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Weather. Weather. Weather: the current conditions of the atmosphere. Climate. Climate: the long term weather patterns of an area Depends on latitude and topography . Meteorology. The study of atmospheric conditions. Climatology . The study of climate and climate change. Instruments .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Weather

  2. Weather • Weather: the current conditions of the atmosphere

  3. Climate • Climate: the long term weather patterns of an area • Depends on latitude and topography

  4. Meteorology • The study of atmospheric conditions

  5. Climatology • The study of climate and climate change

  6. Instruments • Thermometer: measures temperature • Barometer: measures air pressure • Hygrometer: measures humidity

  7. Instruments Continued… • Rain Gauge: measures precipitation • Wind Vane: measures wind direction • Anemometer: measures wind speed

  8. Radiosonde • Weather balloon: measures atmospheric conditions

  9. Doppler Radar • Radar that uses the doppler effect to measure the movement and intensity of precipitation

  10. The Doppler Effect • A change in the frequency of a wave due to the movement of the object relative to the observer

  11. The Doppler Effect • Moving towards the observer: wavelength gets shorter • Moving away from the observer: wavelength gets longer

  12. Weather Satellite • A satellite that collects information about the atmosphere • Global temperatures • Cloud cover • Precipitation • Sand and dust storms • Auroras • Ocean currents • Smoke • Ash

  13. Cloud Formation • Water condenses onto dust particles • It takes about a million water molecules to form 1 rain drop

  14. Clouds • High clouds • Form 3-4 miles up • Thin • Made of ice crystals

  15. Clouds • Mid-level clouds • Form 1-2 miles up • Made of water and ice crystals

  16. Clouds • Low level clouds • Form 1 mile up and below • Made of mostly water droplets

  17. Fog • Clouds that form near the ground

  18. Cloud Types • Cirrus: Wispy, stringy • Cumulus: Puffy or piled

  19. Cloud Types • Stratus: sheets or layers • Nimbus: rain or storm clouds

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