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Roberto Verdone

IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna. COST Action 2100 Pervasive Mobile & Ambient Wireless Communications. Proponent: Roberto Verdon e. Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy. Roberto Verdone. IEIIT-BO / CNR &

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Roberto Verdone

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  1. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna COST Action 2100 Pervasive Mobile & Ambient Wireless Communications Proponent: Roberto Verdone Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy Roberto Verdone

  2. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna Motivation To continue the success of COST 207, 231, 259, 273, i.e., the previous COST Actions on Mobile and Wireless Communications Roberto Verdone

  3. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna COST 273 COST 259 COST 231 COST 207 3G 2G 1G COST273 Roberto Verdone

  4. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna COST273 25 Countries + 4 Non - COST Countries Roberto Verdone

  5. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna COST273 Number of Participating Institutions A total of 102 institutions / 401 individuals were registered and active at the end, from a total of 160 institutions / 600 individuals that have contributed. Three meetings per year, 112 attendees / meeting on average Roberto Verdone

  6. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna Attendance 273 (112) 259 (88) 273 (57) TDs 259 (36) COST273 Contribution of Participating Institutions Roberto Verdone

  7. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna COST273 Profile of Participating Institutions Roberto Verdone

  8. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna COST2100 - Background • Current Research Trends in Wireless and Mobile Comms.: • human-machine interactions (pervasive mobile comms.), • ambient-human interactions (ambient wireless comms.), • cross-layer design (multidisciplinary approaches), • integration of heterogeneous networks • B3G infrastructure-based networks • ad hoc (infrastructure-less) networks • digital broadcasting • sensor networks • … Roberto Verdone

  9. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna COST2100 - Objectives The main objective of the Action is to increase knowledgeof mobile and wireless network technologies, by exploring and developing new methods, models, techniques, strategies and tools that will facilitate the implementation of next generation mobile radio communication systems and will foster the development of the paradigms of pervasive and ambient wireless communications. As a secondary objective, it is intended that the Action continues to play a supporting role to the European industry, similar to the one played by the previous Actions in the mobile communications area. Roberto Verdone

  10. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna COST2100 - Organisation / 1 Working Groups WG1 – Transmission Techniques and Signal Processing WG2 – Propagation and Antennas WG3 – Radio Network Aspects Roberto Verdone

  11. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna COST2100 - Organisation / 2 WGs, SWGs and SIGs WGs – monodisciplinary, general, permanent SWGs – monodisciplinary, specific, upon need SIGs – multidisciplinary, specific, upon need SIG A – Mobile Radio Access Network Reference Scenarios SIG B – Ultra Wide Band SIG C – MIMO Communications … Roberto Verdone

  12. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna COST2100 - Technical Activities - WG1 • This WG deals with transmission and signal processing techniques • for air-interface technologies, mainly related to the physical layer of systems. • Gigabit wireless transmission; • Reduced complexity detection techniques; • Multicarrier based techniques, including OFDM/MC-CDMA; • Interference management and suppression techniques; • Modulation and FEC coding schemes; • Adaptive air-interface techniques for use in cognitive radio systems; • Turbo-processing (i.e., iterative) techniques; • Network coding • UWB Roberto Verdone

  13. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna COST2100 - General Activities Management Committee Meetings three per year Tutorials Technical Visits Workshops once per year, jointly with other Actions, NoEs, etc. Short Term Missions Dedicated Sessions in Conferences Roberto Verdone

  14. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna COST2100 - Kick Off & First Workshop Kick Off Meeting December 12th, 2006, Brussels, COST Office open only to MC members COST2100 / AROMA / NEWCOM Joint Workshop December 13th, 2006, Brussels, Albert Borchette open to anyone (not reimbursable) You are cordially invited to join!

  15. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna COST2100 - Signatories (16 Countries) Belgium 13/09/2006 Confirmed Bulgaria 20/09/2006 Confirmed Denmark 13/09/2006 Confirmed Finland 20/10/2006 Confirmed Germany 20/09/2006 Confirmed Greece 21/09/2006 Confirmed Israel 21/09/2006 Confirmed Italy 17/10/2006 Confirmed Netherlands 20/09/2006 Confirmed Norway 21/09/2006 Confirmed Poland 21/09/2006 Confirmed Serbia 21/09/2006 Confirmed Slovenia 13/10/2006 Confirmed Spain 21/09/2006 Confirmed Sweden 28/09/2006 Confirmed United Kingdom 13/09/2006 Confirmed Intentions to sign Serbia and Montenegro 03/07/2006 France 16/10/2006 Ireland 11/10/2006 Portugal 04/10/2006 Slovak Republic 25/10/2006

  16. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna COST2100 – MC Members Belgium Dr. Hendrik ROGIER Belgium Professor Luc VANDENDORPE Belgium Professor Emmanuel VAN LIL Bulgaria Dr. Borislav TRAYKOV Denmark Professor Mikael Bergholz KNUDSEN Denmark Professor Gert Frølund PEDERSEN Finland Professor Pertti VAINIKAINEN Finland Dr. Matti HäMäLäINEN France Professor guillaume GELLE France Dr. Benoit DERAT France Mr. Alain SIBILLE France Dr. Martine LIENARD Germany Professor Andreas CZYLWIK Germany Mr. Jörg PAMP Greece Professor Athanasios KANATAS Greece Professor Philip CONSTANTINOU Ireland Dr. stubenrauch COSIMA Italy Dr. Paolo GRAZIOSO Italy Professor Roberto VERDONE Netherlands Dr. Maurice KWAKKERNAAT Netherlands Dr. Matti HERBEN Norway Mr. Per Hjalmar LEHNE Norway Professor Geir E ØIEN Poland Professor Maciej NAWROCKI Poland Professor Igor GORALCZUK Portugal Dr. Fernando Jose VELEZ Portugal Professor Luis Manuel CORREIA Serbia and Montenegro Dr. Senk VOJIN Serbia and Montenegro Dr. Dragana BAJIC Serbia and Montenegro (delegate) Senk VOJIN Slovak Republic Dr. Lubomir DOBOS Slovenia Dr. Igor OZIMEK Slovenia Dr. Tomaz JAVORNIK Spain Dr. Silvia RUIZ BOQUé Spain Dr. Narcis CARDONA Sweden Professor Fredrik TUFVESSON Sweden Dr. Erik STROM Sweden Dr. Di YUAN United Kingdom Professor Mark BEACH United Kingdom Professor Alister BURR

  17. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna COST Action 2100 Pervasive Mobile & Ambient Wireless Communications Roberto Verdone rverdone@deis.unibo.it Thank You

  18. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna COST2100 - Time Table 1 – development of common scenarios 2 – identification of techniques to be investigated 3 – development of algorithms, models, etc. 4 – assessment of algorithms, models, etc. 5 – preparation of final report first second third fourth years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 MCMs 1 2 3 4 5 Roberto Verdone

  19. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna COST2100 - Benefits • At National and European level: • Maintaining and increasing European industry competitiveness • To increase knowledge in SMEs • Exchange of information at a level not possible outside COST • Contribution to standardisation Roberto Verdone

  20. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna COST2100 - Dissemination Final Report Joint Workshops Conference Sessions Website Roberto Verdone

  21. IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna IEIIT-BO / CNR & DEIS / Università di Bologna COST2100 - Economic Dimension Estimation based on Signatories of COST 273, and economic values given by COST Secretariat for COST273 ½ person/year: engineer 50 kEUR ½ person/year: technician 30 2 person/year: PhD, student, secretary 70 Equipment 30 Travel 20 TOTAL per signatory per year 200 Assuming 25 Signatories, 4 years, 20 million EUR Roberto Verdone

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