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Service System Session 1: Project Update and Local Services

Service System Session 1: Project Update and Local Services. Today’s Desired Outcomes. 1. Help everyone to understand the proposals 2. Receive input on : What Benefits do you see in the proposals ? What Challenges do you see in the proposals ?

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Service System Session 1: Project Update and Local Services

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  1. Service System Session 1: Project Update and Local Services

  2. Today’s Desired Outcomes • 1. Help everyone to understand the proposals • 2. Receive input on: • What Benefits do you see in the proposals? • What Challenges do you see in the proposals? • What solutions might help alleviate some of the concerns?

  3. Common Experiences & Challenges: • Ineffective communication • Insufficient resources • Frustrated trusted servants • Poor atmosphere of recovery in service meetings

  4. Project Background • NAWS restructured in the late 90s, but we haven’t holistically examined local services – until now • Current structure designed before the Twelve Conceptswere adopted in 1992 • Our hope is for a system that more closely embodies the principles of the Twelve Concepts

  5. Project Background • Current system designed to meet NA’s needs in the 1970s • Today NA is: • Larger - more than 58,000 weekly meetings • Present in 130+ countries • Faced with far different social/governmental attitudes toward addiction and recovery

  6. *April 2010 58,000 Meetings World Wide

  7. Project Background • Current system works for some, but not for many others; The hope is to improve all services throughout our system • Project unanimously adopted at WSC 2008; reaffirmed at WSC 2010 • Vision Statement passed at WSC 2010 • Additional background info available at: www.na.org/servicesystem

  8. “Agreements in Principle” will be offered in 2012 CAR Project Proposal for a “Transition” Group will be in 2012 CAT Current Project Ends at WSC 2012 If “Agreements” are approved at WSC 2012, New group will be formed to continue the work Service System Project Time Line

  9. Elements of an Effective System

  10. Process-Driven Structure Planning • Effectively and efficiently carrying the message Decision making Reflecting the will of a loving Higher Power Communication Sharing information and ideas with each other and those outside NA Leadership / Training Passing on our service experience

  11. Processes to be further defined: • Cyclical Planning • Leadership Development • Communications • Delegation • Decision Making • Information Management

  12. Foundational Principles Purpose-Driven Group-Focused Geographically Defined Flexible Collaborative

  13. Purpose Driven Each service system unit meets a specific need or group of needs, and each unit’s responsibilities are clearly defined and understood.

  14. Group - Focused The group support unit (GSU) in each model focuses on aiding the groups in their efforts to carry our message.

  15. Defined by Geographic Boundaries Allow better interface with professional and legislative bodies Make it easier for professionals and the general public to find and communicate with us.

  16. Flexible Form should follow function, so each model offers ideas for optional or “intermediate” service bodies, which may be used if needed, but are not “mandated.”

  17. Collaborative Successful service provision depends on all the elements of a service system working together toward a common goal.

  18. Collaborative System rather than pyramid structure with both “Vertical” and “Horizontal” cooperation “You’re a [LSC, intermediate body etc] when you say you are” may not be best practice

  19. Currently ASCs are tasked with both group support and local service delivery. In these proposals, local efforts would be divided: Each element; the GSU and LSU would be Purpose-driven with a singular focus ASC GSU LSU New Entities: GSU and LSU

  20. GSU’s may be comprised of a couple, or many groups. They shouldn’t be too big though, Intimacy is what we’re striving for GSU NA Group NA Group NA Group NA Group Groups and GSUs

  21. Group Support Unit GSU The group support unit (GSU) is intended to help groups better carry the message within their meetings by separating out the group support function from the “business” of NA and creating a body whose purpose is helping groups

  22. What happens at the GSU? • Informal training & mentoring • Discussion of group business, group sharing • Welcome & outreach to new groups & members • Orientation & intro to service

  23. What happens at the GSU? • Informal information sharing • Some limited, informal service (putting up fliers, supporting outreach or H&I) • Open attendance; at least one designated delegate from each group

  24. Key Challenges in our current structure 1 2 Members are not always trained in service Groups do not always receive help to deal with specific issues like drug court attendees in meetings Members are often unwilling or apathetic about service There is often a lack of NA unity and a common purpose 3 4

  25. Key Solutions provided by a GSU: 1 2 Offers an opportunity to introduce new members to service and to train them in the basic principles Group support is its main focus The GSU is an informal, discussion-based body, open to everyone interested in attending The GSU increases unity by bringing groups together and strengthening their ability to carry the NA message. 3 4

  26. There may be one or many GSUs within the LSU boundaries LSU GSU GSU GSU GSU GSU GSU GSU Relationship of GSUs to LSUs

  27. Communities have the flexible option to send Group Delegates directly to the LSU, or send delegates from their GSU on behalf of all groups within that GSU, NA Group GSU LSU GSU Options: Linear and 2-Track

  28. Local Service Unit LSU • The LSU is the “workhorse” of the service system, responsible for the bulk of local services. • Wherever possible and practical, the LSU will be bound by recognized geography (e.g. town, county.) • The LSU is plan-driven

  29. The LSU isn’t really an entity as much as a collaborative “planning assembly” comprised of Group and/or GSU Delegates, and the Local Service Board NA Group NA Group NA Group Local Service Board GSU NA Group The LSU is an Assembly

  30. Local Service Board Local Service Board • Meets Monthly (or as needed) • Admin officers & delegates to the next level of service • Oversees workgroups • coordinates planning assemblies - develops budgets and plan • maintains external relationships

  31. Local Planning Conference LSU • A 3-4 times / year event; LSB elected here • Consists of delegates from both GSUs and LSUs, Local Service Board members, Project and/or workgroup leads, interested members • One meeting a year is the Annual Planning Assembly

  32. Local Planning Conference LSU • May be some focused sessions, like a session for interface with another level (collaborative) like CAR Workshops today or a training • Primary focus: executing this quarter’s step in the annual planning cycle • Consensus decisions

  33. Annual Planning Assembly LSU • One major check-in and refocusing event in the cycle each year • Scanning, reaffirming priorities, setting new priorities • May complete some workgroups and begin others • Group delegates, GSU delegates, LSB, project coordinators & workgroup members + any interested members

  34. The LSU isn’t really an entity as much as a collaborative “planning assembly” comprised of Group and/or GSU Delegates, and the Local Service Board NA Group NA Group NA Group Local Service Board GSU NA Group The LSU is an Assembly

  35. Key Challenges in our current structure 1 2 Complex service decisions are often made by inexperienced trusted servants Many members are unwilling to serve on subcommittees, meaning we have too few trusted servants The atmosphere in some service meetings is off-putting 3

  36. Key Solutions provided by an LSU: 1 2 Separates “NA business” from group concerns allowing the business to be carried out by members who may have received some service mentorship at the GSU. Project-based service provision is more attractive to some members Where possible consensus-based decision making is used rather than motions 3

  37. Local issues to resolve 1 2 3 Synching planning cycles throughout the system Fund flow, including how GSU is funded (if the GSU needs funds) Literature distribution Who determines LSU boundaries? 4

  38. Group Support and Local Services Update Benefits, Challenges and Solutions

  39. 15 Minute Break! To stay involved, visit the Service System project page: http://www.na.org/servicesystem

  40. Service System Session 2 Intermediate/State Bodies and WSC Seating

  41. Intermediate Bodies • Occupy the space between 2 or more service bodies as needed; like an accordion • Formed based on identified need through planning process • Facilitate communication; may deliver some services

  42. Intermediate Bodies • Not a place-holder to retain existing structure. Needs-based • Not shared services in the sense that it exists between LSU and State, not between two LSUs • More discussion, creativity, experience is needed to further define this level

  43. GSUs may need an Intermediate body to perform some services for them in a particularly dense or rural community, or to deal with language needs GSU GSU GSU Intermediate Body LSU Intermediate Body Example 1

  44. LSUs may need an Intermediate body to perform some services for them in a particularly dense or rural community, or to reduce the size of the State Assembly LSU LSU LSU Intermediate Body State/National Services Intermediate Body Example 2

  45. “shared services” are not intermediate bodies; and aren’t currently covered in the proposals We welcome experience on how to effectively manage shared services Shared Services LSU LSU Shared Services are not Intermediate Bodies

  46. State/National Services • Consists of a state, province, or country • Could consist of neighboring states, provinces, or countries for seating purposes • Provides services that cover the whole state, province, or country • Border communities may join neighboring states if practical

  47. State/National Services • Intended Services: • Interact with government and professional bodies • Organize assemblies and conventions • Coordinate centralized resources • Provide a communication link

  48. Currently, 118 Regions send delegates to the WSC. Zones are not part of the Delegation Stream Region (RSC) Region (RSC) Region (RSC) Region (RSC) Zones Zones World Service Conference Current WSC Seating

  49. The proposal is to seat States/Countries or Provinces at the WSC. The role of Zones would remain unchanged This will help us reduce the size of the conference and base seating on Geographically defined Boundaries State Nation or Province State Nation or Province Zones World Service Conference Current WSC Seating

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