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Remote Sensing Microwave Image. 7. Radar Satellites and LIDAR. Use synthetic aperture principle Radar bands Band wavelength (cm) K a 0.75-1.1 K 1.1-1.67 K u 1.67-2.4 X 2.4-3.75 C 3.75-7.5 S 7.5-15 L 15-30 P 30-100.
7. Radar Satellites and LIDAR • Use synthetic aperture principle • Radar bands Band wavelength (cm) Ka 0.75-1.1 K 1.1-1.67 Ku 1.67-2.4 X 2.4-3.75 C 3.75-7.5 S 7.5-15 L 15-30 P 30-100
Radar Satellites and LIDAR • SEASAT SAR • Shuttle Image Radar-A, –B, –C • ALMAZ-1 • ERS-1, ERS-2 • ENVISAT-1 • JERS-1 • ALOS • RADARSAT • SRTM • LIDAR
Shuttle Image Radar-A (SIR-A) 1981SIR-B, 1984, SIR-C, 1994 • SIR-A - a synthetic aperture radar carried by the Shuttle Transportation System - designed to observe land information - 260km altitude, 40m range and azimuth resolutions, l=23.5cm, HH, fixed large look angle (47o-53o)
SAR-A http://rst.gsfc.nasa.gov/Sect8/Sect8_7.html
Above, the remarkable display of dendritic drainage in the SIR-A image of east-central Colombia results from uplands covered with grass that (because the blades are small) strongly reflects away the radar beam (thus dark), whereas the streams stand out as bright because their tree-lined channels produce double bounce reflections between the smooth water and tree trunks.
ERS-1, ERS-2, 1991, 1995 - European Space Agency - sun-synchronous orbit, 785km - 16 ~ 18 days temporal resolution - three sensor systems including a C-band active microwave instrumentation with 30m resolution, VV, 23o look angle
A ship (bright target near the bottom left corner) is seen discharging oil into the sea in this ERS SAR image. http://www.crisp.nus.edu.sg/~research/tutorial/sar_int.htm
This SAR image shows an area of the sea near a busy port. Many ships can be seen as bright spots in this image due to corner reflection. The sea is calm, and hence the ships can be easily detected against the dark background. http://www.crisp.nus.edu.sg/~research/tutorial/sar_int.htm
RADARSAT 1995 - Canadian Space Agency - designed to observe sea ice, coastal line, land cover, agriculture, and forest - 798km orbit, 1-3days, l=5.6cm, HH - various spatial resolutions and look angles http://www.crisp.nus.edu.sg/~research/tutorial/radarsat.htm
RADARSAT http://www.crisp.nus.edu.sg/~research/tutorial/radarsat.htm
Interferometric Radar - based on the phase difference of radar signals received by antennas located at different positions in space - with a known interferometric baseline, the phase difference is used to calculate elevation - single-pass interferometry: two antennas on a single aircraft - repeat-pass interferometry: single antenna with multiple passes
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 2000 - single-pass interferometry - covers 60oN-56oS, 30m resolution DEM, C and X bands
SRTM Mount Saint Helens, Washington, USA, SRTM Perspective: Shaded Relief and Colored Height http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA06668
SRTM When SRTM data are combined with Landsat, these views of the Kamchatka mountains ensue:
The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) obtained elevation data on a near-global scale to generate the most complete high-resolution digital topographic database of Earth. SRTM consisted of a specially modified radar system that flew onboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour during an 11-day mission in February of 2000. • SRTM is an international project spearheaded by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
LIght Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) - uses pulses of laser light directed toward the ground and measured return time to measure distances - uses visible and NIR range - rapid pulsing - can record up to five returns per pulse, thus discriminating multiple surfaces per pulse
LIDAR - equipped with GPS, recorded data are georeferenced - large quantity of data - used for generating DEMs, contours, and feature extraction
Devereux, B.J., G.S. Amable, P. Crow & A.D. Cliff, 2005. The potential of airborne lidar for detection of archaeological features under woodland canopies. Antiquity 79:648-660.The purpose of this study is to explore the potential of airborne laser scanning (light detection and ranging – lidar) to expose archaeological surface features in highly forested areas. Its aim is to provide a new technique for airborne reconnaissance to compensate for the shortcomings of aerial photography, in archaeological contexts.
ALS to map gullies and headwater stream under forest canopy A: Contour maps generated from LiDAR-derived 4×4-m DEMs with field-surveyed cross-section locations. Contour intervals are 0.6 m. B: Mace gully system with topologic errors(X’s) and omitted channels(dashed) where small parallel gullies were not detected James, L. Allan, Darrell Glen Watson, and William F. Hansen. "Using LiDAR Data to Map Gullies and Headwater Streams under Forest Canopy: South Carolina, USA." CATENA 71 (2007): 132-144
Kim, S., McGaughey, R.J., Andersen, H., and Schreuder (2009). Tree species differentiation using intensity data derived from leaf-on and leaf-off airborne laser scanner data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113: 1575-1586.
NYC SOLAR MAP Sean C. Ahearn, Professor and Director CARSI, Hunter College
Points to Digital Surface Model (DSM) Technique 2: Adaptive triangulation with smoothing filter by 1 bin size radius and maximum g tolerance 3 meter, spike and well removal
Solar Insolation Calculation (ESRI tool run on Supper Computers at CUNY HPC College of Staten Island) One Day Solar animation: one day
Created by: Brian Clarkson
Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation (ICESat) 2003 - NASA’s Earth Observing System (EOS) - NIR and visible - collects precise measurements of the mass balance of polar ice sheets http://icesat.gsfc.nasa.gov/
Readings • Chapter 8