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1 The Media

1 The Media. med = middle , 表示“中間” p.1. medial a 中間的;平均的 (med + ial) median a 中央的 (med + ian) mediate v 調停 a. 中間的 (med + iate→ 在中間 [ 走 ]→ 調停 ) mediation n 調解,仲裁 (mediate + ion) mediator n 調解人 (mediate + or 人 ) immediate a 即刻的;直接的 (im 無 + med + iate→ 無中間→立刻的 )

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1 The Media

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  1. Wen-Shann Hwang

  2. Wen-Shann Hwang

  3. 1 The Media Wen-Shann Hwang

  4. med = middle,表示“中間”p.1 • medial a 中間的;平均的 (med + ial) • median a 中央的 (med + ian) • mediate v 調停a. 中間的 (med + iate→在中間[走]→調停) • mediation n 調解,仲裁 (mediate + ion) • mediator n 調解人 (mediate + or 人) • immediate a 即刻的;直接的 (im 無 + med + iate→無中間→立刻的) • mediocre a 平庸的,中等的 (med + iocre 石山→中間的山→不是高山→平庸的) • medium n 媒介物 (med + ium→中間物,媒介) Wen-Shann Hwang

  5. Vocabulary & Phrase 1. medium mediums/media: a means or instrumentality for storing or communicating information 2. N + N (stress) 3. groupthink: decision making by a group (especially in a manner that discourages creativity or individual responsibility)集體考慮,集體審議 4. set one’s heart on: wish for intensely; determine on: p.2-4 She has set her heart on going to Europe after graduation. Also, have one's heart set on. Wen-Shann Hwang

  6. struct = build,表示“建立” • structure n. 構造;結構 • construct v. 構造,建築 (con 共同 + struct→共同建立→建造) • construction n 建設 • reconstruct v. 重建 (re 重新 + construct→重新建造) • destructible a 易毀壞的 (de 壞 + struct + ible→把建造的東西弄壞→損壞的) • destruction n. a. 毀滅 (de + struct + ion) • destructive a. 有破壞力的 (de + struct + ion) • instruct n. 指導,教導 (in 進 + struct→[把知識]建立進去→指導) Wen-Shann Hwang

  7. struct = build,表示“建立” • instruction n. 教導,指導 (in + struct + ion) • instructor n. 教師,講師 • obstruct v. 妨礙 (ob 反 + struct→反建設→妨礙) • obstruction n. 阻礙;閉塞 • substruction n. 下部結構;基礎 (sub 下面 + struct + ion→下面的建設→基礎) • superstructure n. 上層建築 (super 上面 + structure→上面的結構→上層建築) • instrument n. 工具;儀器;樂器 (in內 + stru [= struct] + ment→內部結構→儀器. 工具) Wen-Shann Hwang

  8. struct = build,表示“建立” • instrumental a. 有説明的;工具的 (instrument 工具 + al) • instrumentality n. 手段,媒介 (imstrument 工具 + aliy性質→作為工具用→手段) • destroy v. 毀壞,破壞 (de 壞 + story [= struct];參考:destructible) Wen-Shann Hwang

  9. nounce, nunci = speak,表示“講話,說出” • announce v 宣佈,發表 (an + nounce→一再講→宣佈) • announcement n 通告 (announce + ment) • annunciate v 報告,通知 ( = announce) • denounce v 評擊,指責 (de 壞 + nounce→講壞話→評擊) • denunciate v "抨擊,指責 ( = denounce,de + nunci + ate)" Wen-Shann Hwang

  10. nounce, nunci = speak,表示“講話,說出” • enunciate v 清楚表達(e 出 + nunci + ate→講出來→清楚表達) • pronounce v 發音;宣告 (pro 在前 + nounce→在[嘴]前講話→發音) • pronounced a 著名的,顯著的 (pronounce 發音,注意 + ed→[人人都能]發的音→著名的) • pronunciation n 發音 (pronounce 的名詞) • renounce v 否認;拋棄 (re 反 + nounce→反過來說→否認) Wen-Shann Hwang

  11. spir = breathe,表示“呼吸” • spirit n. 精神;情緒 (有呼吸→有精神) • spirited a. 精神飽滿的 • spiritual a. 精神的;宗教的 • aspire v. 熱望;立志 (a 加強 + spire→看到渴望的東西加強呼吸→熱望) • aspiration n. 渴望,熱望 (aspire + ation) • aspiring a. 有抱負的 (aspire + ing) • conspire v. 同謀 (con 共同 + spire→同呼吸→同謀) Wen-Shann Hwang

  12. spir = breathe,表示“呼吸” • conspiracy n. 共謀;反叛 (conspire + acy) • expire v. 斷氣;期滿 (ex 出 + spire→只出氣不進氣→斷氣) • expiration n. 斷氣;期滿 (expire + ation) • inspire v. 吸氣;鼓勵 (in 進 + spire→吸氣進去,引申為鼓勵) • inspiration n. 吸氣;靈感 (有靈氣) • perspire v. 出汗 (per 全部 + spire→全身呼吸→出汗) • perspiration n. 出汗 Wen-Shann Hwang

  13. spir = breathe,表示“呼吸” • respire v. 呼吸;恢復精神(re 再 + spire→再呼吸→恢復精神) • respiration n. 呼吸 • transpire v. 洩露 (trans 交流 + spire→互相呼吸→洩露) • dispirit v. 使沮喪 (dis 去掉 + spirit 精神) Wen-Shann Hwang

  14. Vocabulary & Phrase 4. set one’s heart on: wish for intensely; determine on: She has set her heart on going to Europe after graduation. I am sorry you didn't get to pick the one you wanted. I know you had set your heart on Fred. Jane set her heart on going to London. Also, have one's heart set on. Wen-Shann Hwang

  15. Vocabulary & Phrase Wen-Shann Hwang

  16. Adverbs of Degree p. 2-16 • not fairly quite pretty very p. 2 Wen-Shann Hwang

  17. it = go,表示“行走” p.2-20 • exit n 出口,出去 (ex 出 + it→走出,出口) • ambition n 雄心,志向 (amb 大 + it + ion→走大步→雄心) • ambitious a 有雄心的 (amb + it + ious) • initial a 開始的,最初的 (in 進入 + it + ial→走進→開始的) • initiate v 開始;開創 (in + it + iate) • initiative a 起步的 n. 原動力 (initiate 開始 + ive)

  18. it = go,表示“行走” p. 2-20 • transitory a 短暫的 (trans 交換 + it + ory 交換走→你走他來→短暫的) • transition n 過渡,轉變 (trans 交換 + it + ion→交換走→過渡) • itinerant a 巡迴的 (itiner 是it 變體 + ant→走的→走來走去的) • itinerary n 旅行安排,旅程 (itiner + ary) • circuit n 環行;電路 (circu 環 + it→環著走→環行) • sedition n 叛亂,煽動叛亂 (sed [= se 分開] + it + ion→分開走→叛亂) • seditious a 煽動叛亂的 (sed + it + ious)

  19. Vocabulary & Phrase 5. hype: publicize in an exaggerated and often misleading manner 【俚】人為地刺激;使增加;大肆宣傳 p. 2 6. circus: a performance given by a travelling company of acrobats, clowns, and trained animals 【貶】吵鬧的活動(會議,地方等) 7. empire: a group of countries under a single authority 8. campaign: a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end 競選運動 Wen-Shann Hwang

  20. Vocabulary & Phrase 9. tycoon: a very wealthy or powerful businessman p. 3 10. analyst: someone who is skilled at analyzing data 11. correspondent: a journalist employed to provide news stories for newspapers or broadcast media通訊記者;特派員 12. guru: a Hindu or Buddhist religious leader and spiritual teacher古魯(印度教的導師) 13. mogul: a very wealthy or powerful businessman大人物 14. magnate: a very wealthy or powerful businessman (實業界的)巨頭 Wen-Shann Hwang

  21. Vocabulary & Phrase 15. pundit: an honorary title in India giving a Hindu scholar梵學家 16. livelihood: the financial means whereby one lives生活;生計 p. 3-10 17. satellite: man-made equipment that orbits around the earth or the moon人造衛星 p. 3-11 18. magnate: a very wealthy or powerful businessman (實業界的)巨頭,大王;要人,權貴 19. the Palace Museum Wen-Shann Hwang

  22. in one’s behalf vs. on one’s behalf • in behalf of: for the benefit of; in the interest of. • on behalf of: as the agent of; on the part of. p. 3-13 (d) • I thank you for all the trouble you have taken in my behalf. • He saves in behalf of his son. • He interceded in my behalf. • Don't be uneasy on my behalf. • My husband could not be here tonight, but l want to thank you on his behalf. Wen-Shann Hwang

  23. Programmes & people p. 3 Wen-Shann Hwang

  24. Vocabulary & Phrase 1. host: be the host of or for 2. disc : 3. jockey: an operator of some vehicle or machine or apparatus操作者 4. broad: having great (or a certain) extent from one side to the other 5. board: a committee having supervisory powers a flat piece of material designed for a special purpose 6. aboard: on a ship, train, plane or other vehicle 7. abroad: to or in a foreign country Wen-Shann Hwang

  25. Vocabulary & Phrase 8. due to: 由於、起因 於,(=because of)習慣上,due to 多用於陳述 災難、 意外, 以及其他不好的事件 The accident was due to careless driving. Our problems were due to a combination of bad management and bad luck. The accident was because of careless driving. Our problems were because of a combination of bad management and bad luck. 用 due to 句子顯得比較道地。 Wen-Shann Hwang

  26. Vocabulary & Phrase • I won the contract due to his help. 因為贏得合約是好事,談到好事,比較恰當的用語是 because of 或 thanks to。 • I won the contract because of his help. • Thanks to his help, I won the contract. 用到 thanks to 的句子當然是表達發生了某件好事, 然而為了諷刺,表達壞事也 可用 thanks to,例如:Thanks to your stupidity, we lost a lot of money. (多 謝你的愚蠢,我們損失了一大筆錢)。 Wen-Shann Hwang

  27. Vocabulary & Phrase • 另外, 在正式文件、官方通告上,表達「因為某個事故」 時, 習慣上,多半使用 owing to, • Owing to Princess Diana's ill-health, her visit to the new school is to be postponed. 在新聞報導上、或開會討論公眾議題時,習慣上用 as a result of 表達因果關係 , • Many people were homeless because of the earthquake. • As a result of adverse weather conditions, all flights were canceled today. Wen-Shann Hwang

  28. Language Note 1 8. unsportsmanlike: violating accepted standards or rules 沒有運動道德的;不公正的 p. 4-5 9. provocative: serving or tending to provoke/excite/stimulate氣人的;挑撥的 p.4-5 10. flourish: grow vigorously 繁榮,興旺 p. 4-10 11. anchor: a television reporter who coordinates a broadcast to which several correspondents contribute主持(廣播節目等) 12. front: be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to朝向;面對 13. in one’s own right: by reason of one’s own ability or ownership etc; through one‘s own skills or qualifications; 根据自己的权利,憑自己的能力或资格,独自地 Wen-Shann Hwang

  29. Language Note 2 14. crew: an organized group of workmen 全體船員,機員,空勤人員;一組(或一隊等)工作人員 15. personality: a person of considerable prominence名人,名士 16. cult: followers of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices (對人、思想、事物等的)狂熱崇拜,迷信;狂熱 17. missile: a rocket carrying a warhead of conventional or nuclear explosives; may be ballistic or directed by remote control Wen-Shann Hwang

  30. Language Note 3 18. cult: followers of an unorthodox, extremist, or false religion or sect who often live outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader (對人、思想、事物等的)狂熱崇拜,迷信;狂熱 p. 4-39 Wen-Shann Hwang

  31. port = carry, 表示“拿,運” 1 • portable a 可攜帶的 (port + able 能…的) • portage n 搬運;運費 (port + age 費用→運費) • porter n 搬運工 (port + er) • portfolio n 文件夾;投資組合 (port + folio 樹葉,頁→拿樹葉[書頁]的東西→檔夾) • comport v 舉止,行為 (com 共同 + port 拿,動作→[一個人]的全部動作→舉止) • comportment n 舉止 (comport + ment) Wen-Shann Hwang

  32. port = carry, 表示“拿,運” 2 • disport v/n 娛樂 (dis 分開 + port→拿來分心的東西→娛樂) • deport v 移送,放逐;舉止 (de 去掉 + port→拿出來→放逐) • deportation n 驅逐出境 (deport + ation) • deportment n 舉止行為 (deport + ment) • export v 出口 (ex 出 + port 拿,引申為港口→拿出港口→出口) • import v 進口;意味著 (im 進 + port→拿進港口) • importance n 重要性 (import + ance→帶有意義的狀態→重要性) Wen-Shann Hwang

  33. Vocabulary & Phrase 19. streak: a sudden flash光線;閃電 p. 5-4 20. hard-hitting: characterized by or full of force and vigour有力的;有闖勁的 p. 5-5 21. crack: make a sharp sound使霹啪作響 p. 5-8 Wen-Shann Hwang

  34. News Programmes

  35. Vocabulary & Phrase 22. footage: film that has been shot (影片的)連續鏡頭 p.6-4 23. talking head: a talker on television who talks directly into the cameras and whose upper body is all that is shown on the screen 【俚】(電視銀幕上的)發言人人頭特寫 Wen-Shann Hwang

  36. voc, vok = call, voice,表示“叫喊,聲音” • vocal a 聲音的 • vocalist n 歌手 (vocal 聲音的 + ist 人) • vocation n 職業;使命 (voc + ation→[受到]召喚→有職業) • avocation n 副業 (a 不 + vocation 職業→不是職業,是副業) • vocabulary n 辭彙 (vocabul [= vocable 詞] + ary→辭彙) • advocate v 擁護;倡議 (ad 增強 + voc + ate→增強聲音→擁護) • advocator n 擁護者

  37. voc, vok = call, voice,表示“叫喊,聲音” • convoke v 召集 (con 共同 + vok + e→喊到一起) • convocation n 召集,集會 (con + voc + ation) • revoke v 取消,撤回 (re 回 + vok + e→喊回來→取消) • revocable a 可廢除的 (revoke + able) • irrevocable a 不能改變的 (ir 不 + revocable→不可廢除的) • vociferous a 喧鬧的 (voc + i + fer 帶來 + ous→帶來聲音的→喧鬧的)

  38. voc, vok = call, voice,表示“叫喊,聲音” • evoke v 喚醒,喚起 (e 出 + vok + e→喊出[思想等]→喚醒) • equivoke n 雙關語 (equi 平等 + vok + e→有兩重聲音[平等]→雙關語) • equivocal a 雙關語;模陵兩可的 (equi 平等 + voc + al→平等聲音→模陵兩可的) • equivocate v 推脫,支吾說謊 (equi + voc + ate) • invoke v 請求,使[使[法規]生效 (in 進 + vok + e 喊進去→請求) • invocatory a 祈求的 (in + voc + atory) • provoke v 觸怒,煽動 (pro 前面 + vok + e→到[別人]面前喊→激怒) • provocative a 激怒人的,激發人的 (pro + voe + ative)

  39. relative clause modifying phrase • The book which is on the desk is Tom’s. The book on the desk is Tom’s. • John has a lot of things which he must/has to/need to do on the weekend. John has a lot of things to do on the weekend. • Mary met her uncle who walked on the street. Mary met her uncle walking on the street. • The dog which was run over by the bus is Jane’s. The dog run over by the bus is Jane’s.

  40. Vocabulary & Phrase 23. vox: the sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by the resonance of the vocal tract p. 6-12 24. vox-pop: public opinion as represented by informal interviews with members of the public 【拉】民意,公眾輿論 24. clip: sever or remove by pinching or snipping 25. feature: wear or display in an ostentatious (炫耀的,賣弄的) or proud manner特載 26. disaster: a state of extreme ruin and misfortune災難 Wen-Shann Hwang

  41. Vocabulary & Phrase 27. over: overt: open and observable cover: covert: secret or hidden discover: find unexpectedly p. 6-22 28. giant: gigantic; tremendous; titanic; immense; enormous; colossal; huge; vast; big; large; 29. worldwide: involving the entire earth Wen-Shann Hwang

  42. The Sound-Bite & the Photo-Opportunity Wen-Shann Hwang

  43. photo-, phot-, -photic • (Greek: light; ultraviolet and infrared radiation; radiant energy) • photosynthesis : 其中有希臘字根‘photo’ ﹐表示‘光’ ﹐另一個‘synthesis’ 表示‘合成﹑收集’ ﹐最後意譯為‘光合作用’ • photographer photo + graph + er = 攝影師 • (light) (picture) (person) Wen-Shann Hwang

  44. Blaming the Beltway Wen-Shann Hwang

  45. Vocabulary & Phrase 1. beltway: a highway that encircles an urban area so that traffic does not have to pass through the centre 【美】環城快道 2. rally: gather; (尤指政治上的)大集會,大會 3. glad-handing: 過分熱烈地歡迎 4. baby-kissing: 吻嬰兒以贏得支持或選票 5. hark back: return to a previous point, as in a narrative言歸正傳;回溯到,追溯到 6. bellow: shout loudly and without restraint怒吼 7. attune: adjust or accustom to; bring into harmony with 8. silly hat:滑稽的帽子 Wen-Shann Hwang

  46. Vocabulary & Phrase Wen-Shann Hwang

  47. Vocabulary & Phrase 8. stage-managed: artificially arrange so as to have a particular effect or give a particular impression擔任...之舞臺監督;幕後監督 9. one-liner: a one-line joke 【美】【口】小笑話;雋語;俏皮話 10. pre-packaged: prepared and wrapped beforehand and ready for sale 預包裝的 11. cross-examine: question closely, or question a witness that has already been questioned by the opposing side 【律】向(對方證人)反訊問 Wen-Shann Hwang

  48. Vocabulary & Phrase p.8 12. candidate: a politician who is running for public office候選人;攻讀學位者 13. in advance: ahead of time; in anticipation 14. currency: the metal or paper medium of exchange that is presently used 通貨; 傳播 15. bland: lacking stimulating characteristics; uninteresting枯燥乏味的 16. unappetizing: 索然無味的 17. grand-prix: international races 【美】國際長距離賽車 Wen-Shann Hwang

  49. Vocabulary & Phrase 18. thrill: the swift release of a store of affective force顫動;顫抖 Wen-Shann Hwang

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