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Our Protected Planet: Achieving Aichi biodiversity targets through constituency building , science and action Expanding and strengthening the national protected areas system of Brazil to meet (or exceed) national, regional and global targets. . Giovanna Palazzi Ministry of Environment
OurProtected Planet: AchievingAichibiodiversitytargetsthroughconstituencybuilding, scienceandactionExpanding and strengthening the national protected areas system of Brazil to meet (or exceed) national, regional and global targets. Giovanna Palazzi MinistryofEnvironment Brazil
AichiTargets Target 11 By 2020, at least 17 per cent of terrestrial and inland water, and 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas, especially areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services, are conserved through effectively and equitably managed, ecologically representative and well connected systems of protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures, and integrated into the wider landscapes and seascapes.
Significant increase in brazilian protected areas system Fonte: CNUC/MMA
2009 2010 2002 1984
BrazilianProtectedAreas System Today 1.649 PA registered 166 PA Management Agencies
Total Area • 1,500,000 sq.km • 17,2%terrestrialareas • 1,5% marine areas • Total Number • 1.649 PA • 312 federal level • 588statelevel • 104 municipal level • 645private Fonte: CNUC/MMA
Biomes Amazon Savanna (Cerrado) Pantanal Caatinga Atlantic Forest Pampa Marine
Representativeness BrazilianBiomesandProtectedAreas Fonte: CNUC/MMA
EffectivenessFederal Protected Areas – RAPPAM Method LowMedium High
Gaps for implementationofthe Federal System Expenses costing(base year 2008)Calculated US$271.60 millionRealized US$158.00 millionGapUS$113.60 million Minimum Investments(base year 2008)Calculated US$466.65 millionHeldUS$161.15 millionGapUS$305.50 million Minimum Staff(base year 2008)Existence 1677Required 9378Gap 7701 employees RANGERS MMA (2009) Pilares para a Sustentabilidade Financeira do Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação – 2ª edição ampliada e revisada. Brasília: MMA/ SBF.
Target 11 Toachievethe Target 11 ofAichi, Brazilisdevelopingthe “NationalStrategy for ConsolidationandExtendingtheBrazilianProtectedAreasSystem - 2012-2020”
NationalStrategy for ConsolidationandExtendingtheBrazilianProtectedAreas System 2012-2020 Goal Ensure the representativeness of Brazilian ecosystems, maintaining biodiversity and its ecosystem services, promote the direct and indirect use of natural resources from protected areas and insert the protected areas system on the political agenda of socioeconomic development desired by Brazil.
NationalStrategy for ConsolidationandExtendingtheBrazilianProtectedAreas System2012-2020 1. Management andconsolidationofthe PA System 2. Financial Sustentability 3. Expansionofthe System andlandscapeintegration 4. Land tenureconsolidationof PA 5. Monitoringandresearch 6. Approach tosociety
ConsolidatingBrazilian Protected Areas System Financial Strategy • Creation of project implementing schemes that will leverage more resources, lower transaction costs and provide direct results for the entire System – optimizing efforts and enhancing collaboration between Federal, State and Municipal governments.
LifeWeb – integrating mechanism (information, tools and results) of all parallel projects aiming at the implementation of the PA System – effectively structuring and consolidating the management of the System. Additionally, it will fill the gaps of actions that are not financed or supported by these other initiatives (greater flexibility on the use of allocated funds). • GEF Terrestre – US$ 36 million • Project associated with the LifeWeb initiative • Focus on expansion of PA on the Caatinga, Pampa and Pantanal Biomes; • Implementing and consolidating PA System • Fire Management; • Restoration of degraded landscapes (role of APA, landscapes with PA as a nucleus – enhancement of conservation effectiveness); • Implementing agency IADB; Joint management
LifeWeb – Initiative • Expression of interests: • 5 components + project management • US$ 115 million - donation • Bilateral agreement with German Government • Starter proposal submitted on the German/Brazilian bilateral negotiation roundtable • Approximately US$ 20 million allocated • Financial Gap – aprox. US$ 90 million
EconomicBenefitsofProtectedAreas Generation of employment and incomeRecruitment of field staff - 6,500 people benefited from direct employment, only at the federal level ¹Complementation of the income of beneficiary families of sustainable use protected areas (60,000 beneficiary families)Production of rubber and Brazil nut in Extractive Reserve can supplement the family income by approximately US$325,00 / month ²Forest concessionPotential to generate US$0.6 to $ 1.1 billion / year (National Forests and State Forests of Amazonia ²) Carbon Stocks The value of the 'rent' annual carbon stocks in protected areas could generate between US$ 1.5 to2.9 billion ² ¹ MMA (2009) Pilares para a Sustentabilidade Financeira do Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação – 2ª edição ampliada e revisada. Brasília: MMA/ SBF. ² MEDEIROS, R., YOUNG, C. F., PAVESE, H. B. & ARAÚJO, F. F. S. (2011) Contribuição das unidades de conservação para a economia nacional: Sumário Executivo. Brasília: UNEP-WCMC/MMA.
EconomicBenefitsofProtectedAreas • Minimum structure for ecotourism in National Parks • (Until 2016) • Impacton Local • Economy • (millionUS$/year) • Today: US$230 a $260 • 2016: US$785 a $888 • Nº ofvisitors • Today: 3,8 mi • 2016: 13,8 mi MEDEIROS, R., YOUNG, C. F., PAVESE, H. B. & ARAÚJO, F. F. S. (2011) Contribuição das unidades de conservação para a economia nacional: Sumário Executivo. Brasília: UNEP-WCMC/MMA.
Thankyou! Giovanna Palazzi giovanna.palazzi@mma.gov.br DepartmentofProtectedAreas SecretaryofBiodiversity ando Forests MinistryofEnvironment