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Yvoon Dekens Account Manager Engineering Evelien Van de Mert

Ace your interview !. Yvoon Dekens Account Manager Engineering Evelien Van de Mert Recruitment Specialist Life Sciences. YES. Preparation CV + Letter Interview. RANDSTAD PROFESSIONALS. Self- Knowledge. I Who am I? What am I worth? What do I want? Where Location Sector Area

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Yvoon Dekens Account Manager Engineering Evelien Van de Mert

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  1. Ace your interview ! Yvoon Dekens Account Manager Engineering Evelien Van de Mert Recruitment Specialist Life Sciences

  2. YES PreparationCV + Letter Interview RANDSTAD PROFESSIONALS

  3. Self-Knowledge • I • Who am I? • What am I worth? • What do I want? • Where • Location • Sector • Area • What • Job • Range of tasks • Team

  4. HOW WHY TEAM ONE-MAN BAND WHO WHAT introvert perfectionist patience Indoors, behind your desk TYPE I CONCEPTUAL THINKING Personal recognition T E C H N I C A L extravert influencer calculated risks TYPE IV COMMERCIALCONVINCING TYPE II PROJECTLEADER DECIDING SOC IAL Thumbs up for the team TYPE III HANDS-ONDOING Talking to the machines

  5. Knowledge –test • 3 Positive points • 3 Points of attention

  6. Personal skills • Attentive • Active • Ambitious • Attentive • Understanding • Competent • Available • Reliable • Concerned • Communicative • Correct • Creative • Thinker • Diplomatic • Discreet • Purposive • Doer • Go-getter • Daring • Dynamic • Honest • vigorous • Enthusiastic • Serious • Well-balanced • Flexible • Disciplined • Patient • Motivated • Sensitive • Conscientious • Good colleague • Funny • Generous • Handy • Hearty • Clear • Diligent • Impulsive • Intelligent • Intuitive • Calm • Energetic • Critical • Inquisitive • Lively • Logical thinker • Loyal • Multilingual • Judge of character • Methodical • Accurate • Curious • Negotiator • Enterprising • Candid • Perceptive • Sincere • Optimistic • Tidy • Organizer • Persuasive • Perfectionist • Systematic • Resourceful • Dutiful • Polyvalent • Popular • Practical • Punctual • Rational • Realist

  7. Personal skills • Straightforward • Fair • Reasonable • Result-oriented • Quiet • Serious • Prompt • Sociable • Liberal • Smart • Spontaneous • Stable • Perseverant • Strong • Stylish • Punctual • Sympathetic • Linguistically skilled • Tactful • Team-oriented • Spirited • Tolerant • Loyal • Determined • Responsible • Tolerant • Seller • Wise • Well-cared-for • Diligent • Visionary • Friendly • Cheerful • Worker • Strong-willed • Businesslike • Independent • Self-assured • Sense of humor • Sense of initiative • Meticulous

  8. Self-knowledge Who am I? Personal skills STAR technique - Positive qualities - Points of attention

  9. Self-knowledge –what am I worth? Technical skills • Education • Thesis • Internships • Holiday job

  10. Self-knowledge – where do I want to work? Professional guidance - Ambition (career possibilities) - Location (interior/abroad) - Commuter traffic - Sector

  11. Self-knowledge –what am I willing to do? Job • Content • Entourage • Team/atmosphere • Salary expectations

  12. Salary Survey (KVIV) PhD : 1780 net = gross salary

  13. Give knowledge • Motivation letter A B C • Attention • Am I useful • Conclusion • Curriculum Vitae • Email address • Spelling errors • Structure • Types of CV

  14. Give knowledge

  15. Give knowledge –motivation letter • A: Your chance to rise above average • B: Your chance to highlight your strong points • C: Get the appointment + feedback.

  16. Motivation letter – on target or spontaneous

  17. Letter of motivation – a few tips • Is addressed to the right person (check) and in the right language • Be positive about yourself • Choose a direct and personal style, use short and powerful sentences • Use a varied, fluent and active vocabulary • Beware of linguistic and spelling errors • May be a printed copy • Always enclose a letter of motivation with your CV, also in case of application through email (mind the email address!) • Wait for about 10 days between sending the letter and asking for feedback; this shows a sound initiative

  18. Give knowledge Curriculum Vitae • Your first business card • (beware of spelling errors) • Determines whether you will be invited for an interview or not. • No story, but a structured list • Content:  write to the point and with a purpose  use an active sentence structure  only use useful information • 2 types of CVs:chronological, functional academic (PhD), professional

  19. Curriculum Vitae

  20. Curriculum Vitae Experience What did you do in the past or which experiences may contribute to the good carrying out of a specific job. E.g. Internships, holiday work, thesis, voluntary work, … Particulars Knowledge of languages, computer, particular skills, driver’s licence, … Miscellaneous Activities in club life, hobbies, … References Only relevant references! (Always ask for approval first)

  21. Curriculum Vitae • Outline: • Be honest! • Make sure you have an originally printed copy, without stains or dog-ears. • Keep it concised, try to restrict it to maximum 2 pages. • Use a clear structure and nice layout

  22. Application channels

  23. Getting to know • Interview • A • B • C • Preparation • What do you say? • How do you say it? • Who knows, wins!

  24. Getting to know

  25. Job interview

  26. Job interview • It goes without saying that you are nervous.A good preparation will help you! • 30 seconds-rule!!! • Preparation: • Prepare some questions on the job content and conditions • Gather company information • Make sure to know whether there will be tests and the duration of the interview • Be authentic!

  27. Getting to know –job interview Start: when you arrive! Clothes Body language Attitude

  28. Job interview – how do you say it? • Your voice, intonation and speaking skills will be paid attention to. • Wait a few seconds before answering • Don’t talk too fast and do articulate • Listen and answer the questions that are being asked • Keep eye contact with the interviewer • Pay attention to your non-verbal communication: your greeting, clothes, body language

  29. Job interview - what do you say?

  30. Reflection - Deming • Plan– good preparation for job application • Do – Job application • Check - evaluate: have all my questions been answered • Act – which actions to take in order to improve your job application

  31. Top 5 of the most wanted qualities • Communication skills • Be able to work in a team • Be eager to learn • Be immune to stress • Flexibility

  32. Interactive Workshop Thursday 8.12.2011 See you soon Evelien, Viviane & Marijke INVITATION

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