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Medical preparedness – WTCC CMO survey results

Medical preparedness – WTCC CMO survey results. Ryukoh Ogino, MD, PhD CMO of WTCC Okayama International Circuit, Okayama, JAPAN Associate Professor Department of Acute Medicine Kawasaki Medical School. Purpose and method of this study.

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Medical preparedness – WTCC CMO survey results

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  1. Medical preparedness – WTCC CMO survey results Ryukoh Ogino, MD, PhD CMO of WTCC Okayama International Circuit, Okayama, JAPAN Associate Professor Department of Acute Medicine Kawasaki Medical School

  2. Purpose and method of this study 1. Purpose: To find out the WTCC chief-medical-officers’ (CMO) opinions regarding the medical preparedness of WTCCand EMS (emergency medical service) system including pre-hospital EMS system in their countries. 2. Method: Questionnaires were sent to all WTCC CMOs. And 11 CMOs answered.

  3. Results Q1. Do you think that it is important to have drivers’past medical history before race? A1. Yes ……………10 ( 91% ) No ……………...1 ( 9% )

  4. Q2. If you chose “Yes” in Q1, what kinds of past medical history do you need? A2. Blood type…………………….8 ( 73% ) Allergy………………………..10 ( 91% ) Contagious infection…………9 ( 82% ) (e.g. Hepatitis B, C or HIV) Past major injuries………….10 ( 91% ) Medications…………………...9 ( 82% ) Others…………………………1 ( 9% ) (PmHx: e.g. Cardiac, Metabolic diseases)

  5. Q3. Do you think that the check list which you are requested to fill in and submit to FIA before the race is adequate? In other words, are there any problems with filling in the list? A3. Yes …………………1 ( 9% ) No…………………10 (91% )

  6. Q4. If you chose “Yes” in Q3, what kind of problems do you have with filling in the check list? A4. Unfamiliar medical terms in the check list e.g. Guedel airway = oropharyngeal airway Difficult to explain EMS system of his country in the list

  7. Q5. In your country, are there medical teams which go out of hospital with cars or helicopters in a daily pre-hospital EMS system in order to take care of emergency patients at the scene of events? A5. Yes…………………11 (100%) No ………………….0 (0%)

  8. Q6. If you chose “Yes” in Q5, indicate which medical team delivery system you have in your country. A6. Car……………………….10 (91%) Helicopter………………..10 (91%) Others……………………..1 (9%) (Ambulance)

  9. Q7. If you chose “Yes” in Q5, what is the medical team’s configuration? A7. Doctor………………..11 (100%) Nurse………………….9 (82%) Paramedic…………….5 (45%) Others…………………2 (18%) (e.g. Medical students, Driver)

  10. Q8. Are physicians specialized in emergency medicine (ER physicians) popular in your country? A8. Yes ……………….10 (91%) No …………………1 (9%)

  11. Q9. If you chose “Yes” in Q8, can ER physician take care of seriously traumatized patients? A9. Yes………………..10 (91%) No …………………0 (0%)

  12. Q10.If you chose “Yes” in Q9, what can ER physician do in the initial resuscitation of seriously traumatized patients? A10. to next slide

  13. A10. Endo-tracheal intubation…………10 (91%) Surgical airway management……..8 (73%) such as cricothyrotomy Chest decompression……………..9 (82%) or chst tube insertion Central venous line insertion…….10 (91%) Pericardiocentesis…………………5 (45%) ER thoracotomy……………………4 (36%) FAST* or ultrasound study………..4 (36%) (FAST*=Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma)

  14. Q11.If you chose “No” in Q9, what is the medical specialty of doctors who take care of the seriously traumatized patients? A11. Trauma team consisting of doctors specialized in surgery and anesthesia……..1(+1) General surgery on-call doctors for ER who stay in hospital during duty hours….0 Others……………………………….0

  15. Personnel at the medical center ( From Annexe H ) For the FIA F1, GT1 and WTCC Championships: the team in the medical centre should include at least 2 doctors qualified in resuscitation and at least 2 surgeons competent in treating trauma and spinal injury. One of these 4 specialists must be competent in first aid for serious burns cases Important thing for personnel in initial resuscitation of trauma patients is not who you are but what you can do!!

  16. Conclusion 1. Almost all CMOs of WTCC feel that it is very important to obtain drivers’ medical information before the race. 2. The pre-hospital EMS system is different from one country to others. Therefore the FIA requests for medical preparedness should be modified according to each country’s pre-hospital EMS system.

  17. Thank you for your attention. Any questions or suggestions? Our Medical Team WTCC at Okayama, Japan

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