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Review Chapter 19. avgapa,w. I love. avpokri,nomai. I answer. daimo,nion. Demon. dei/. It is necessary. du,namai. I am able; I am powerful. du,namij. Ability Power;. e;rcomai. I come; I go. zhte,w. I seek. kale,w. I call.
avgapa,w I love
avpokri,nomai I answer
daimo,nion Demon
dei/ It is necessary
du,namai I am able; I am powerful
du,namij • Ability • Power;
e;rcomai I come; I go
zhte,w I seek
kale,w I call
ti, u`mi/n dokei/ peri. tou/ cristou/È ti,noj ui`o,j evstinÈ le,gousin auvtw/|\ tou/ Daui,dÅ “You Think” "What do you think about the Christ, whose son is He?" They said to Him, "The son of David." (Matthew 22:42)
le,gei auvtoi/j\ pw/j ou=n Daui.d evn pneu,mati kalei/ auvto.n ku,rion le,gwn\ He said to them, "Then how does David in the Spirit call Him 'Lord,' saying… (Matthew 22:43)
ei=pen ku,rioj tw/| kuri,w| mou\ ka,qou evk dexiw/n mou( e[wj a'n qw/ tou.j evcqrou,j sou u`poka,tw tw/n podw/n souÈ “You sit” “right hand” (Matthew 22:44) “I put” “Enemies” “under”
eiv ou=n Daui.d kalei/ auvto.n ku,rion( pw/j ui`o.j auvtou/ evstin; If David then calls him 'Lord,' how can he be his son? (Matthew 22:45).
lale,w I speak
lalou/men We speak
auvtoi. evk tou/ ko,smou eivsi,n( dia. tou/to evk tou/ ko,smou lalou/sin kai. o` ko,smoj auvtw/n avkou,eiÅ They are of the world; therefore they speak of the world, and the world hears them. (1 John 4:5)
avmh.n avmh.n le,gw soi o[ti o] oi;damen lalou/men kai. o] e`wra,kamen marturou/men( kai. th.n marturi,an h`mw/n ouv lamba,neteÅ “We see” (John 3:11)
nux Night
oi=da I know
poreu,omai I go
poreu,omai e`toima,sai to,pon u`mi/n To prepare I go to prepare a place for you (John 14:2)
Kai. nu/n, ivdou., dedeme,noj evgw. tw/| pneu,mati poreu,omai eivj VIerousalh.m Having been bound And now, behold, having been bound in the Spirit, I go to Jerusalem (Acts 20:22)
avkou,w I hear
o` qeo.j fw/j evstin kai. skoti,a evn auvtw/| ouvk e;stin ouvdemi,aÅ Darkness God is light and there is no darkness in him at all (not one) (1 John 1:5)
VEa.n ei;pwmen o[ti koinwni,an e;comen metV auvtou/ kai. evn tw/| sko,tei peripatw/men( yeudo,meqa kai. ouv poiou/men th.n avlh,qeian\ We walk We are liars (middle) If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not do the truth (1 John 1:6)
We walk eva.n de. evn tw/| fwti. peripatw/men w`j auvto,j evstin evn tw/| fwti,( koinwni,an e;comen metV avllh,lwn kai. to. ai-ma VIhsou/ tou/ ui`ou/ auvtou/ kaqari,zei h`ma/j avpo. pa,shj a`marti,ajÅ but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. (1 John 1:7) Cleanses
eva.n ei;pwmen o[ti a`marti,an ouvk e;comen( e`autou.j planw/men kai. h` avlh,qeia ouvk e;stin evn h`mi/n We lead astray If we say that we have no sin, we are leading ourselves astray, and the truth is not in us. (1 John 1:8)
eva.n o`mologw/men ta.j a`marti,aj h`mw/n( pisto,j evstin kai. di,kaioj( i[na avfh/| h`mi/n ta.j a`marti,aj kai. kaqari,sh| h`ma/j avpo. pa,shj avdiki,ajÅ To forgive If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) To cleanse
avkouomen We hear
ble,pw I see
ble,peij You see
ble,pousi They see
e;cw I have
lu,w I loose or destory
proeu,omai I go
e;rcomai I come; I go
Kai. e;rcontai pa,lin eivj ~Ieroso,luma/( kai e;rcontai pro.j auvto.n oi` avrcierei/j kai. oi` grammatei/j kai. oi` presbu,teroi High priests And they come again into Jerusalem, and the chief priests, and scribes, and elders come to Him (Mark 11:27) Scribes Elders
le,gei auvth/| o` VIhsou/j\ pi,steue, moi( gu,nai( o[ti e;rcetai w[ra o[te ou;te evn tw/| o;rei tou,tw| ou;te evn ~Ierosolu,moij proskunh,sete tw/| patri,Å Mountain You shall worship Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, an hour is coming when neither in this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, shall you worship the Father” (John 4:21)
avlla. e;rcetai w[ra kai. nu/n evstin( o[te oi` avlhqinoi. proskunhtai. proskunh,sousin tw/| patri. evn pneu,mati kai. avlhqei,a|\ Worshipers they shall worship But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth (John 4:23)
lu,ei He looses or destorys
no,moj Law
o[pou Where
pisteu,w I believe
proswpon Face, appearance
Blepeij o[ avdelfo,j ta pro,swpa auvtw/n The brother saw his face
o[tan Whenever
evn tou,tw| ginw,skomen o[ti avgapw/men ta. te,kna tou/ qeou/( o[tan to.n qeo.n avgapw/men kai. ta.j evntola.j auvtou/ poiw/menÅ In this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and we do His commandments (1 John 5:2)
plei,wn / plei/on Larger More
plhro,w I fill