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Drought Management Workgr oup Media Relations

Drought Management Workgr oup Media Relations. Keys to Informing and Involving Citizens. Topics for Drought Outreach Workgroup. M edia relations (PR, free media, earned media) Proactive region-wide media Purchased media Focus will be on media relations.

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Drought Management Workgr oup Media Relations

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  1. Drought Management WorkgroupMedia Relations Keys to Informing and Involving Citizens

  2. Topics for Drought Outreach Workgroup • Media relations (PR, free media, earned media) • Proactive region-wide media • Purchased media • Focus will be on media relations

  3. Goals of Effective Media Relations • Target audiences receive essential messages • Reporters accurately report stories

  4. Messaging • To be effective, messaging must be consistent • Consistency comes through good team cooperation and collaboration • Team to work through key messages • Team members implement as agreed • Team members coordinate with their local officials

  5. Who Delivers the Messages • Identify spokespersons • Determine technical content experts • Create excellent network among group for easy access • Be available

  6. Understanding the Media • Work on deadlines (most of the time) • Will be reasonable on your requests if you are responsive • Looking for good stories, good visuals, sound information • Will cover drought / water / water conservation stories

  7. Media List • Will develop a comprehensive media list • Will work with the committee on local media opportunities • Let’s leverage existing media relationships

  8. Media Relations Packet • Identify triggers • Prepare press release template for trigger event using key messages • Work with technical experts to develop pertinent fact sheets (known as backgrounders) • Helps ensure accuracy of reporting • Each release will: • Identify issue • Outline of what region has done to mitigate • Define what people can do to help

  9. Proactive Media Relations • Anticipate what conditions might arise • Distribute a press release ahead of event (get out in front with messaging) • Helps manage the message, rather than reacting to media questions • Team must be flexible (could be looking at late May, early June) • Information to be distributed region-wide • If events serious enough, consider using the press conference format • Helps consistency in message delivery and reporting

  10. Purchased Media • Might consider a small media purchase • Primarily smaller/weekly newspapers and radioTV will be too expensive • Will develop Public Service Announcement type ads • Purchased media gives complete control over messages, and directs audience to best place for more information

  11. Next Steps • Arrange 20-30 minute phone conversation with each team member before next meeting • Gather specifics about: • Spokespersons • How collaboration happens with elected officials • Local issues for various triggers that need to be considered • Best media outlets for message delivery • Learn about existing media relationships

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