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Risk Communication Training for Journalists Under Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA)

Risk Communication Training for Journalists Under Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) Dr . Margaret Karembu (PhD) Director, ISAAA Afri Center m.karembu@cgiar.org ; http :// www.isaaa.org/kc 13 th - 14 th December 2011. Risk Communication. Biosafety.

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Risk Communication Training for Journalists Under Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA)

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  1. Risk Communication Training for Journalists Under Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) Dr. Margaret Karembu (PhD) Director, ISAAA AfriCenter m.karembu@cgiar.org; http://www.isaaa.org/kc 13th - 14thDecember 2011

  2. Risk Communication

  3. Biosafety …the avoidance of risk to human health and safety to the conservation of the environment, as a result of the use for research and commerce of genetically modified organisms (CBD, Cartagena Protocol)

  4. Background and Rationale for Risk Communication in Modern Biotechnology A component of Risk Analysis:(re: Codex Alimentarius Commission 2003)Risk AssessmentRisk ManagementRisk Communication

  5. Risk = hazard+ outrage • = potential for harm (e.g. mortality and morbidity statistics) + perception of potential harm • = facts + feelings • = REAL OR PERCEIVED

  6. Biotechnology has Generated a Network of Opinions Miracle or Monster? and…varied perceptions on risks and benefits

  7. ..and then mass media sensations thro fantasies, myths, fairy tales Are you eating science’s mistakes?? • Creating: • Fear • Anxiety • Outrage • Mistrust

  8. Selective listening/reading Hearing things not said Emphasizing the negative Misinterpretations Feelings overrule facts Leading to: Communication Difficulties We cannotnot communicate!

  9. Ranked in importance (in East Africa) Mass media – electronic & print (radio highly effective) Special interest groups – NGOs, industry Special media – brochures, newsletters Experts? Websites? Where do Majority Stakeholders get information on biotech? Seeking biotech information from experts is limited • Main Challenge: Lack of Trust and Confidence

  10. What is Risk Communication? “A science-based approach for communicating effectively in: • –High concern; • –Low trust; • –Sensitive; or • –Controversial situations.” (ReF: V. Covello, Center for Risk Communication)

  11. What is so special about high risk/stress situations? When people are stressed, their perceptions and decisions are influenced by a wide range of factors, knowledge of hazard often being the least important (worth less than 5%)

  12. Role of Risk Communication • To reduce the outrage and stress factors in risk perception Ultimately, to facilitate informed decision-making by: Policy-makers; opinion leaders; investors; Regulators; Farmers; Consumers etc.

  13. Goals of Risk Communication Helps develop messages that are: 1.Believable – Based on Trust Determination 2. Convincing – Based on Risk Perception Theory 3. Clear and concise – Based on Mental Noise Theory 4. Positive – Based on Negative Dominance Theory Source: Dr. V. Covello, Center for Risk Communication

  14. Message: Being Believable Trust Determination Theory • People who are upset are often distrustful • When people think they may lose something, their acceptance of a message is based on trust and credibility

  15. What matters most in building Trust and Credibility in low trust and/or high concern situations? : Dedication and Commitment 15-20%: 50%: Empathy and Caring 15-20% Honesty + Openness 15-20%: Expertise + Competence Note: People want to know that you care before they care what you know! Source: Dr. V. Covello, Center for Risk Communication

  16. Message: Being Convincing The Risk Perception Theory • Many factors affect perception of risk, including: • Worry • Concern • Fear • Anxiety • People who areupset have perceptions of risk very different from scientific experts

  17. Message: Being Clear and Concise The Mental Noise Theory • People who are upset have difficulty hearing and processinginformation • In the presence of a perceived threat, there is limited attentionto information and limited ability to process information Note: In science communication Avoid: A+B+C = D Start with solution: D = A+B+C

  18. Simplifying language

  19. Message: Being Positive Negative Dominance Theory When people are upset… • Negative information carries more weight than positive information • People tend to think negatively

  20. Overcoming Negative Information Avoid words like • No • Can’t • Don’t • Never • Nothing • None • CCO principle - Compassion, Conviction, Optimism

  21. Steps of GM Safety Balanced perspective Accepts safety F Endorse safety F Experts Shows safety F Experience Regulations Ensures safety F Science F Assures safety

  22. Impacts: Economic, Ecological, Cultural, Health, Trade, Food Security, etc Consumers: How they respond, if they are against- find out why and cross check every claim Governance: The Biosafety law, regulations, Biotech policies, etc. Are they facilitative or prohibitive-why? Status: The current status of the GM technology – global, regional, national, counties? Biotech Story angles…examples from the WEMA project

  23. The ISAAA Network Centers Thank you! AmeriCenter SEAsiaCenter AmeriCenter, Cornell University, 417 Bradfield Hall, Ithaca NY 14852, USA India Office AfriCenter SEAsiaCenter, c/o IRRI, MCPO Box 3127, 1271 Makati City, The Philippines AfriCenter, c/o CIP, P.O. Box 70 00605, Nairobi, Kenya For more information, contact the SAAA Center near you…

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