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HR ‘79 2009 Report What’s more interesting than us?

HR ‘79 2009 Report What’s more interesting than us?. www.HR1979.com. today’s presentation Overall survey results. Our Agenda. Harvard – Radcliffe MJR Marriage & family MJR Health, lifestyle, fertility JCS Careers, work & money JCS Sex JCS. Spirituality MJR Politics JCS

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HR ‘79 2009 Report What’s more interesting than us?

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  1. HR ‘79 2009 Report What’s more interesting than us?

  2. www.HR1979.com • today’s presentation • Overall survey results

  3. Our Agenda • Harvard – Radcliffe MJR • Marriage & family MJR • Health, lifestyle, fertility JCS • Careers, work & money JCS • Sex JCS • Spirituality MJR • Politics JCS • Happiness MJR • Open ended ?s JCS • Changes across the years MJR

  4. Overview - 150 responses • 61% Male • 89 % Caucasian, 3% Hispanic, 3% African American, 5% Asian • 40% Urban, 51% suburban, 6% small town, 3% rural • 93% heterosexual • 28% Protestant, 16% Jewish, 17% Catholic, 30% atheist or agnostic

  5. Starting at the beginning – Harvard? • 52% encountered most stimulating people at HR • 58% for women • 48% for men • For 19% of us, closest friends are HR folks • 65% look back w/ pride, 78% w/ fondness, 50% w/ gratitude, 17% regret, 3% anger

  6. Impact on career and “personal satisfaction” • Career: • HR significant impact on career for 57% • HR “afforded me opportunities I never dreamed of” for 10% • Personal Satisfaction: • Significant effect for 57% • Life changing for 24%

  7. HR Today...better or worse than 30 years ago? • 17% no clue • 18% worse and much worse • 9% much better • 56% somewhat better • 3 X as many women think much worse, and 2X as many men think much better (small #s)

  8. Marriage, Family • 8% of Men, 9% of Women, Never Married • 75% both men and women married 1X • 11% women, 15% men married 2X • 6% women, 1% men married 3X • Of the currently unmarried, 75% of women and 37% of men would rather be married • 85% With Kids • 95% Of The Married Have Kids

  9. Inbreeding • 33% of women and 12% of men are married to a classmate • 76% of classmate marriages described as great or very good compared to 80% of non-classmate • 8% divorce rate for classmates vs. 24% for non

  10. If not married, which of the following best describes why you are not married?

  11. My marriage or committed partnership is:

  12. Have you ever been unfaithful to your partner?

  13. Have you ever attended counseling to attempt to salvage or improve a marriage or relationship?

  14. How old is your spouse? (3% have had a spouse die)

  15. What is your partner's highest level of education?

  16. How many children do you have?

  17. How old were you when you had your first child?

  18. Children have changed my life:

  19. Who spends more time caring for the children?

  20. How have children affected your relationship with your partner?

  21. My children are(check all that apply):

  22. My children's high school was/will be:

  23. Do you have children in college?

  24. Putting aside your own kid (if any) I believe the current younger generation ( mid- to late teens) is...

  25. Again, leaving your own kids out, I believe this younger generation is:

  26. Health, Fertility, Lifestyle

  27. Have you or a partner undergone treatment to enhance fertility or bring a pregnancy to term?

  28. How much alcohol do you consume weekly? (1 beer=1 glass of wine=1 mixed drink)

  29. How many cigarettes do you smoke daily?

  30. How many times a week do you use recreational drugs?

  31. Have you ever been treated for substance abuse?

  32. How many hours per week do you devote to exercise?

  33. The level of stress in my life is:

  34. Have you ever sought psychiatric or psychological counseling?

  35. Have you taken prescription medication to treat depression and/or anxiety?

  36. Have you had cosmetic surgery/treatments to (check all that apply)

  37. Have you been diagnosed with any form of cancer?

  38. Have you had any serious heart problems?

  39. Conscientious? • 76% of men have an annual prostate exam • 84% of women have an annual mammogram

  40. How many of your (birth) parents are still alive?

  41. Are you responsible for or do you care for a parent?

  42. How many hours per month do you spend on volunteer work?

  43. Career, Work, Money • 85% Went On To Further Education • 77% work “outside” and 7% “inside” the home • 58% Work In Business/Medicine/Law • 2% retired • 39% 200K and > Individual Income • 65% 200K and > HH Inc.

  44. What is your highest level of education?

  45. If you work for money, how many hours per week do you devote to paid work?

  46. Are you a founder or co-founder of the enterprise where you work?

  47. Law, Business, Medicine = 57%

  48. Business & Law most lucrative

  49. How many jobs have you held since graduating from college?

  50. How many times have you changed careers?

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