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William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare. Widely regarded as the greatest writer in English Literature. Shakespeare’s Life. Born on April 23, 1564. Lived in Stratford-upon-Avon. Educated at King’s New School in Stratford.

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William Shakespeare

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  1. William Shakespeare Widely regarded as the greatest writer in English Literature

  2. Shakespeare’s Life • Born on April 23, 1564. • Lived in Stratford-upon-Avon. • Educated at King’s New School in Stratford. • Married Anne Hathaway at the age of 18, she was 26 years old and pregnant with their first child. • They had a total of three children. • Susanna-oldest, and twins: Hamnet and Judith

  3. Shakespeare’s Life • Hamnet died at the age of eleven from unknown causes. • Shakespeare divided his time between London and Stratford-upon-Avon throughout his career. • Died on April 23, 1616 which is his birthday! • Baptisms generally occurred three days after the child was born.

  4. His Accomplishments • Started out as an actor • 37 Plays – all with 5 Acts • Wrote approximately 154 sonnets • Most were produced between 1590 and 1613 • No single writer has contributed more words to the English vocabulary than Shakespeare. • The works of Shakespeare and the King James Bible have provided over 80% of our written language. • Some believe that the works attributed to him are not actually his!

  5. Did he Plagiarize? • About 150 years after Shakespeare died people began to doubt that he had actually written his plays. • Some believe that others such as Francis Bacon, Christopher Marlowe, and Edward de Vere are actually the authors. • In academic circles this theory, known as the Oxfordian Theory, is generally rejected.

  6. Stage Celebrity • Actor for Lord Chamberlain’s Men (London Theatre Company) • Also a playwright for them

  7. The Globe • Built in 1599 • Constructed out of wood used in the construction of an earlier theatre called The Theatre. • The owner of The Theatre, James Burbage, Richard Burbage’s father had a 21 year lease on the property The Theatre sat on. • When the lease ran out the owner of the property claimed to own the building.

  8. The Globe • While the owner of the land was celebrating Christmas a carpenter and the actors dismantled The Theatre and carried it piece by piece to a warehouse. • When the weather warmed they ferried the materials across the Thames and built The Globe. • Seating was arranged by class: • Wealthy got benches • “Groundlings”-poorer people watched from the “pit” • All but the wealthy would have been uneducated

  9. The Globe • The Globe was roofless • There was only natural light, therefore, shows were performed in the afternoons. • Audience would have interacted with the play. • NO Scenery! • On June 29, 1613, The Globe burned during a performance of Henry the Eighth. • A canon used during the play misfired and caught the structure on fire. • Rebuilt by 1614 • Closed by the Puritans in 1642 • Torn down to make room for tenements in 1644.

  10. The Actors • Only men and boys acted in the plays. • Young boys whose voices had not changed play women’s roles. • It would have been considered inappropriate for a woman to appear on stage.

  11. The New Globe • Opened in 1997 • Approximately 750 feet from the site of the original Globe Theatre.

  12. Elizabethan Words - Modern English • An, and – If • Anon – Soon • Aye – Yes • But – Except for • E’en – Even • E’er – Ever • Haply – Perhaps • Happy – Fortunate • Hence – Away, from her

  13. Elizabethan Words – Modern English • Hie – Hurry • Marry – Indeed • Whence – Where • Wilt – Will, Will you • Withal – In addition to • Would - Wish

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