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Latin Root Jeopardy

Latin Root Jeopardy. Words Their Way 2012. Latin Root Jeopardy. SPECT 100. One who watches ; an onlooker spectator. SPECT 200. The prospect of good to come; anticipation expectation. SPECT 300. To regard with suspicion and mistrust suspect. SPECT 400. Verb : to esteem

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Latin Root Jeopardy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LatinRootJeopardy WordsTheirWay2012

  2. Latin Root Jeopardy

  3. SPECT 100 Onewhowatches; anonlooker spectator

  4. SPECT 200 Theprospect of goodto come; anticipation expectation

  5. SPECT 300 Toregardwithsuspicion and mistrust suspect

  6. SPECT 400 Verb: toesteem Noun: regard, deference Literally: to look again respect

  7. SPECT 500 Lookingaround, watchful, prudent circumspect

  8. FORM 100 One “form” orstyle of clothingsuch as iswornby nurses uniform

  9. FORM 200 Onewhodoesnotconform nonconformist

  10. FORM 300 Toformormakeanew, toreclaim reform

  11. FORM 400 Tochangeintoanothersubstance, change of form transform

  12. FORM 500 Disfigurement, spoilingtheshape deformity

  13. PORT 100 Goodsbroughtinto a country fromanother country to be sold import

  14. PORT 200 Onewhocarriesburdensforhire porter

  15. PORT 300 Toremovefromone place toanother transport

  16. PORT 400 Togiveanaccount of report

  17. PORT 500 A case forcarryingloosepapers portfolio

  18. TRACT 100 Adjective: havingpowertoattract;alluring;inviting attractive

  19. TRACT 200 A powerful motor vehicleforpullingfarmmachinery, heavy loads, etc. tractor

  20. TRACT 300 Thepowertogriporholdto a surfacewhilemoving, withoutslipping traction

  21. TRACT 400 Anagreement; literally, todrawtogether contract

  22. TRACT 500 Totakeapartfromtherest, todeduct subtract

  23. DICT 100 A bookcontainingtheword of a languageexplained dictionary

  24. DICT 200 A speakingagainst, a denial contradiction

  25. DICT 300 A blessingoften at theend of a worshipservice benediction

  26. DICT 400 Anorderproclaimedbyanauthority edict

  27. DICT 500 Tochargewith a crime indict


  29. DoubleLatinRootJeopardy

  30. CRED 200 asystem of doingbusinessbytrustingthat a personwillpay at a later date forgoodsorservices credit

  31. CRED 400 A set of beliefsorprinciples creed

  32. CRED 600 Unbelievable incredible

  33. CRED 800 Verb: prefixmeaning“not”; wordmeanstodamagethegoodreputation of discredit

  34. CRED 1000 Anadjective, prefixac, wordmeansofficiallyrecognized accredited

  35. DUCT 200 A personwhodirectsthe performance of a choiroranorchestra conductor

  36. DUCT 400 Totrainthemind and abilities of educate

  37. DUCT 600 Toenroll as a member of a militaryservice induct

  38. DUCT 800 The formal presentation of onepersontoanother introduction

  39. DUCT 1000 An artificial channelcarryingwateracross country aqueduct

  40. FER 200 (Plants) abletobearfruit. (Animals) ableorliketoconceiveyoung fertile

  41. FER 400 Tocarryagain; tosubmittoanotherforopinion refer

  42. FER 600 Toconveytoanother place, passedfromone place toanother transfer

  43. FER 800 Endurance of pain; distress suffering

  44. FER 1000 Conebearing, as thefirtree coniferous

  45. PRESS 200 A printing machine press

  46. PRESS 400 Verb: toutter; Noun: anyfastconveyance express

  47. PRESS 600 Topressagainst, toburden, tooverpower oppress

  48. PRESS 800 State of being “presseddown” orsaddened depression

  49. PRESS 1000 Toputdown, topreventcirculation suppress

  50. SPIR 200 Animmaterialintelligentbeing spirit

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