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Funded by Government Equalities Office

LGBT+ Futures. Funded by Government Equalities Office Provide funding and support for the LGBT+ Sector so that it can be more resilient and sustainable LGBT+ Futures Fund Grants (Round 2 opens Friday 3 rd May) Skills Development and Training Programme

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Funded by Government Equalities Office

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  1. LGBT+ Futures • Funded by Government Equalities Office • Provide funding and support for the LGBT+ Sector so that it can be more resilient and sustainable • LGBT+ Futures Fund Grants (Round 2 opens Friday 3rd May) • Skills Development and Training Programme • This session will outline the Skills Development and Training Programme and how you can get the most our of it for your LGBT+ group.

  2. Development Areas • Organisational Development: • Good Governance e.g. constitutions, bank account, policies, digital presence • Developing Strategies and planning e.g. fundraising plan or strategic plan • Financial Accountability e.g. keeping records and reporting responsibilities • Income Diversification e.g. becoming less grant reliant • Skills Development: • Monitoring and measuring change and Impact • Bid Writing • Developing your Organisation's Influence • Growing your Organisation, developing new services and Human Resources • Diversifying your Audience and involving beneficiaries and service users • We will also delivering targeted support to Prides, Bi Groups and groups/events who want to be more inclusive for LGBT+ young people.

  3. Our Partners

  4. Delivery of Programme • From May 2019 to March 2020 LGBT+ Groups will be able to access: • 1:1 Support • Tailored support from our Engagement Team • Action Groups • LGBT+ Groups and organisations collaborating on creating solutions for common issues • e.g. 5 or 6 Prides discussing ideas around how they evidence the impact of their one off events • Pride Resource & Support • Including Young People in events • Applying for funding • Sponsorship and working with local businesses

  5. Delivery of Programme • From May 2019 to March 2020 LGBT+ Groups will be able to access: • Five 1 Day Conference • For grassroots LGBT+ groups (income of £50,000 and under) with a range of workshops: • Fit for funding • Legal structure and registering with the charity commission • Good governance • Trustee role and responsibilities • Fundraising • Taking on sessional staff • In London, E. Midlands, Manchester, Leeds and South West (TBC)

  6. Delivery of Programme • From May 2019 to March 2020 LGBT+ Groups will be able to access: • Master Classes • Monitoring and Impact • Growing your LGBT+ Group • Developing your LGBT+ Groups influence • Webinars • Bid Writing for first time fundraisers • Understanding terminology: Activities, Outputs, Outcomes and Impact • Developing and communicating a project for funding • Using Social Media for an online presence • Good financial record keeping • Developing fundraising strategy • Developing a Strategic Plan 

  7. Delivery of Programme • From May 2019 to March 2020 LGBT+ Groups will be able to access: • Online Resources • Toolkit: Safeguarding Policy & procedures • Toolkit: Developing a fundraising strategy • Toolkit: Developing a Strategic Plan • Toolkit: Recruiting, inducting, managing and retaining Trustees

  8. Journey through Programme LGBT+ Group book 1:1 with Consortium Engagement Officer to discuss training needs and create a personalised training plan Group enters the programme Training Training Training Training Conferences Online Toolkits Resource Online Training 1:1 Support Training Training Training Session Masterclasses Action Group Group completes short evaluation

  9. Next Steps For information about Round 2 of our Grants Programme contact grants@lgbtconsortium.org.uk To book a 1:1 with our Engagement Team to engage in this Training Programme, or to receive more general support for your LGBT+ Group contact lucie.brooke@lgbtconsortium.org.uk or vicky.worthington@lgbtconsortium.org.uk To Join the Consortium Network visit www.lgbtconsortium.org.uk/membership

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