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UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA EQUESTRIAN TEAM. INFORMATION SESSION FOR PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS 2013 – 2014. PRESIDENT TORI TURNER. 3 rd year Human Kinetics Student 3 rd year with the uO Eq Team Competition experience on both OUEA and IHSA circuits uO Eq Vice President 2012 – 2013
PRESIDENTTORI TURNER 3rd year Human Kinetics Student 3rd year with the uOEq Team Competition experience on both OUEA and IHSA circuits uOEq Vice President 2012 – 2013 Oversees all activities and events for the team. Communicates with the coaches regularly. Helps to solve any conflicts that may arise. president@uottawaequestrian.com (613) 552 - 4512
Ontario equestrian federation • The OEF is committed to equine welfare and providing support to the individuals, associations and industries in Ontario’s horse community. • Membership costs $75+tax • covered from now to Dec. 31, 2014 • Membership includes: • $5 000 000 Personal Liability Insurance • $30 000 Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance • Options to increase your coverage • Free access to insurance and risk management advice • Discounts at a variety of hotels, tack and supply stores, and publications • horse.on.ca
CoachLauren Hunkin Trained under Ian, Amy and Jonathan Millar Grand Prix Rider since 2006 Represented Canada at National and International competitions Short listed for potential Olympic Team in both 2009 and 2013
COACHMARK STRUTHERS Experienced blacksmith Many years of experience horse showing on the A circuits across Ontario and Quebec in both hunter and jumper disciplines
COACHAMANDA WEAVER Trained under Paul Halpern with Millar-Brooke system Many years of experience horse showing on the A circuits in Ontario and Quebec Years of barn management experience
Lesson coordinatormaggiefrere 3rd year Health Sciences student 2nd year with the uOEq Team Competition experience on the IHSA circuit Organizes lessons and all related lesson activities lessons@uottawaequestrian.com (613) 246 - 0639
The basics • Cost: $542.40 for 8 lessons or $745.80 for 12 lessons per semester. • Schedule: A schedule will be created very soon. This schedule will be followed each week until lessons are completed. • Transportation: We arrange carpooling for each lesson. Each team member must pay their driver $5 for gas each lesson.
What to expect • For each lesson we ask that you sign into our team notebook. There are various sections to fill out, takes a few seconds, and helps to keep our team organized. • We meet 1.5 hours BEFORE our lessons at 90U and make our way to the barn. • Check which horse you are riding on the lesson board, and get your horse from the paddock. • Groom and tack up your horse, if you are unsure of anything, please ask your team members or a staff member for help ** We will try to show you as much as we can at tryouts to ensure you are prepared for your lessons**
Lesson policies • Turnout is absolutely important – please wear the proper equipment • We request that everyone dresses professionally, preferably wear a polo or collared shirt, and absolutely NO HOODS! • You must let me know one week before you scheduled lesson (before I send confirmed weekly schedule) if you wish to cancel your lesson • If you cancel anytime after the confirmed weekly schedule is sent out, that lesson will be counted towards your total regardless of if you attend.
What you need to do • Send me your fall schedule by Wednesday September 11th • Please indicate times, other than class, when you cannot lesson due to other commitments. • Indicate your top 3 most ideal times to lesson, please allow 3.5 hours. • Pay your lesson fees! You cannot start riding until you have paid for the semester.
IHSA MANAGERGlen Sargent 2nd year Economics Student 2nd year with the uOEq Team Competition experience on the IHSA circuit Responsible for everything related to IHSA, including travel planning, entries and show day organization. ihsa@uottawaequestrian.com (613) 914 - 3040
IHSA • The Intercollegiate Horse Show Association is run through colleges across the United States. • The IHSA provides an opportunity for riders of all levels to ride. Including: • Beginner walk/trot • Beginner walk/trot/canter • Advanced walk/trot/canter • Novice over fences (2ft 3) and undersaddle • Intermediate over fences (2ft 6) and undersaddle • Open over fences (2ft9) and undersaddle
IHSA • IHSA horse shows are usually 3 – 5 hours away from the university and are planned over an entire weekend. • Horse shows usually cost ~ $350 each. Each member is responsible for spending money for food, etc. • Each member is required to have a valid passport to participate on the IHSA team. If you do not have one, or have reasons as to why you cannot enter the United States, please let us know. • Each member is required to have an IHSA and USHJA membership.
IhsaSHOW DATES • There are four horse show weekends throughout the year which provide opportunities to gain points towards qualifying for IHSA regionals in the spring. • OCTOBER 26/27 @ Rolelu Stables in Geneseo, NY • NOVEMBER 9 @ Rolelu Stables in Geneseo, NY and NOVEMBER 10 @ Cazenovia College in Cazenovia, NY • NOVEMBER 16/17 @ St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY • FEBRUARY 22 @ Cazenovia College in Cazenovia, NY and FEBRUARY 23 @ St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY
OUEA MANAGERRILEY BOYES 2nd year psychology student 2nd year with the uOEq Team Competition experience on the OUEA circuit Responsible for everything related to OUEA, including travel planning, entries and show day organization. ouea@uottawaequestrian.com (613) 484 - 8836
OUEA • The Ontario University Equestrian Association is an association run by students across Ontario • The OUEA provides horse showing opportunities to all levels of riders: • Beginner over fences (2ft) and undersaddle • Novice over fences (2ft3) and undersaddle • Intermediate over fences (2ft6) and undersaddle • Open over fences (2ft9) and undersaddle
OUEA • OUEA horse shows are anywhere from 30 minutes to hours away from the university and are only on Sundays. • Horse shows usually cost ~ $200 each. Each member is responsible for spending money for food, etc. • Each member is required to have an OEF membership as well as an OUEA membership
OUEA • There are approximately 9 horse shows throughout the school year where you can compete for points to gain entrance into the OUEA finals in the spring. • Show dates are booked throughout the year, a more concrete schedule of the fall semester will be available after September 22nd • Potential show dates: • September 29th– York @ Forest Hill Stable, Caledon • October 6th – Queens @ Dreamcatcher Farm, Kingston • October 20th – Trent @ Kildare Stables, Peterborough
SECRETARYMolly McHUGH 4th year Social Science Student 3rd year with the uOEq Team Competition experience on the OUEA uOEq Social/Fund. 2012 - 2013 Ensures the team is organized and on task Collects all forms and paperwork for the team Communicates with the school sport rep. to organize team meetings secretary@uottawaequestrian.com (519) 239 - 5591
forms • Each member must submit each of the forms (preferably tonight) before/at tryouts. All forms are included in the information packages you’ve received. • Forms include: • uOttawa Student/Athlete registration • uOttawa Liability • Synergy Liability • Team Contract • Everyone is required to submit a team application tonight. We assume everyone here plans to attend team tryouts. You have until Wednesday September 11th to withdraw from tryouts.
Treasurerericabracey 2nd year Accounting Student 2nd year with the uOEq Team Competition experience on the OUEA circuit Manages and distributes the team’s finances. Collects monies and manages show expenses with the OUEA and IHSA managers uoeqfinance@yahoo.ca (613) 449 - 4988
Required fees • We ask that the following two fees are paid by EXACT cash or cheque. • Team membership: $40.00 (includes a team polo shirt) • Cheques made payable to: GeeGees Equestrian Team • Assessment Fee: $56.50 (taxes included) • Cheques made payable to: Synergy Farm • Fees are due at tryouts.
Required fees • Lesson Fee • $542.40 for 8 lessons or $745.80 for 12 lessons • Payment Options • Exact cash • Cheque made payable to: Synergy Farm • Etransfer • The BEST way to pay! • Send to mark@synergyfarm.ca • Set the password to: synergy • No capitals, no spaces
tryouts • Sunday September 15th • Riders will be divided into groups of four. Each group will drive out at a specific time (to be decided after number of riders is confirmed). We ask that new members with cars be willing to drive to the farm for tryouts. You will be compensated for gas. • Riders will ride for 30 minutes in groups of two. While you are not riding, you will be learning where things are located at the barn, how to tack up/untack, etc.
Things to remember • Tryouts are this Sunday September 15th. Please let us know by Wednesday September 11th if you do not plan on attending tryouts or being a part of the team. • What to bring to tryouts: • Wear riding attire (breeches, tall boots, polo, gloves, hairnet, helmet) • Cheque or EXACT cash for the team membership fee and assessment fee • Signed and completed uOttawa Liability, Synergy Liability, Student/Athlete Registration,and Team Contract
Questions? Contact us! PRESIDENT: Tori Turnerpresident@uottawaequestrian.com SECRETARY: Molly McHughsecretary@uottawaequestrian.com TREASURER: Erica Braceyuoeqfinance@yahoo.ca LESSON COORDINATOR: Maggie Frerelessons@uottawaequestrian.com IHSA SHOW MANAGER: Glen Sargentihsa@uottawaequestrian.com OUEA SHOW MANAGER: Riley Boyesouea@uottawaequestrian.com www.uottawaequestrian.com