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Competencies Five parts of Information System System Software and Application Software

Chapter 1 Information Technology, The Internet and You. Competencies Five parts of Information System System Software and Application Software Three Kinds of System Software Basic and Specialized Application Software Four Types of Computers Four Types of Microcomputers

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Competencies Five parts of Information System System Software and Application Software

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  1. Chapter 1 Information Technology, The Internet and You • Competencies • Five parts of Information System • System Software and Application Software • Three Kinds of System Software • Basic and Specialized Application Software • Four Types of Computers • Four Types of Microcomputers • Different types of Computer Hardware • Data and Files • Computer Connectivity, Wireless Revolution and Internet

  2. Key Terms • Application Software • Basic Application • Communication Device • Compact Disc(CD) • Computer Competency • Connectivity • Data • Database file • Desktop Computer • Device Driver • Digital Versatile Disc(DVD) • Digital Video Disc(DVD) • Document File • End User • Floppy Disk • Hardware • High Definition • Information • Information System • Information Technology(IT) • Input Device • Internet • Keyboard • Mainframe Computer • Memory • Microcomputer

  3. Personal Digital Assistant(PDA) • Presentation File • Primary Storage • Printer • Procedures • Program • Random Access Memory(RAM) • Secondary Storage • Software • Specialized Application • Supercomputer • System Software • System Unit • Tablet PC • Wireless Revolution • Worksheet File • Key Terms • Microprocessor • Midrange Computer • Minicomputer • Modem • Monitor • Mouse • Network • Notebook Computer • Operating System • Optical Disc • Output Device • Palm Computer • People

  4. Information System • Five Parts: • People: End Users • Procedures: • Rules or Guidelines documented in manuals written by computer • specialists • Software: Program consists of step-by-step instructions • Hardware: Equipments controlled by software • Data: unprocessed or raw facts • An additional part: • Connectivity: allow computers to connect each other and share information • Information Technology(IT):

  5. People • The most import part of an information system • This book help you to become competent with computers • Making IT work for you (Examples in Figure 1-3) • Tips (Examples in Figure 1-4) • Careers in IT • Computing essentials web site

  6. Software(Program) • Step-by-step instructions • System software and Application Software • System Software: the one used by the computer • Application Software: The one used by the end users • System software • “Background software” that helps the computer to manage its own internal resources • Three kinds of System Software: • Operating Systems: The most important system software which can coordinate computer resources, provide interface between users and computers. Such as Windows XP, Vista, Mac OS, Linux etc.

  7. Utilities: • Perform special tasks related to manage computer resources, such as • Disk defragmenter, Virus protection software. • Device Drivers: • Specialized programs to allow the device to communicate with the computer systems. • Application Software • Basic applications (Figure 1-7) • Specialized applications

  8. Hardware • Four types of Computers • Supercomputer • Mainframe computer • Minicomputer (Midrange computer) • Microcomputer • Four types of microcomputers • Desktop computer • Notebook computer (laptop computer) • Tablet PC • Handled computer(Palm computer): • Personal digital assistant(PDA)

  9. Hardware of Microcomputers • System Unit • microprocessor (CPU) • memory (Primary storage, Random Access Memory: RAM) • Input/output devices • Input devices: Keyboard, mouse, lighting pen, scanner • output devices: monitor, printer, speaker • Secondary storages • Floppy • Hard disk • Optical disks: CD, VCD, DVD, High-definition disc

  10. Communication • communication devices: • modem • adapter card • switcher • hub • router • Communication media: • Telephone line • Twisted pair • Coaxial cable • Radio, Microwave, infrared light

  11. Data • Raw, unprocessed facts, including text, numbers, images and sounds • Four common types of files: • Document file: created by word processors • Worksheet file: created by spreadsheets • Presentation file: created by presentation graphics programs • Database file: created by database management systems • Connectivity, Wireless Revolution and Internet • Connectivity: • Wireless revolution • Network: communication systems connecting two or more computers • Internet:

  12. Visual Summary

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