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The new GIZ Gender Strategy Integration and extended company purpose. Presentation for the W orking G roup Gender, Violence and Human Rights at the Sector Network Healt h and Social Protection Africa /MENA/LAC, Johannesburg, 8th of March, 2012 Eva Diehl,
The new GIZ Gender StrategyIntegration and extended companypurpose PresentationfortheWorking Group Gender, Violenceand Human Rights attheSector Network HealthandSocialProtectionAfrica/MENA/LAC, Johannesburg, 8th of March, 2012 Eva Diehl, Jasmin Dirinpur and Karolin Herzog SN Meeting Health and Social Protection Africa/ MENA/ LAC, Working Group Gender
The new GIZ Gender StrategyIntegration and extended companypurpose The new GIZ gender strategy that is officially launched by the executive management today isbinding for all organisational units. Ituses a two-trackapproach - mainstreamingandspecificactivities – andhas Five strategic elements: • Political will and accountability • Corporate culture • Gender equality within the company • Gender competence • Process adjustment Areas to be monitored with regards to the realisation of the gender strategy are: Contract and cooperation design, Gender equality within the company, and acquisition. SN Meeting Health and Social Protection Africa/ MENA/ LAC, Working Group Gender
The GIZ Africa Gender Concept (2010) …. aimsat „bringinggendertolife“, building on thelong-standinggenderexpertisein the GIZ Africadepartment ….hasthe same strategicelementsasthecompanywidegenderstrategy …definesindicatorsforeachofthe 5 strategicelements Sample indicatorsare : • 80% of gender focal points in dept. 1 have a clear mandate and the necessary know-how and resources to fulfill their tasks (companywide survey) • in at least 80% of the ZAK-proposals, gender is integrated according to the company's criteria • at least 80% of the proposals for new projects include a gender analysis …monitorstherealisationofthegenderstrategyaspartofthemonitoringoftheannualdepartmentgoals SN Meeting Health and Social Protection Africa/ MENA/ LAC, Working Group Gender
- GIZ programmes in Africa GIZ Germany Gender focal points SN Meeting Health and Social Protection Africa/ MENA/ LAC, Working Group Gender
Gender Network Structurewithin GIZ Eschborn Gender steeringcommittee Companywidegenderfocalpoint: Katrin Adams Africa Department Gender focalpoint: Elisabeth Mildeberger Dept. 2 Asia, LAC,.. Gender focalpoint: Dept 3 MENA,Europe,.. Gender foc.al point: SectoralDepartment Gender focalpoint: Joachim Prey Division 43 Karolin Herzog Western Africa I Anke Borggräfe Western Africa II Africa regional Eva Diehl, H.Hänsch Health Samanta Sokol., Jasmin Dirinpur SocialProtection Dorothee R. Education Karina Frainer Southern Africa Elmar Kreutzer Central Africa Catherine Vogel Eastern Africa Kerstin Linden SN Meeting Health and Social Protection Africa/ MENA/ LAC, Working Group Gender
Results from thefirstAfrica Gender Network Meeting in Nairobi (Sept. 2011) Main topicsandresultswere: • Clarificationoftheroleofgenderfocalpoints • Exchange ofexperienceandagreements on futurecollaboration • Recommendationstothemanagement in dept.1 (selection): • To involve the field structure into the development of the new genderstrategy • Tocombine all GIZ instrumentsfor wider andmoreeffectivegendermainstreaming • Tointegrategenderintothesectornetworks • Tointegrategenderintocountryplanning • Toensuresufficientallocationofresourcesforthetasksofgenderfocalpoints SN Meeting Health and Social Protection Africa/ MENA/ LAC, Working Group Gender
TOR Gender Focal Points Whatistheroleofgenderfocalpoints in GIZ Germany? In theAfrica regional divisions, e.g. division 1200: • counseling colleagues in the department on ensuring gender mainstreaming in programme proposals and throughout the contract management process • providing advice with regards to gender analyses: facilitating linkages and acting as an information broker • providing support to the gender focal points in division 1200 partner countries and ensuring information flow into and from division 1200 into other organisational units In thehealthandsocialprotectiondivisions: • advisetoheadofdivisionandmanagementteam on coordination, implementationandmonitoringofmeasuresregarding Gender-Mainstreaming strategy • advise on conceptdevelopmentwithregardtogenderanalysis, feedbackto ZAK, projectproposals SN Meeting Health and Social Protection Africa/ MENA/ LAC, Working Group Gender