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Definition:. Parts of Speech:. Verb. Abate. To lessen in amount or intensity. Synonym: Antonym:. Lessen, decrease. Increase, amplify. Sounds Like:. Debate. We waited for the storm to abate before we went outside. What Abates?. Weather abates. Pain & Love also abate. Definition:.

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  1. Definition: Parts of Speech: Verb Abate To lessen in amount or intensity Synonym: Antonym: Lessen, decrease Increase, amplify Sounds Like: Debate We waited for the storm to abate before we went outside.

  2. What Abates? Weather abates Pain & Love also abate

  3. Definition: Parts of Speech: adjective Abnormal Not normal Synonym: Antonym: Unusual, unique Normal, regular Sounds Like: umm… normal Kane is a nice guy, but he has some really abnormal habits.

  4. Abnormal

  5. Definition: Parts of Speech: adjective Abrupt Sudden or unexpected Synonym: Antonym: Quick, sudden unhurried Sounds Like: erupt Word used in a sentence We made an abrupt change of plans when we realized we had no money.

  6. Abrupt Abrupt Ending? Blind Date: Abrupt change of plans?

  7. Definition: Parts of Speech: verb Accelerate To speed up, or to cause to speed up Synonym: Antonym: Quicken decelerate Sounds Like: aggravate Word used in a sentence You can accelerate plant growth by using fertilizer.

  8. Accelerate

  9. Definition: the cause of serious pain and suffering, or a state of such suffering Parts of Speech: noun Affliction Synonym: Antonym: Harship, illness Comfort, relief Sounds Like: addiction Word used in a sentence Some people consider blindness an affliction, but to others it is just a challenge.

  10. Affliction

  11. Earth’s Affliction Hunger.

  12. Abate • We waited for the storm to __________before we went outside. • Abnormal • Kane is a nice guy, but he has some really __________habits. • Abrupt • We made an __________ change of plans when we realized we had no money. • Accelerate • You can __________ plant growth by using fertilizer. • Affliction • Some people consider blindness an __________ but to others it is just a challenge.

  13. January 4th I’m Flabbergasted! South African Nocturnal Tree Elephant Criss Angel All A’s? Mom’s flabbergasted!

  14. Definition: Parts of Speech: Verb Flabbergast To surprise or amaze people into a state of shock Synonym: Antonym: astound bore Sounds Like: Counter blast • Nina was flabbergasted to learn that her bus driver was 104.

  15. January 5th A Grim Future

  16. Definition: Parts of Speech: adjective Grim Gloomy, harsh and frightening Synonym: Antonym: Dreadful, savage Delightful, mild Sounds Like: Gym • War is a grim business.

  17. January 6th Incredulous!No way, that’s unbelievable! An unnamed source claims that SpongeBob & Patrick were recently wed and are now enjoying their honeymoon in Hawaii.

  18. Definition: Parts of Speech: adjective incredulous Not willing to believe something Synonym: Antonym: Cynical, skeptical believable Sounds Like: fabulous Word used in a sentence I tried to tell Becky about my 8-foot-tall boyfriend, but she was incredulous and didn’t think I was telling the truth.

  19. January 7th Notify

  20. Definition: Parts of Speech: verb notify To let someone know, to inform Synonym: Antonym: Tell, send word Hide, conceal Sounds Like: modify Word used in a sentence • When we lost our dog, we went from house to house and notified all the neighbors.

  21. January 10th Perceive

  22. Definition: to become aware of through any of the senses, especially sight or hearing Parts of Speech: verb perceive Synonym: Antonym: Notice, see, sense Miss, overlook Sounds Like: believe Word used in a sentence • Gazing through the mist, the elf could just barely perceive the enemy army marching toward him.

  23. What do you perceive?

  24. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate vocabulary word Never, have I seen a person so ______________, so stunned and amazed, by a close up view of the elusive giant squid. Even places that looked new and shiny when I first saw them are now looking a bit ____________ after a quarter century of neglect. The winners will be _____________ by email within seven days of the closing date. I was ______________ when someone told me that Obama was a terrorist. The bird’s song was so soft I could barely ___________ it.

  25. January 14th Robust

  26. Definition: Parts of Speech: adjective Robust Strong or healthy Synonym: Antonym: Healthy, rich Sickly, frail Sounds Like: disgust • The third little pig was the smartest because he built a robust house made of bricks.

  27. January 18th Things that Rupture:DamsSpleens (bottom left)Appendixes (bottom right)

  28. Definition: Parts of Speech: Verb & Noun Rupture To break or burst, or the act of breaking or bursting Synonym: Antonym: Tear, snap Close, mend Sounds Like: dumpster • He went to the hospital when he ruptured his appendix • The storm caused a big rupture in the dam.

  29. January 19th Throbbing Pain! Throbbing Headache!

  30. Definition: Parts of Speech: adjective Throb To pulsate or beat rapidly or violently Synonym: Antonym: Beat, pound Soothe, calm Sounds Like: Bob Word used in a sentence • I had a terrible headache and my head started to throb.

  31. January 20th Trivial

  32. Definition: Parts of Speech: adjective Trivial Of very little importance or value Synonym: Antonym: ordinary Valuable, special Sounds Like: musical Word used in a sentence • Stop asking trivial questions and ask me something that matters!

  33. January 24th Wince

  34. Definition: to move back suddenly as though in pain Parts of Speech: verb Wince Synonym: Antonym: Flinch, cringe Smile Sounds Like: prince Word used in a sentence • Having cut his arm pretty badly, Wade winced whenever he accidentally touched it.

  35. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate vocabulary word I had a terrible headache and my head began to ______________ so bad I jumped out of bed to get some aspirin. Many girls in 8th grade are mean to their enemies and friends. They fight over ___________ things. When Judd got his first tattoo, he ___________ and cringed through the entire session. Going into the operation Dan was so ___________ he recovered quickly and went home after a couple of days. The rain was so heavy it caused a big ___________ in the dam.

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