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Satellite Collections in Malchow/Poel and Groß Lüsewitz focusing on Oil and Fodder Crops. Extensive research, regeneration, field trials, and storage to protect genetic resources worldwide.
IPK Genebank – Satellite Collections North – Oil and Fodder Crops Collection Malchow / Poel
• • Malchow/Poel • Groß Lüsewitz Sites of Research Group
Collections of Oil and Fodder Crops Total: 14.069 Accessions, 23 Genus and 115 Species
Collecting and Seed exchange Maintenance (Regeneration and Storage) Characterization and Evaluation Documentation Collection specific Research (Marker analysis) Service (Information and seed samples provision) Tasks of Satellite Collections
in cages Plastic bags isolation in Field in Greenhouse in isolation tents Pollination with bumble bees or wild bee Osmea rufa) Cultivation and Regeneration of Cruciferae and Leguminosae
Regeneration, C&E-Cultivation of Gramineae Trials in Rye field Isolation plot in Rye field
Storage of active and base collections Freezing room for grasses (-5°C) Base collection (-20°C)
Since 2008 Storage in the SGSV Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Spitzbergen (Norway) Aim: Protection of Genetic ressources against disaster, climate change, wars and unrests, epidemics, a.s.o. SCN: Status of storage: 8778 Oil and Fodder crops accessions, thereof: 6671 Fodder crops Storage of Safety duplicates
Results of PGR work 2009 • Service: 2101 seed samples worldwide provided • Germination tests: 5449 accessions checked • - Cultivation: 1048 acc. for regeneration, characterization and evaluation • 61% of all O&F-accessions • under management per year !
Forage grasses - Poa Central Crop Database Development and assigning Most original sample towards defining an European Forage Collection (EFC) Evelin Willner: Baltic Sea Region WS, POA-EDB-MOS, 30..11.2010
Selection of candidates for European Forage Collections (EFC = forages MAAs) 1997: Beitostolen, Norway, objectives and scope of the European Forage Collection were defined (see also 6th Meeting - Report of WG on Forages, p. 12-16) 1999: Elvas, Portugal, a procedure to identify MOS (most original samples) was proposed (see also 7th Meeting - Report of WG on Forages, App I, p. 214-217) 2003: Linz, Austria, CCDB managers should make a proposal for Holder of primary collection (PRIMCOLL), focusing on 7 priority crops, Discussion about regeneration standards (see also 8th Meeting - Report of WG on Forages, App I, p. 184-187)
Selection of candidates for European Forage Collections (EFC = forages MAAs) 2005: Lindau, Switzerland, progress was made in MOS definition of the priority crops, forage specific descriptors were revised (slide # 19) 2007: Piestany, Slovakia, progress mainly for Poa and Phleum, only partially for other crops
Definition of selection criteria • MOS determination: an accession is a most original • sample, when his origin is known and GB is COL or BRE • PRIMCOLL determ.: a primary holder should be the GB in • the country where the accession was collected or bred • 3. Primary holder: the GB works according regeneration standards • for forages (acceptable or preferred standard) • 4. MOS accession: seed is free available • 5. MOS accession: has a safety duplicate
Second step: PRIMCOLL 2. Primary Holder/ GB is not Country of Origin, collected material is original (MOS) • Primary Holder/ • GB in Country of Origin (MOS) Repatriation? yes no Maintenance of MOS in GB which is not in Country of Origin Maintenance of MOS in GB in Country of Origin Candidates for EFC
EFC Third step: PRIMARY HOLDER Maintenance in country of origin according to genebank standards Maintenance in other countries according to genebank standards + MOS Free available Safety duplicate (Characterization and/ or Evaluation data)
PRIMARY HOLDER: GB regeneration standards (8th Meeting - Report of WG on Forages, App I, p. 184-187)
Descriptor list of Forages/All Descriptors of EURISCO Additional descriptors Seed availability Originality (MOS) PRIMCOLL EFC + Habitat-, Collection- and Breeding-Description
Poa sp. - Database/ Germany In total 5719 Acc. NLD037 – 1% 2% LTU001 – 3% BGR001 – 2% ITA363 SVN019 SVK001 FRA243 LVA009 5% GBR016 TUR001 3% HUN003 CHE002 3% ROM003 BEL004 CZE082 4% AUT060 48% 8% SWE054 21% POL022 DEU146
Candidates for European Forage Collections (14%) Candidates for EFC: yes 781 no 398
Conclusions - Updates, close gaps in the passport data - Most important descriptors: ACCNAME, ORIGCTY, SAMPSTAT, COLLSITE, COLLNUMB, DONORCODE, DONORNUMB, SEEDAVAIL, SAFETYDUPL... - Correctness of data, Good Scientific Practice - Quality management system
Grasses Collection Lolium perenne L. (Perennial ryegrass) 2968 accessions Festuca pratensis Huds. (Meadow fescue) 1119 accessions
Grasses Collection Dactylis glomerata L. (Cocksfoot) 1862 accessions Phleum pratense L. (Timothee) 983 accessions Poa pratensis L. (Smooth meadow grass) 587 accessions
Collection of Cruciferae, no of accessions Brassica napus ... f. annua (Spring rapeseed) 236 Brassica napus ... f. biennis (Winter rapeseed) 885 Brassica rapa (Oilseed turnip) 248 Brassica juncea (Brown mustard) 308 Sinapis sp. (Charlock, White mustard) 234 Brassica oleracea .... medullosa (Forage kale) 223 Brassica nigra (Black mustard) 124 Rapeseed Turnip Forage kale White mustard