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Cambridgeshire PSHE Scheme of Work in Gloucestershire 24 th January 2007 Becky Woollett Primary PSHE and Citizenship

Cambridgeshire PSHE Scheme of Work in Gloucestershire 24 th January 2007 Becky Woollett Primary PSHE and Citizenship Consultant. Objectives for the day. Reflect on the context for PSHE and Citizenship in primary schools nationally and locally

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Cambridgeshire PSHE Scheme of Work in Gloucestershire 24 th January 2007 Becky Woollett Primary PSHE and Citizenship

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  1. Cambridgeshire PSHE Scheme of Work in Gloucestershire 24th January 2007 Becky Woollett Primary PSHE and Citizenship Consultant

  2. Objectives for the day • Reflect on the context for PSHE and Citizenship in primary schools nationally and locally • Consider the entitlement of all young people in CPSHE • Explore the tools, content and structure provided in the Cambridgeshire Scheme of Work • Familiarise yourselves with some of the teaching methodologies suggested in the SoW • Consider the implementation of the SoW in your school

  3. Key Skills ‘Kit Bag’ • Communication and Participation • Self-awareness • Relationships and Valuing Difference • Emotional Well-being • Managing Risk • Managing Change

  4. Activity What are the skills, knowledge, understanding and attitude that children will need to be able to master this skill?

  5. The National Context • The National Curriculum for PSHE and Citizenship • More focused OFSTED examination (SEF) • The National Healthy Schools Standard –New Standards • DFES Guidance for Sex & Relationship Education 2000 • Drugs: Guidance for Schools 2004 • Every Child Matters • Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL)

  6. National Curriculum for PSHE ‘Pupils are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of their school and their communities.’

  7. National Curriculum: Four strands • Developing confidence and responsibility and making the most of their abilities • Preparing to play an active role as citizens • Developing a healthy safer lifestyle • Developing good relationships and respecting the differences between people + ‘Breadth of opportunities’

  8. ECM - Be Healthy • Physically healthy • Mentally and emotionally healthy • Sexually healthy • Healthy lifestyles • Choose not to take illegal drugs

  9. ECM - Stay Safe • Safe from maltreatment, neglect, violence and sexual exploitation • Safe from accidental injury and death • Safe from bullying and discrimination • Safe from crime and anti-social behaviour in and out of school • Have security, stability and are cared for

  10. ECM - Enjoy and Achieve • Ready for school • Attend and enjoy school • Achieve stretching national educational standards at primary school • Achieve personal and social development and enjoy recreation • Achieve stretching national educational standards at secondary school

  11. ECM - Make a positive contribution • Engage in decision making and support the community and environment • Engage in law-abiding and positive behaviour in and out of school • Develop positive relationships and choose not to bully or discriminate • Develop self-confidence and successfully deal with significant life changes and challenges • Develop enterprising behaviour

  12. ECM - Achieve Economic Well-being • Engage in further education, employment or training on leaving school • Ready for employment • Live in decent homes and sustainable communities • Access to transport and material goods • Live in households free from low income

  13. The local context: pupil online survey • Over 13,000 completed questionnaires on-line • Cleaned’ database, 12,300 records • Pupils from Years 4,6,8 and 10 (ages 8-9, 10-11,12-13,14-15) • 80.2% of schools Gloucestershire schools across all phases and districts • Pupil Referral Centers and Special schools included • Questions on: Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, Substances,Safety,Citizenship, Relationships and Mental well-being. In line with the 5 outcomes of “Every Child Matters” and National Healthy Schools criteria

  14. Demographics 199 schools completed – 80.2% Over 70% of pupil population 5,996 primary school children 6,231 secondary school young people 50.7% female, 49.3% male > 7.3% ethnic minorities 113 special needs children and young people

  15. Skills for our children?

  16. Key Skills ‘Kit Bag’ • Communication and Participation • Self-awareness • Relationships and Valuing Difference • Emotional Well-being • Managing Risk • Managing Change

  17. Key Skills = Transferable Skills

  18. How does PSHE link with SEF? (Section 4) • To what extent do learners adopt healthy lifestyles? • learners’ growing understanding of how to live a healthy lifestyle • To what extent do learners feel safe and adopt safe practices? • the extent to which learners have confidence to talk to staff and others when they feel at risk • How much do learners enjoy their education? • learners’ spiritual, moral, social, emotional and cultural development

  19. How does PSHE link with SEF? (Section 4 Cont) • How well do learners make a positive contribution to the community? • learners’ growing understanding of their rights and responsibilities • how well learners express their views and contribute to communal activities • How well do learners prepare for their future economic well-being? • how well learners develop skills and personal qualities that will enable them to achieve future economic well-being

  20. How does PSHE link with SEF? (Other) • Links with achievement in the Foundation Stage • Links with Healthy Schools

  21. The Concept Personal Development Frameworks • Continuity and Entitlement

  22. The Themes Personal Development Frameworks • Myself and My Relationships Healthy and Safer Lifestyles Citizenship

  23. The Topics Working Together Friendship & Difference My Emotions Managing Risk & Change Citizenship Growing & Changing World of Drugs Keeping Safe

  24. Topic Plans and Learning Objectives • How do Drug Education Learning Objectives progress from YR to Y6?

  25. Unit Introduction – Layout

  26. Teaching Plans - Layout

  27. Tracking Citizenship KS1 KS 2 Y3/4 KS 2 Y5/6 • How do the Citizenship Learning Objectives progress from KS1 to KS2?

  28. Foundation : Beginnings of Citizenship Myself & My Relationships - Me and My Feelings • How should I behave at school? • What happens when I say or do something to someone else? • What do I need to be happy at school? • How am I like my friends? • What do I like?

  29. Foundation : Beginnings of Citizenship Myself & My Relationships – working and playing together • How can I be helpful? • How do I take turns? • How do I ask questions?

  30. Foundation : Beginnings of Citizenship • Healthy & Safer Lifestyles - Growing and Changing 1 • What can I do to look after myself and my things? • How should I care for living things?

  31. Learning Objectives To be able to identify common harmful substances YR Learning that all drugs and many household substances can be harmful if they are not used properly Y2 Learning about the dangers of handling discarded syringes and needles Y4 Learning that all drugs (inc medicine) and some substances can be misused and reinforcing rules for safe use and storage Y6

  32. Teaching Methodologies • Using Fiction • Tunnel of Thoughts • Paired Discussion • Group Discussion – Big Paper, One Pen • Building Key Skills – Industrial Spying

  33. Activity: finding your way around 8 groups: 1 topic each Referring to Key Activity Pathways, look at each unit of work Choose teaching activities for each year group including Foundation ensuring coverage of the relevant learning objectives Look at the assessment activity Any comments?

  34. The Cambs Scheme of Work and SEAL • Areas of overlap • Areas not covered in SEAL

  35. Supporting Materials • Implementing PSHE and Citizenship • Transferable Skills • Methodologies • Policy Guidance • Key Activity Pathways • Resource List • Topic Map (Word) • SEAL Links • CD Rom

  36. What Next? • Current Models • Files for individual teachers with units and supporting resources? • ‘Term on term’ provision of units and resources? • Central storage of SoW and Resources?

  37. What Next? • Planning • Who should I talk to? • What action do I need to take? • What further support do I need?

  38. Contacts becky.woollett@gloucestershire.gov.uk 01452 427301

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