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One-to-One iPad classroom. Melanie Turner ITEC 7445 Dr. Julie Fuller Emerging Technology. Common Core Standards 9th Grade ELA.
One-to-OneiPad classroom Melanie Turner ITEC 7445 Dr. Julie Fuller Emerging Technology
Common Core Standards9th Grade ELA • When tasked with fully implementing the new CCGPS, 9th grade literature teachers at CA Gray Junior High School have requested a classroom set of productivity devices. • This request comes as a result of too little available computer lab time for the department as a whole.
CA Gray’s School Vision • CA Gray’s Mission statement includes “equipping all students with strategies for a successful transition beyond the junior high level.” • We believe that the students’ experience in a one-to-one classroom, particularly regarding research and productivity tools, will help them through high school and beyond.
CCGPS Highlights • What follows are four excerpts from 9th grade literature CCGPS. Many of these sample tasks will be very challenging or impossible to complete given the number of students in the course as a whole and the available computer lab check-out time. This is the main reason for recommending a classroom set of devices. We also believe that the devices will improve student engagement and effort.
CCGPS Highlights • ELACC9-10W6: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.
CCGPS Highlights • Sample task: Facilitate an interactive web-based communications experience between your students and a class of students from another culture (various avenues for creating these connections already exist, for example One World Classroom at http://www.ccph.com/ ).
CCGPS Highlights • Sample task: After studying and analyzing several successful advertising campaigns, have students in small groups design an imaginary product to market. Students will create a one-minute video advertisement that will introduce their product and develop an audience awareness of its benefits, usefulness, or desirability.
CCGPS Highlights • Sample task: A routine podcast that occurs weekly or monthly can provide an infrastructure for a great deal of instruction, providing a framework for broadcasting, journalism, peer editing, group collaboration, reading, commentary, and analysis.
Proposed Device • The Instructional Technology Department recommends iPads for this classroom use based on recent experience in elementary schools. • Ninth grade teachers agree with this device choice based on feedback from other schools.
Case Study • Findings from one iPads in education research project in the UK: • “Students are more motivated when using iPads” • “The quality and standard of pupil work is rising” • “Both staff and students feel they can work more effectively with iPads” • “Levels of collaborative working have improved” • “Appropriate use of apps aids learning”
Proposed Device • Over the last few years, iPad purchases in education have skyrocketed and developers have stepped up to the challenge of providing relevant education apps. Reading and language arts skills apps can help students with low reading proficiency, and productivity apps can be used by the entire class on a regular basis.
Proposed Deployment • We would like to create a pilot class for this iPad deployment. The 9th grade literature department head has a co-teacher most of the day and an extra planning on some days. We feel that this extra time and manpower will help us work out any kinks in the process.
Targeted Students • The target population will include five sections of thirteen to fifteen year olds in ninth grade literature. These students will be randomly scheduled into the pilot teacher’s room during the summer. • The population will contain special education inclusion students under the pilot co-teacher’s roster. Based on last year’s statistics, the population will include a mixture of Caucasian, African American, and Hispanic students.
Targeted Students • This technology will aid in meeting the diverse needs of students in these classes by offering levels of support such as read aloud features and varied assessment options. • Students will have the opportunity to meet National Educational Technology standards, such as research/information fluency and communication/collaboration, while also covering CCGPS standards.
Targeted Students • More project-based and collaborative activities will become possible. Students will likely find some of the CCGPS suggested tasks like podcasting and blogging more authentic than past assignments, as they will be able to reach a bigger audience including peers, parents, and beyond. • Students will also have extensive practice with individual research and the writing process. They will be able to locate, compare, and contrast more material than is possible for just the teachers to collect and copy.
Cost • The optimal classroom setup requires: • 30 iPad 2s with Applecare, 30 iPad cases, one Bretford classroom sync cart, and one MacBook Pro • The total estimated cost is $20,000. • This number will accommodate the maximum classroom size of 28 plus the two teachers. • It is recommended that the school utilize Title funding for this implementation.
Technical Assistance • Network Services will install new wi-fi throughout the school by August 1st, 2013. • If any problems arise with the classroom set, Network Services will rearrange hot spots to accommodate the classroom. • If iPads become damaged at any point, they will be shipped back to Apple for repair. We have no certified technicians for iPads.
Training • The school instructional technology specialist will assist in • iPad, Macbook, and cart setup and sync • Basic iPad training for teachers and students • Assistance with planning and implementing teaching utilizing iPads • Troubleshooting
Legal • The pilot teachers and students will sign an appropriate use agreement prior to handling the iPads. • The CA Gray Technology Committee will create a discipline plan for student misuse of devices.
Goals • Prior to implementation, pilot students will complete a learning engagement/motivation survey. Students will take this same survey at the end of the academic year. Teachers will compare results. • Teachers will also compare the EOCT results of the pilot (variable) class to those of the rest of the grade (control).
Moving Forward • After examining the results if our pilot class, the school technology committee and principal will discuss additional implementations. • The cost of additional class sets will be significantly less than the first. Additional Bretford carts and Macbooks will not be required.
Reflection • As an instructional technology specialist, I have spent the last two years playing catch-up as new technologies emerge. I have continued to support older technologies (like SMART boards and response systems) and learn as I go on newer ones (iPads, online learning platforms). I believe that I could be very instrumental with this implementation based on that experience. • During my research for this presentation, I enjoyed reading about the iPad case study in Kent, UK. I also found the start-up cost startling.
References • http://www.naace.co.uk/publications/longfieldipadresearch • http://palmbeachschooltalk.com/wiki/pages/d1N261u/iPad_Research.html