Glory and Honor!”
“Allahumma a’inni ala zikrika wa shukrika wa husni ibadatika”
O Allah! Help me so that I may remember Thee, express my gratitude to Thee, and adore Thee in the best of way.
35. 35 “Subhan Allahi” – Glory be to Allah, 33 times
“Alhamdu lillah” - All praise is only due to Allah, 33 times
“Allahu Akbar” - Allah is Great, 34 times
Then complete by saying: “La ilaha ill Allahu wahdahu la sharika lah, lahul muku walahul hamdu wa huwa ala kulli shai’in Qadir”-1 time
There is no god but Allah: He is One and has no partner; sovereignty and praise are only for Him and He has full authority over everything.
36. 36 SUMMARY “And be steadfast in prayer and regular in charity; and whatever good Ye send forth for your souls before you, ye shall find it with Allah: for Allah sees well all that ye do” (2:110)
Rasulullah (SAW) has said:
“Whoever misses 1 salaah is like someone who has lost all his family, wealth and all other possessions.”
“Whoever establishes Salaah, Allah honors them with 5 blessings”
1. Their livelihood is made easier
2. Punishment of the grave is removed
3. On the day of Judgement, the book of deeds will be given in the right hand
4. They will cross the bridge of Sirat with the speed of lightning
5. They will be protected while they are being accounted for their deeds
37. 37 Information All information is taken from Everyday Fiqh, Volume 1, Chapters 9-13.
Fiqh vs. Sunnah
“Salah” The Muslim Prayer
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 2, Hadith 52