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New Opportunities in East European Home Textile Markets

New Opportunities in East European Home Textile Markets. J oanna Choromańska Promedia www.promedia.biz.pl. Is Pol a n d an interes ting Mark e t for the Exporte rs from India ?. Where were we? Where are we?. UE UE 01-05-2004. Poland.

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New Opportunities in East European Home Textile Markets

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  1. New Opportunities in East European Home Textile Markets Joanna Choromańska Promedia www.promedia.biz.pl

  2. Is Polandan interesting Market forthe Exporters from India?

  3. Where were we? Where are we?

  4. UE UE 01-05-2004 Poland

  5. Poland has become a bridge between the EU and Eastern Europe and has started acting a leading role in the group of new EU members

  6. Polandis the sixth largest country in the EU

  7. External trade turnover in general and by countries I-IX 2006

  8. External trade turnover in general and by countries I-IX 2006

  9. Importsof Indiantextiles

  10. Importsof Indiantextiles

  11. The situation at the property market determines the housewares market In Poland there are 11,7 mln flats which is a big market for housewares sector In 2005 there were 114066 flats built On average there are 3,2 people sharing a flat in Poland (like in Spain), In comparison to Germany - there are 2,2 people living in a flat The property market is developing dynamically

  12. Average income per person Poles earn more every year • Earnings keep on growing

  13. Unemployment • July • 2004 – 19,3 % • 2005 – 17,9 % • 2006 – 15,7% • Unemployment is expected to drop to • 14,9 % • GDP(Gross Domestic Product) in 2007will be 4,6%.

  14. Poland’s Retail Landscape

  15. Hiper- and supermarkets

  16. Foodstuffs and industrial hiper- and supermarkets

  17. Foodstuffs and industrial supermarkets

  18. Discount hiper- and supermarkets

  19. House and garden hiper- and supermarkets

  20. Furniture Super- and Hipermarkets

  21. Shopping Parks

  22. Shopping Parks

  23. Department Stores

  24. Retail chain stores with decorative articles

  25. Retail chain stores with decorative articles

  26. Shopping Malls

  27. Warehouse shopping centers

  28. DistributionStrategies

  29. Importers: Main countries to purchase from: • Price attractive products – mainly Asia (China, India, Indonesia, Thailand), but also Africa and South America (ex. Mexico) • quality products – mainly Western Europe (Italy, Germany)

  30. Who is your Partner? • independently acting companies trading only imported goods, • large regional warehouses, • retail multibrand chain and monolabel shops • department stores • producers who label imported goods with their logo

  31. Where do Polish importers find the suppliers? Personal contact: • at the fairs - foreign fairs in Europe (Heimtextil) • Asia (Hong Kong) • national fairs (Home Decor, Meble, Furnifab) • at the trade missions in Poland or abroad

  32. Home Decor 29.05-01.06.2007, organized once a year Last edition: - exhibiton space – 25 thous m2 (both with Furniture fair) Number of exhibitors 140 from 11 countries sectors – decorative articles for home, textiles, lighting, ceramics, glass, furniture, etc. www.mtp.pl

  33. Furnifab Organized once a year Next edition: 27-29 March 2007 Last edition: - numbers of exhibitors 100 - sector: upholstery fabrics www.furnifab.pl

  34. Polish Business Etiquette

  35. Proper Business Formalities In general Polish business formalities are the same as Western - European ones. • As meetings start on time, it is important not to be late.  Try to arrive 15 minutes before; • Don’t forget about a small talk before a meeting ( nice weather, etc).  Then we get started with the business immediately; • In business, educational titles are normally not used • Yes means yes, no means no and maybe means maybe

  36. Poles don’t use first names from the very beginning of a relationship. • Gifts are generally not given nor expected but sometimes the hosts give small gifts to the guests and then it is good to be prepared to give a small gift back

  37. Kisses on the cheek or hugs are generally not done as a greeting by business associates. • Poles prefer to talk rather than write. If they don’t answer an e-mail it doesn’t mean that they avoid contact. The e-mail should be then followed up by a phone call. Though you need to remember about the time zones. • English language is more and more commonly spoken by Poles, especially the young ones who didn’t have to learn compulsory Russian at schools.

  38. Foreign capital is beneficial for Polish economy -60% of Poles agrees, • 13% claimsit is disadvantageous • 27% finds this questiondifficult to answer

  39. The number of companies with foreign capital is constantly growing.2003 – 15 3712004 – 15 816Which is around 1/3 (one third) of all the registered companies.

  40. At the end of 2005 at the list of largest investors in Poland there were 1081 companies from 37 countries including: • Germany – 252 • Holland – 124 • USA – 113

  41. Who do Poles like? • 52% - Italians • 50% - English • 46% - Americans, Spanish, Czech

  42. Important contacts

  43. Indian Embassy in Polandwww.indianembassy.plCentral Statistical Officewww.stat.gov.pl

  44. Thank you for your attention Contact: PROMEDIA JERZY OSIKA Stępińska 22/30 street 00-739 Warsaw Poland Phone: + 48 (022) 851 50 21; Fax: + 48 (022) 851 50 30 e-mail: j.choromanska@promedia.biz.plwww.promedia.biz.pl

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