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Motto: Where Eagles S.O.A.R. S-Safety O-Outstanding Behavior A-Academic Excellence R-Respect. SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY. A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner SEPTEMBER 2013.
Motto: Where Eagles S.O.A.R. S-Safety O-Outstanding Behavior A-Academic Excellence R-Respect SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner SEPTEMBER 2013 Our Mission: The mission of Sudlersville Elementary School is to educate and enlighten each of our students through an engaging curriculum and high expectations (for behavior and achievement) by dedicated teachers and staff with support of parents and the extended community. Our Vision: A graduate of Queen Anne's County Public Schools will be well-educated, globally competitive and prepared to become a caring, productive citizen of the 21st Century Principal’s News Welcome Back! By: Michele Hampton By now, your children have been in school for one week. To many of you, this means a new grade, new teachers, and new assignments. Certainly, I expect SES teachers to stimulate your child's curiosity to improve learning and to provide a positive learning environment. Remember our school motto: Safety Outstanding Behavior Academic Excellence Respect By working together, we will SOAR this school year!!! Upcoming Events SEPTEMBER 9/2 SCHOOLS CLOSED 9/3 Pre-K & K first day of school 9/5 BOE Meeting at 6:00pm 9/5 Cub Scout Night 7:00pm in cafeteria 9/6 Spirit Day/Movie Night 7:45 pm 9/9 Reading Pretests 9/9 Summer Reading Celebration 9/10 4th Grade Field Trip (Sultana) 9/11 ½ Day Professional Day- Early Dismissal 9/12 4th Grade Field Trip (Sultana) 9/13 Picture Day 9/16 CogAt Test for 3rd grade (cognitive ability test) 9/17 Bus Evacuation 9/19 Title I Dinner 6:00pm 9/23 Math Pretest Begins 9/23PFY Fall session begins 9/26 3rd Grade Showcase 9/30 SIT Meeting @ 2:45pm OCTOBER 10/2 BOE Meeting at 6:00pm 10/3 Watch Dog Kick-Off Pizza Dinner at 6:00pm 10/4 PTA BINGO Night @ 6:30pm 10/9 Unity Day (County-wide Anti- Bullying Day) 10/11 Hispanic Heritage Day 10/15 Fall Fest/Fall Into Reading 6:00pm 10/16 ½ Day Professional Development 10/17 & 10/18 SCHOOLS CLOSED Left to Right: Elyssa Crossley, Ava Price, Emily Crossley, and Kailyn Bozarth
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner SEPTEMBER 2013 School Messenger and Contact InformationBy: Michele Hampton For the 2013-14 school year, we will once again be using School Messenger as our messaging service to provide timely communication to parents and staff members on matters such as attendance, general interest activities and campus and district emergencies. Announcement can be received in the form of phone calls, emails and text messages. While this is a free service provided by QACPS, standard text message rates may apply. Please check with your wireless provider for possible charges. Parents and staff may update and modify the phone numbers, email addresses and text messaging numbers at which they receive messages. They may also opt in or out of certain types of messages for each phone number or email address. To make the changes, click on the link below, it will take you to the Queen Anne's County Public School Website's School Messenger Page. There, you will be able to click on the appropriate form (Parent or Staff) to request a change to your contact information. If it is more convenient, you may complete a paper copy of the form at the school. QACPS - School Messenger Online Bullying Form By: Michele Hampton The online bullying, harassment, and reporting form has been live since last November. This is the link... bhiform.qacps.org Common Core State Standards By: Michele Hampton This year we will be fully implementing the Common Core State Standards. The Maryland State Department of Education has prepared a compilation of the Top Ten Things Parents Need to Know about the Common Core State Standards. This will give parents a brief overview about the State's new academic standards. We will have limited copies in the school, but the publication is also available online at www.msde.state.md.us/w/Top10CCSSParents.pdf. There are also translated copies available in Spanish. These can be found at marylandpublicschools.org/MSDE/programs/ccss/translations. The top ten topics discussed on this two-page fact sheet include the following: 1. The goal of the CCSS is college and workforce readiness for all students. 2. The CCSS are not a curriculum and do not tell teachers how to teach. 3. States led the effort to develop the CCSS, not the federal government. 4. Better standards call for better assessments. 5. The CCSS focus on 21st century skills. 6. The CCSS create consistent learning goals for all students regardless of where they live or go to school. 7. The CCSS are aligned to college and workplace expectations. 8. The CCSS are benchmarked against academic standards from the world's top-performing countries. 9. The CCSS call for changes in learning for ELA and mathematics. 10. The CCSS delve deeper into core concepts. Queen Anne's' County Handbook By: Michele Hampton We will be providing copies of the Queen Anne's County Public Schools Parent/Student Handbook to the youngest child in your family who attends SES. Please review the handbook and return a sign-off sheet for each child in our school. Students and parents are required to complete the sign-off sheets on the following topics: *Student User Agreement *Media Release *Integrated Pest Management *Verification of receiving and reviewing the calendar/handbook The sign-off sheets need to be returned to your child's teacher by September 6, 2013. Additionally, you should have received a parent/student handbook for Sudlersville Elementary School. You will find a list of many of the events that we have scheduled. Although, this is subject to change, we hope to adhere to the calendar of events provided. It is my hopes that you will find this information helpful. Thank you for your involvement and attention to this matter!
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner SEPTEMBER 2013 Grade 2 News Pre-K News Grade 1 News Welcome to Pre-K! We hope you are having a wonderful summer. We will have a lot of fun this year in Pre-K. We will start the school year with the Theme "Welcome to School." We will be reading a lot of books about going to school, following school rules, and sharing with others. We will also be learning a lot about colors, shapes, and numbers 0-5. Take a little time to read a good book with your family each night for fifteen minutes or practice learning the letters in your name. Have fun with your family and enjoy the rest of your summer. We look forward to an exciting school year! -The Pre-K Team Thank you to all of the parents who came to our beginning of the year parent conferences. It is very important that teachers and parents work together to help children be happy and successful. Please be sure to help your child with homework and to complete the reading logs that are part of a school wide program. If you have any questions, contact your child's teacher. Contact information was given out at the parent conferences. We are looking forward to a great year in kindergarten! -The Kindergarten Team Welcome back! We are having a fantastic beginning to the school year. We have just a few reminders for you. Please label all bookbags, lunch boxes, and clothing for your child. Temperatures vary in parts of the building so they are encouraged to bring a sweater to keep at school. Also, please send in the $2 for the Scholastic News as soon as possible. We will be sending home field trip information in mid-September. We will be visiting the zoo on October 15th so you can plan ahead. Thanks for your continued support. First Grade Team Welcome to Second Grade!!! We are excited to be starting a new school year here at SES. We are looking forward to meeting all our incoming second graders (and their parents) and hope they are ready to learn and have fun! Your second grade teachers have been hard at work preparing materials and planning the second grade curriculum. During our first several weeks of school, we will focus on getting to know one another, learning classroom procedures, reviewing class and school rules and forming our routines. Please watch carefully for information coming home in homework folders. Many papers will need to be completed and returned. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher throughout the year with questions, concerns, ideas or comments. We are looking forward to a terrific year! The Second Grade Team Mrs. Troyer, Ms. Kane and Miss Eber Kindergarten News
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner SEPTEMBER 2013 Grade 4 News Grade 3 News Hooray for students. We are so stoked to work with this amazing group of kids. We have heard amazing things about their character, academic success, and willingness to work. We know it will be a great year. Congratulations to Mrs. Rosendale on the birth of baby boy, Wyatt Andrew. Everyone is home resting and creating a routine. Mrs. Rosendale says she is excited to return in late September and can’t wait to get to know all of her students. In the meantime, Ms. Purnell will be teaching in Mrs. Rosendale’s place. Ms. Purnell is a Washington College graduate and comes in eager to jump into the curriculum. We are so thrilled to have Mrs. Embert on the 4th grade team. She will be an amazing partner and has lots of experience to offer. We also wish Mrs. Comegys the best of luck in the media center. The 4th grade team will miss her, but we know she’ll do great in her new role. Lastly, please help us in welcoming Ms. Casey Fitsch and Ms. Emily Hall from Washington College. They will be working in our 4th grade classrooms as teacher interns for the Fall and Spring semester. Spectacular September! • P.E. POST • HELLO ALL! • I am VERY excited to officially be a part of the SES TEAM! This is the first installment of my monthly P.E. Posts where I will be sharing the upcoming happenings within Physical Education class! • You will see a general curriculum overview (which correlates to the MD Phys. Ed SLO’s) of what students will be doing when they come to P.E. each week. • In the upcoming months, a “Sporty Shout-out” will be added to recognize one student that exemplifies both sportsmanship and skill proficiency within his/her time in P.E. class. • To start off the year, students will… • Be expected to wear proper footwear • Learn & exhibit new class rules & procedures • Learn about safety in the Gym • Exhibit safe procedures when participating in ice-breaker/introductory activities. • And most importantly… • Have FUN while moving around! • Ms. Dean Welcome to third grade! We have had a very successful start to the school year. All of our students are “SOARing” and becoming acclimated with the routine. The literacy block program will begin in September from 12:45-1:45 p.m. Your child will rotate to another teacher based on his/ her reading level. The reading log will be completed weekly and turned into your child’s homeroom teacher. The reading log will be placed into the composition notebook weekly and students will complete all work in the notebook which will be turned in on Monday’s. “Back to School” night was very successful- thanks to all who attended! This month will be busy! On September 9th, students who participated in the summer reading program will attend a celebration in the Media center. Picture day will be on September 13th, 2013 and the annual Title I orientation dinner will be on September 19th, 2013. Thank you for all your continued support and feel free to contact us at school with any questions or concerns you may have about third grade. Have a fabulous fall!
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner SEPTEMBER 2013 Math Matters Reading READING IS FUN! As a way to develop good reading habits and to become a successful reader, we encourage children to read on a regular basis throughout the week and the school year.All students in Pre/K and Kdg. will be expected to be read to a minimum of 20 minutes - 4 nights per week. The teachers will give you a reading log sheet to fill out to track your student's progress. Students in grades 1-4 will be expected to read a minimum of 20 minutes - 4 nights per week. They will also be asked to complete a written response about what they have read. The reading homework will be given to your student by their homeroom teacher this year and not their literacy block teacher. Their homeroom teacher will keep track of their progress. If your child meets their goal of reading a minimum of 20 minutes - 4 nights per week for the entire grading period, they will receive a reward certificate at the quarterly awards assembly and a book to keep or a school store certificate. Remember, the more your child reads the better reader they will become. Reading is a skill and like any skill the more you practice the better you get. We appreciate your support in helping your child become a successful and lifelong reader. I would like to share a quote from Helen Hayes: "From your parents you learn love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other. But when books are opened, you discover that you have wings." May all of our students at SES find their wings! Barbara Thurber Reading Specialist Math Matters From Terri Gloyd, Math Specialist for SES It’s back to school time and that means that families once again will face homework time. With math, it is important to practice skills daily. Teachers will send home a short assignment each night. Be sure to discuss the skill involved with your child. Also, express how you may use this math skill at home or at work. For example, when your child is working with addition, it may help to tell them that you add up purchases in the store to get a total amount spent. When subtracting practice is the skill, share that we use subtraction all the time when we make change for the money paid at a store. When children see that you use math everyday, it will motivate them to master the skills we are teaching here at school. Each month, I will write a short article about a math topic and give suggestions for the home connection. I hope you will find them helpful and that you will agree with me, that MATH MATTERS! Look for after school program registration packets in your child’s book bag in early September! Partnering for Youth will be back at Sudlersville Elementary with a new 21st Century Community Learning Center grant funding the after school program for the next 5 years. PFY will start September 23rd serving 2nd-4th grade students. We are looking forward to seeing new and familiar faces enjoying all the fun activities we are planning. Thank you for allowing us to spend time with your children. It will be a great year at PFY! School Day Schedule 7:30-7:45am Arrival of Students Breakfast provided in all classrooms 7:40am Morning Announcements 7:45am Instruction Begins 10:55-12:35pm Lunches Served 2:27pm Dismissal of walkers & pickups 2:30pm Buses called 2:50pm End of teacher day ****Special Note Please refrain from sending food products in on your child’s birthday. Please feel free to send in other items to celebrate such as pencils, goody bags, stickers or a class book. 2013-2014 Officers President…..Annette DiMaggio Vice President….…Cara Turner Secretary…….…April Hammer Treasurer….……Tammy Leader
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner SEPTEMBER 2013 Guidance Health Room Attention: All PK & K grades Parents, Have you sent in a filled out Maryland State Lead certificate on your child to the school? The state legislature enacted a law requiring all children who currently live, or have ever lived in an at risk area, and who are entering a public school in Queen Anne’s county in grades PK & K to show evidence of blood lead tests and the dates the tests were done. Each child is to have a filled out MD Blood Lead test certificate on file at school by the end of September. If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact the Queen Anne’s Co. Health Dept. at 410-758-0720. You may also call us here at school. Head lice happens. Make it a habit this new school year to check your child’s hair at least 2 times a week for signs of head lice. This preventive tip is so worth the effort. Thank you for your support. Welcome Back! The start of the school year is always full of excitement and for some, anxiety. New situations can be hard for some students and every child is different. Please know that if your child is having a hard time transitioning to the new school year, I’m here to help. Additionally, let’s get off on the right foot with attendance. S.E.S. barely made it’s MSDE attendance AYP. If your child is sick, please give the office a doctor’s note. If you are having trouble getting your child to school for any number of reasons, please let me know and we can help in a variety of ways. We want to see your child here every day! Welcome back to school and welcome back to art! This is an exciting year for art at SES! We now have hour long art classes thanks to the addition of Suzanne Klein, or new art teacher for Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. There are so many possibilities now with this extra time. We are happy to welcome her to SES! Just as a reminder, please send your child to school in clothing appropriate for accidents that could happen in art, or even better, send your child to school with an art shirt (labeled with his/her name) in a zip lock bag. They can keep it at school and always be prepared for art.We are starting off the school year studying line, shape, and color. We will be having some amazing artistic adventures this year! We look forwarding to seeing you in the art room! Cassie Hosler, SES Art AUTUMN 2013 Any Medication brought to school must be in the original container for nonprescriptions, or the pharmacist bottle for prescription medication. These medications must also be accompanied by a “Physician Medication Form”. Some doctor’s offices have copies of these forms, or you may ask the nurse in the health room for this form at any time. A responsible adult must bring in the medicine. This is a policy of the School Board and the Health Department. Please be sure to keep current phone numbers on file, in the event of emergency. It is also important to have a “back-up” plan for students to be picked up due to illness or injury. The health room is active, and it does not have availability to keep students for the day, nor should a sick child be sent home on the bus. Parents please place a change of clothes in your child’s back pack. This will come in handy if for some reason your child has accidentally messed their pants, vomits, or gets wet. We do not keep a supply of clothes in the health room. Art My name is Susan Davis. I am the new Teacher Specialist here at Sudlersville Elementary. This will be my 16th year working in Queen Anne’s County Public Schools. I was a graduate of Queen Anne’s County Public Schools. I received my bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education/Special Education from Delaware State University. I have a master’s degree in school counseling and my administrative certificate. I live in Centreville. I have two children and one very cool grandson. I very excited about joining the staff, students and families of Sudlersville Elementary. If you have any questions about your child’s school day please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to meeting everyone.
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner SEPTEMBER 2013 Parent Involvement Camp experience. The children learned about bus safety and climbed aboard with their parents to practice getting on and off a bus safely. Halfway into the morning, the children separated from their parents, who then attended “Sailing Through the System”, a Title I parent orientation. Parents learned about many of the resources available to them in Queen Anne’s County. Much information was shared with the parents in attendance including: the Queen Anne’s County Student/Parent Handbook, the School Climate Committee, the Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) Program and other ways to volunteer in their child’s school. The children were busy trying out the new Playground, listening to a story in their classroom and even got to play in the classroom Learning Centers! The day was a huge success and parents thanked us for providing them with an idea of what their children could expect on their first day of school, September 3rd! I look forward to another successful partnership this school year! Please note that my office and the Parent Resource Center has been relocated to room 9. Please stop by if I can be of help or if you would like to borrow something from the Parent Resource Center. I will be conducting a Volunteer Orientation again this year on the “Back to School Night” on August 28th in the cafeteria immediately following the classroom visitations at 7:15 p.m. It is mandatory that all volunteers and field trip chaperones attend an orientation and complete the necessary forms (Volunteer Application and Volunteer Information) each year they plan to volunteer and/or chaperone a field trip. Also, mark your calendar for the Title I Information Dinner to be held at the Sudlersville Fire Hall on September 19th and the Watch D.O.G.S. kick- off party on October 3rd. The program has been such a success and I am looking forward to continuing it again this year. Elaine Butler, Parent Coordinator Room 9, x234 Judy Center Partnership News! The Judy Center Sponsors Pre-K Camp at Sudlersville Elementary School Children preparing to attend Pre-K at Sudlersville Elementary School (SES) were invited to attend the 1st SES Pre-K Camp held in school history. It was held at SES on Friday, August 23rd from 9:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m. Excited children and their parents began their Pre-K Camp experience in the cafeteria greeted by the school’s Principal, Michele Hampton. There they were introduced to Elizabeth Miller, Judy Center Coordinator, Lori Yarbrough, Judy Center Early Childhood Specialist, Angela Webster, SES Guidance Counselor, Susan Davis, SES Teacher Specialist, Elaine Butler, SES Title I Parent Coordinator and most importantly, Laura Dean, SES Pre-K teacher and Sara Darling, SES Pre-K paraprofessional! Parents and children were given a tour of the school, playground, and a school bus. Bus Driver, Laura Bostic volunteered her time and brought her brand new bus to the school as part of the