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Tashkent Medical Academy PULPIT to THERAPEUTIC STOMATOLOGY LECTURE 1 FOR STUDENT 4 COURSES 7 SEMESTERS STOMATOLOGICHESKOGO FACULTY Subject: the periodontium. Structure and function. Periodontitis. The etiology, pathogenesis, classification.
Tashkent Medical Academy PULPIT to THERAPEUTIC STOMATOLOGY LECTURE 1FOR STUDENT 4 COURSES 7 SEMESTERS STOMATOLOGICHESKOGO FACULTY Subject: the periodontium. Structure and function. Periodontitis. The etiology, pathogenesis, classification. Lecturer: Prof. Komilov H.P. www.tma. Uz Tashkent 2013
Purpose: To familiarize students with the structure of the periodontium, the functions inflammatory processes occurring in the periodontium, the classification of periodontitis.
Objectives: To teach students to diagnose periodontitis, conduct • differential diagnosis of similar diseases • familiarize with the classification of periodontitis.
Plan: 1. The anatomical and histological structure of the periodontal • 2 Functions of periodontal • 3. Etiopathogenesis of periodontitis • 4. Morbid anatomy • 5. Classification of periodontitis
Periodontium is a connective tissue ¬ Consequently, located in the so-called periodontal ligament, ie, in the space bounded by ¬ bounded on one side of the dental lamina compact cell ¬ ki, on the other - the cement of the tooth root. At all about pulling the hole of the tooth ¬ connective tissue periodontal (periodontal membrane) is in direct contact with the jaw bone, through the apical hole - with the pulp of the tooth, and the edges of the cell - with the gum and jaw periosteum.
The boundaries of periodontal Periodontalnaya gap2. Alveolar bone plate3. Cement of the root4. Periodontal ligament apparatus
the width of periodontal ligament the lower jaw slightly lower (0,15-0,22 mm) in the upper (0.2-0.25 mm).
Collagen fibers Oksitalant Periodontal Elastic Periodontal gap Argirofil
Periodontal fibers circular fibers circular fibers circular fibers
The direction of the main fiber circular fibers
Osteoblasts Adventitsialnye cell fibroblasts Cellular composition of the periodontal cells of the cement Epitelialnye cells lymphocytes thick cells basophils
Gear alveolar segment:1.pulpa2.dentin3.tsement4.marginalny periodontium5. loose connective tissue6.kompaktnaya plate7.k awn8.appikalny periodontium
Circulation Periodontium upper back dentalnaya artery arterialnye perforating branches Infra orbital Intraseptalnaya artery Sublingval Dentalnaya artery the mental mandibular artery
Supraperiostalnaya artery2.Periodontalno ligamentous artery3. Inside the bone artery
Limfaobrascheniya submandibular lymph nodes Deep tservikalnye lymph nodes Podyazychnye limfatiches nodes
The etiology of periodontitis: • • Infection• Traumatic• Medical
Classification of periodontitis Acute periodontitisOriginally1. Acute infectious periodontitis2. Acute toxicity (medical periodontitis)3. Traumatic periodontitis
Infectious periodontitis. The main role in the development of periodontal infection are bacteria, mainly streptococci, nonhemolytic streptococci among which is 62%, zelenyaschy - 26%, hemolytic - 12%. Coccal flora usually sow together with other microorganisms - veylonellami, lactobacilli, yeast fungi.
Traumatic periodontitis when bad habits The shoemakers Musicians with injuries smokers when anamaliyah bite
Medical periodontitis use of strong chemicals Myshyakovistaya paste Formalin, Trikrezolformalin Phenol the strongest use of antiseptics,
Localization of the pathological process1. Acute marginal periodontitis2. Acute apical periodontitis3. Acute total (total periodontitis)
The nature of the exudate • Acute serous periodontitis2. Acute suppurative periodontitis
Chronic periodontitis• 1. Chronic periodontitis fibrotic• 2. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis• 3. Chronic granulating periodontitis Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis.
Functions of Periodontal: 1) opornouderzhivayuschaya;2) the distribution pressure;3) plastic;4) Trophic
Literature: • Summary: • 1. Borovsky EV et al "dentistry" .- M. 2002. - 736s. • 2. Borovsky EV Barisheva YD, YM Maksimovskiy "Dentistry", Moscow 1998 • 3. Lutzky IK "Prakticheskeaya dentistry" Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2001. 359. • 4. Nikolaev, AI, LM Tsepov "Practical preventive dentistry," Moscow: Inform MEDpress, 2004. With 548. • MORE: • 5. Dmitriev, LN etc. "dentistry." -M., 2004. • 6.Skorikova L. et al "Propedeutics dental diseases." Rostov n/d..2002 was • 7. Lutzky, "Guide to Dentistry", Rostov-N / A: Phoenix, 2002.-544 with. • 8. DmitrienkoS.V Krayushkin A., Sapin M.R "Anatomy of human teeth", Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod: Med.kniga NSMA, 2000. - 196. • 9. Leus PA, Goreglyad AA, Chudakov Acting "Diseases of the teeth and mouth," Minsk High School. 1998.288s. • www.medinfo.homeml.org/E-mail:medinfo. @ mail.admiral.ru • www.doctor.ru • www. e-stomatology.ru