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The OpenURL SFX Training Ex Libris (USA) Inc.

The OpenURL SFX Training Ex Libris (USA) Inc. The Flow of an SFX Request. OpenURL. SFX Server. SOURCE. +. SFX Database. TARGETURL created by SFX server. TARGET. Sources. Where a user is coming from, beginning a search Examples: OPAC A&I database Online journal

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The OpenURL SFX Training Ex Libris (USA) Inc.

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  1. The OpenURL SFX Training Ex Libris (USA) Inc.

  2. The Flow of an SFX Request OpenURL SFX Server SOURCE + SFX Database TARGETURL created by SFX server. TARGET

  3. Sources • Where a user is coming from, beginning a search • Examples: • OPAC • A&I database • Online journal • E-print archives (OAi) • Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) • Your local data repositories • All sources must provide an OpenURL http://www.sfxit.com/sources.html

  4. OpenURL (the enabling mechanism) • OpenURL make metadata available to service componentdynamically inserted • linking server describes context of user • OpenURL A&I OpenURL OpenURL OpenURL Link Server e-print OPAC OpenURL Full Text

  5. OpenURL Status • Developed by Herbert Van de Sompel and Ex Libris and submitted to NISO December 2000 • NISO Committee AX formed; started work in June 2001 … http://library.caltech.edu/openurl • Fast track work item … Version 1.0 testing phase started 1 May 2003 • Low-barrier for implementation by Information Providers • OpenURL draft syntax adopted as Version 0.1 • List of OpenURL adopters: http://www.sfxit.com/sources.html

  6. OpenURL (the enabling mechanism) http://sfx.aaa.edu/menu?genre=article&issn=1234-5678 &volume=12&issue=3&spage=1&epage=8&date=1998 &aulast=Smith&aufirst=Paul

  7. OpenURL function • Enables transfer of metadata … • from an information resource • to a service component (SFX server) that can determine and provide context-sensitive services for the metadata

  8. OpenURL awareness Identify a user that has access to a service component; and 1 Provide an OpenURL for each metadata-object, e.g. a brief citation, reference in journal article, etc. 2

  9. Recognizing Users • Information Providers need to know which BASE_URL to insert into OpenURLs … in order to provide correct/local SFX services … • User Profiles • IP address identification • CookiePusher mechanism • Digital Certificates …?

  10. OpenURL format • BASE_URL: • Server address for the service component (SFX) • Content: • Elements of the metadata or pointer to metadata in a public syntax • Information supporting delivery of services • Example: • http://sfx.aaa.edu/menu?genre=article&issn=1234-5678 • &volume=12&issue=3&spage=1&epage=8&date=1998&aulast=Smith&aufirst=Paul

  11. OpenURL format http://sfx.aaa.edu/sfx_local?&sid=ISI:WOS&id=doi:10.1234/345678abc &genre=article&issn=1234-5678&volume=12&issue=3&spage=1&epage=8&date=1998&pid=%3Cauthor%3ESmith%2C%20Paul%20%3B%20Klein%2C%20Calvin%3C%2Fauthor%3E&%3Cyr%3E98%2F1%3C%2Fyr%3E ORIGIN-DESCRIPTION '&' OBJECT-DESCRIPTION / | \ ,-------' | `-------. GLOBAL-IDENTIFIER-ZONE | LOCAL-IDENTIFIER-ZONE | OBJECT-METADATA-ZONE

  12. OpenURL examples http://sfx.caltech.edu:8888/caltech?sid=Caltech:WOS&genre=article&issn=0305-4470&volume=33&issue=35&spage=L331&epage=L337&date=2000&part=&title=JOURNAL+OF+PHYSICS+A-MATHEMATICAL+AND+GENERAL&aulast=Aratyn&auinit=H&atitle=The+complex+sine-Gordon+equation+as+a+symmetry+flow+of+the+AKNS+hierarchy&pid=%3Cauthors%3EAratyn%20H%7CFerreira%20LA%7CGomes%20JF%7CZimerman%20AH%3C/authors%3E http://sfxserver.somewhere.edu/sfx_local?sid=dbvendor:name&pid=myid:178912781 http://demo.exlibrisgroup.com:9003/demo?id=doi:10.1034/j.1399-0039.2000.560502.x

  13. Fetch • Optional • A way to retrieve additional metadata about a digital object, beyond what comes on an OpenURL • Additional author names • Data specific to the database, such as patent id or dissertation number • Perhaps easier for Information Providers to implement quickly • Fetch syntaxes: Z39.50 and HTTP

  14. SFX Link Server • Accepts OpenURL as input from Information Provider • Analyzes contents of OpenURL • Evaluates appropriate Services based on metadata • (SFX Menu is shown to User) • Dynamically computes links to Target Services

  15. GenericRequestObject • A ‘metadata container’ resulting from SFX analysis of OpenURL • Used by SFX to evaluate and create Services • Contents can be checked in HTML source of SFX Menu and in /logs/sfxmenu.log file • Example: this OpenURL: http://demo.exlibrisgroup.com:9003/demo?sid=sfxit&genre=article& atitle=Developmental%20Expression%20of%20Amylases%20During%20Barley%20Malting&issn=0733-5210&date=2001&volume=33&issue=3&spage=279&aulast=Georg-Kraemer&auinit=JE&pid=<authors>Mundstock,EC|Cavalli-Molina,S</authors> corresponds to this GenericRequestObject …

  16. GenericRequestObject <!-- this is your Generic::Request <perldata> <hash> <item key="Language"></item> <item key="@authLast"> <array> <item key="0">Georg-Kraemer</item> <item key="1">Mundstock</item> <item key="2">Cavalli-Molina</item> </array> </item> <item key="Institute"></item> <item key="rec$parserId">sfxit</item> <item key="@authInit"> <array> <item key="0">JE</item> <item key="1">EC</item> <item key="2">S</item> </array> </item> <item key="@abbrevTitle"> <array> <item key="0">J CEREAL SC</item> <item key="1">J CEREAL SCI</item> </array> </item> … … <item key="Faculty"></item> <item key="objectType">article</item> <item key="volume">33</item> <item key="issue">3</item> <item key="UserGroup"></item> <item key="year">2001</item> <item key="startPage">279</item> <item key="eISSN">1095-9963</item> <item key="journalTitle">JOURNAL OF CEREAL SCIENCE</item> <item key="CODEN">JCSCDA</item> <item key="ISSN">0733-5210</item> <item key="sfx$halId">51286</item> <item key="rec$hasFullTxt">ACADEMIC_PRESS_IDEAL</item> <item key="articleTitle">Developmental Expression of Amylases During Barley Malting</item> <item key="OpenURL">http://demo.exlibrisgroup.com:9003/demo?sid=sfxit&amp;genre=article&amp;atitle=Developmental%20Expression%20of%20Amylases%20During%20Barley%20Malting&amp;issn=0733-5210&amp;date=2001&amp;volume=33&amp;issue=3&amp;spage=279&amp;aulast=Georg-Kraemer&amp;auinit=JE&amp;pid=&lt;authors&gt;Mundstock,EC|Cavalli-Molina,S&lt;/authors&gt;</item> <item key="rec$sourceId">sfxit</item> </hash> </perldata> -->

  17. The Flow of an SFX Request GenericRequest Object SFX Base Source Parser OpenURL Parser … Key:1234-5678 Source OpenURL metadata Based on sid (config files) fetch Target Parser SFX Menu Source Target Service 1 … Object lookup and threshold check Service 2 URL

  18. OpenURL Generator

  19. OpenURL function Standardscenario

  20. OpenURL function CDL consortiumscenario

  21. OpenURL function UCDavis set-up

  22. www.exlibrisgroup.comwww.sfxit.com sfx_help@exlibris-usa.com

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