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Outline. Simulation reviewCradle to grave applications for quick modelingInclude steps showing quick model construction work flows in most simulators today. Simulation Overview. TheoryAccuracyData required Comparison to other reservoir analysis approachesSimulation work flows and tools now versus 20 years ago .
1. Using Quick Reservoir Simulation to Make Better Drilling, Completion, and Reservoir Management Decisions in Petroleum Reservoirs Jim Buchwalter
President, Gemini Solutions
2. Outline Simulation review
Cradle to grave applications for quick modeling
Include steps showing quick model construction work flows in most simulators today
3. Simulation Overview Theory
Data required
Comparison to other reservoir analysis approaches
Simulation work flows and tools now versus 20 years ago
4. Theory Darcy’s Law for flow in a porous media
Flow proportional to pressures drop and inversely proportional to distance for flow
Law of conservation
In – Out [=] Accumulation
5. Accuracy Simulation always gives the wrong answer
At minimum the geology is always wrong in some respects
Simulation gives a very accurate answer for the reservoir described
The best answer possible for the data as we know it today
6. Minimum Data Required No magic data !!
Structure maps
Well properties – porosity/thickness / completion intervals
Fluid stock tank gravities and gas-oil ratio’s
Temperature & pressure
Starting contacts
Well production and pressure information
7. Comparison to Other Approaches Simulation integrates data from all geological and engineering sources
Log analysis
Petrophysical analysis
Well test analysis
Material balance
PVT analysis
Production and pressure
Simulation infers unknown data and corrects inconsistent data
For example, infers porosity to match well rates and pressures
8. Field Pilots versus Simulation Field pilot
Cost of wells is enormous
One shot proposition
Do not know results for years
It is real!
Cost is very small to drill wells
Can try many different development strategies and identify best strategy
Results in seconds to minutes
Results are approximate
9. Simulation Today and 20 Years Ago 20-30 years ago
Simulation took months to years for one reservoir
Key word driven interfaces
Difficult work flows integrating maps and nodal analysis
Expert users and long time frames
Not applicable for most assets and real time reservoir management
Applied to top 5% of all assets or less
Assets with long lead times before development
Larger assets and most assets had good permeability
Good economics with or without simulation
Models constructed in minutes to hours to days by everyday engineers
Modern interfaces greatly facilitate work flows
Mapping and nodal analysis seamlessly integrated
Real time reservoir management possible
Smaller offshore and tight reservoirs are the norm
Require optimal development to be economic
10. Single Well/Pattern vs. Full Field Models Complex offshore fields
Single well/pattern models answer near well bore questions
Optimize completion interval and minimize water/gas coning
Well skin
Full field models required to understand:
Complex aquifer modeling
Well to well interference
Dip, rock property variation, and compartmentalization
Tight assets and flat reservoirs
Single well/pattern models answers most questions
Accurate near well bore physics including coning + fractures
Well to well interference included in pattern models
11. Cradle to Grave Reservoir Management With Quick Simulation
12. Simulation Applications in the Life Cycle Wildcat study before the first well is drilled
Optimal step out well positioning for new discovery
Optimal development strategy taking into account reservoir uncertainties
Accurate reserves and proper infill well positions for maximizing value
Identification of bypassed reserves in mature assets
13. 1 - Wildcat Before the First Well is DrilledSouth American Deep Onshore Oil Discovery
14. Wildcat Study Before Drilling the First Well Wildcat drilled
Oil well was drilled to 18000 ft. in South America
Well cost [=] $35 MM
Tested 3400 BOPD , 24 hour test
21 API oil & 295 F
Sand face estimated abandonment pressure [=] 1200 psi
Assumed recovery factor [=] 15% from offset
Offset analogy reservoir
10,000 ft.
Same horizon
23 API oil
5 CP viscosity
168 F
Sand face abandonment pressure = 500 psi
15. Offset Reservoir Performance Versus Wildcat Using Simulator Offset – 320 spacing
3.8 MMBO in 28 years
15% recovery factor
Wildcat – 320 acres
1.6 MMBO
4% recovery factor
16. Why? Recovery in wildcat was sensitive to abandonment pressure
Abandonment pressure must be below the bubble point pressure [=] 1079 psi
1200 psi recovers 1.6 MMBO
800 psi recovers 6.3 MMBO
500 psi recovers 6.4 MMBO
17. Result of Study Bottom hole pump was not possible due to high reservoir temperature
Reservoir abandoned due to high well cost and low per well recovery
18. Lessons Learned Do not wait to study reservoirs
Pre-drill studies add value
A pre drill study would show the reservoir was likely uneconomic
Simple single well models can answer many questions
Use simulation to guide data gathering to better understand uncertainties and their impact on economics
Economic development required:
Sizable accumulation and either:
Higher bubble point pressure/ gas-oil ratio than anticipated
Pump and lower abandonment pressure
19. 2- Optimal Step Out Well PositionInternational offshore oil discovery with aquifer and gas cap
20. Reservoir Problem Two discovery wells drilled
Lowest proved oil-water contacts identified
Where should the next wells be drilled?
Spill point contacts shown below
Highest known water limit
21. Simulation Work Flow Build a full field model
Determine optimal well positions, drilling trajectory, and recovery factors for different possible oil-water contacts
Properly placed horizontal wells in oil column recover 15-20% OIP
Vertical wells recover 2% OIP
Identify optimal step out wildcat well positions to prove the prospect economic
22. Lessons Learned Simulation maximizes data gathering value and minimize costs
Reduce exploration costs by drilling wildcat step out wells at optimal well positions
Simulation allows development of smaller prospects that could not otherwise be developed
Here the recovery factor is very sensitive to well position and completion
Horizontal well technology required
23. 3- Optimal Development Strategy Taking into Account Reservoir UncertaintiesBlack Widow Oil Field, GOM
SPE 53980 - Time Critical Decision Making Using PC-Based Reservoir Simulation
24. Problem Black Widow Mariner discovery well drilled in 2000
29 feet of pay discovered
Half the net pay count anticipated
Mariner cannot decide if prospect is economic with lower pay count and uncertainties including:
Aquifer strength
Rock compressibility
Fault seal
Rig to be placed on stand by and prospect abandoned by noon the next day
A simulation study within 4 hours required to determine if the prospect is economic
Rig + other costs - $200K per day
25. Work Flow Full field model built in 2-3 hours
2 sensitivities completed
8 what if cases constructed at Mariner the next morning
All but one were economic
Decision to develop Black Widow made
26. Result – 11 MMBO Oil produced to date
27. Lessons Learned The less you understand a reservoir the more value simulation can add
Understand reservoir uncertainties and impact on economics
By the time you understand a reservoir you have spent most of the monies and simulation is of far less value
Or lost an opportunity
28. 3- Optimal Development Strategy Taking into Account Reservoir UncertaintiesLarge offshore gas reservoir with aquifer influx
29. Problem Large offshore gas reservoir
Influence of rock property heterogeneity on optimal well positions and reservoir recovery factors required
Influence of reservoir heterogeneity on premature water influx
30. Work Completed Complex geostatistic grids created for all rock properties
Large simulation model constructed to accommodate the complex geostatistic grids
Months required to generate geostatistic maps and build a larger complex model
31. Results of Modeling Reservoir heterogeneity had small influence on water movement
Rock compressibility and its impact on aquifer influx was far more important the reservoir heterogeneity
Man months of work could have been avoided building complex geology and a large full field model
Alternative equivalent model constructed in days
Homogeneous rock properties
Reservoir heterogeneity represented by increasing residual gas saturation to water
Variable rock compressibility
32. Lessons Learned Bigger is not always better
Start simple and then add complexities once the variables that impact the reservoir development understood
Reservoir heterogeneity had a small impact on reservoir development and NPV
Rock compressibility has a large influence on optimal well positions, reservoir recovery factor, and economics
A coarse full field model constructed in hours was adequate
33. 4- Accurate Reserves and Optimal Infill Well Positions for Producing AssetsInclude a typical quick simulation work flow
34. Problem Description Optimal well positioning and staged fracture spacing required for a large tight gas well development
35. Starting Data 11000 feet reservoir
110 feet pay
Perm [=] 7.4E-4 Md
6% porosity
0.6 gravity gas
30% water saturation
Horizontal well development with staged fractures
350 ft half length
.010 ft
10 Darcy permeability
10 stages
Production & tubing head pressures to match
36. Model Construction Steps
37. Step 1 – enter rock properties
38. Step 2 – grid construction Horizontal well setup
4000 feet
10 stages
640/320/160 down spacing with time
300 ft half length
39. Step 3 - PVT & Kr Correlations
40. Step 4 – Well completion times, target rates, minimum well head pressure, completion intervals
41. Step 5 – Enter historical pressures and rates to match
42. Step 6 – Run model Model tubing pressures do not match historical tubing pressures
43. Step 7 – Set up assisted history match parameters and match rates and pressures Match tubing pressures
Vary rock porosity to get correct pore volume
Vary fracture half length
Vary rock permeability
Vary all parameters simultaneously
44. Step 8 – run assisted history match 32 runs & 10 minutes
Historical points are squares
Starting model in green
Matched model in blue
Comparable match takes days and required hundreds of runs without this tool
45. Step 9 – Run additional forecasts and optimize well/field development strategy Sensitivity to fracture and well spacing
Run economics on all cases and determine optimal development strategy to maximize NPV
46. Lessons Learned Simulation is the best technology for optimal well spacing and completion technique
SPE 75708 - Paul McKinney, Jay Rushing @ Anadarko
Carthage Field, Panola County, Texas
Single well infill well optimization is fast
One hour or less per well
Simulation adds most value to marginal assets
Tight assets uneconomic if not developed optimally
3 fold increase in NPV for Carthage Field
47. 4- Accurate Reserves and Optimal Infill Well Positions for Producing AssetsLarge offshore international reservoir
48. Background Large detailed model constructed over 2+ years for an international offshore prospect by a major by a team of several engineers and geologists
After 30 months of production the model shows serious production shortcomings
A quick model was constructed in one week that showed in place hydrocarbons and reserves were about 40% higher
49. Match + Reservoir Ternary View
50. Why? 12 months into the original study the geology was revised
Because it took the team several months to incorporate the previous geology there was not enough time to incorporate the new geology and finish the study in time
Study was completed with the wrong geology
51. Lesson Learned All models are wrong – a more complex wrong model is not the goal of simulation
The goal is to have the best model that can be adjusted continually to incorporate new data and improve the reservoir description
52. 5- Identification of Reserves in a Mature AssetGOM reservoir overlying a salt dome
53. Background Presented by Steve Tobias several years ago at this forum
Large mature oil asset acquired by company B from company A
Technical staff from company A released
All information except log data, production records, and raw seismic data were lost in the process
3 platforms, 50+ wells
Current production rate approaching field economic limit
54. Goals Create maps from 3D seismic
Build models for 50+ reservoirs in 5 major horizons and history match all recorded production and pressures
Adjust geology as needed to match production in the simulator
Identify workover and infill drilling potential – if any
55. Study Accomplishments5 MMBO + 23 Bcf in new reserves identified
56. Lessons learned Integrating 3D seismic technology with reservoir simulation in complex mature assets almost always finds reserves
1+1 [=] 4
Neither discipline by itself can identify these reserves
57. Conclusions Simulation is the best tool available for optimally developing reservoirs
Reservoirs are as complex as people are different
The tools available in most simulators allow models to be be built and history matched in minutes to hours to days
Technology is accessible to the everyday engineer
Single well models that take less than one hour are adequate for optimizing many fields
Simple full field models can be built in hours to days and provide a 75-90% answer
58. Conclusions Simulation adds value to every step of the reservoir life cycle
Add no more complexity that the starting data justifies
Nothing had added more value to simulation results over the last 20 years than geostatistics
Nothing is more abused in simulation than geostatistics
All simulators for new assets are wrong
A simple model that can be modified continually as new data becomes available to improve the model description is paramount
59. Using Quick Reservoir Simulation to Make Better Drilling, Completion, and Reservoir Management Decisions in Petroleum Reservoirs Jim Buchwalter
President, Gemini Solutions