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Abate (V) 1. To make less in amount, degree, etc. to subside, become less; to deduct S-diminish, decrease, subside, let up A-intensify, increase, magnify. Absolve (V) 2. To clear from blame, responsibility or guilt S- acquit, exonerate, vindicate, excuse, pardon
Abate (V) 1 To make less in amount, degree, etc. to subside, become less; to deduct S-diminish, decrease, subside, let up A-intensify, increase, magnify
Absolve (V) 2 • To clear from blame, responsibility or guilt • S- acquit, exonerate, vindicate, excuse, pardon • A-condemn, convict, incriminate, inculpate
Accrue (V) 3 • To grow or accumulate over time, to happen as a natural result. • S- collect, accumulate, proceed from • A-dwindle, decrease, diminish, lessen
Acrimonious (adj.) 4 Stinging, bitter in temper or tone Synonyms: biting, rancorous, hostile, peevish Antonyms: gentle, warm, mild, cordial
Adulation (n.) 5 Praise or flattery that is excessive Synonyms: adoration, idolization, hero-worship Antonyms: ridicule, derision, odium
Affable (adj.) 6 Courteous and pleasant, sociable, easy to speak to Synonyms: genial, amicable, cordial Antonyms: surly, cantankerous, dour, inhospitable
Aggrandize 7 • Verb • Definition: To increase in greatness, power, or wealth; to build up or intensify; to make appear greater. • Synonyms: Augment, Amplify, Enhance, Exalt
Amorphous 8 • Adjective • Definition: Shapeless, without definite form; of no particular type or character; without organization, unity or cohesion • Synonym: Formless, Unstructured, Inchoate
Anathema 9 • Noun • Definition: an object of intense dislike; a curse or strong denunciation (often used adjectivally without the article) • Synonym: Malediction, Imprecation, Abomination
Annotation(N) 10 A Critical or explanatory note or comment, especially for a literary work.
Assuage(V) 11 To make easier or milder, relieve; to quiet, calm; To put an end to, appease, satisfy, quench Syn: Mitigate, slake, allay Ant: intensify, aggravate, exacerbate
Avarice(N) 12 A greedy desire, particularly for wealth Syn: cupidity, rapacity, acquisitiveness
Bedlam 13 (n.) A state or scene of uproar and confusion Synonyms: Commotion, Pandemonium, Chaos, Anarchy Antonyms: Peace and Quiet, Order, Tranquility
Bizarre 14 (adj.) Extremely strange, unusual, atypical Synonyms: Grotesque, Fantastic, Outlandish Antonyms: Normal, Typical, Ordinary, Expected
Bulwark 15 (n.) A strong defense or pret4ection, a solid wall-like structure for defense; (v.) to provide such defense or protection. Synonyms: Bastion, RampartAntonym: Breach
Caricature 16 Noun Representation, such as a drawing, that exaggerates a characteristics features. To present something or someone in a deliberately distort way. Syn-cartoon
Carousal 17 • Noun • Noisy, revelry, or merrymaking. (often with the suggestion of heavy drinking) • Syn- binge
Castigate 18 • Verb • To punish severely, to criticize severely • Syn- chastise • Ant- honor, praise
Caveat 19 (n.) a warning or caution to prevent misunderstand or discourage behavior Synonyms: admonition, word to the wise
Clangor 20 (n.) a loud ringing sound; (v.) to make a loud ringing noise Synonym: (n.) din, clamor, uproar Antonyms: (n.) silence, stillness
Collate 21 (v.) to compare critically in order to note differences, similarities, ect.; to arrange in order for some specific purpose Synonyms: sort out, cross-check
Concoct (V) 22 • To prepare by combining ingredients • To make up (as a dish) • Devise, invent, fabricate • Synonyms- create, fashion, rustle up
Connoisseur (N) 23 • An expert • One who is well qualified to pass critical judgments, especially in one of the fine arts • Synonyms- savant, pundit • Antonyms- ignoramus, philistine
Consternation (N) 24 • Dismay, confusion • Synonyms-shock, amazement, bewilderment, dismay • Antonyms- calm, composure, aplomb
(n) Illegal traffic, smuggled goods • (adj) illegal, prohibited • Synonyms: Bootleg, Unlawful • Antonyms: Legal, Lawful, Licit Contraband (n)(adj) 25
Contrive (v) 26 • To plan with ingenuity; to bring about through a plan • Synonyms: Think up, Concoct, Fabricate
Corpulent (adj) 27 • Fat; having a large, bulky body • Synonyms: Overweight, Heavy, Obese, Stout • Antonyms: Slender, Lea, Spare, Gaunt
Corroborate (verb) 28 • To confirm, make more certain, bolster, substantiate, verify. • Antonyms: refute, contradict, undermine, discredit.
Crass (adj) 29 • Coarse, unfeeling; stupid • Synonyms: crude, tasteless, oafish, obtuse. • Antonyms: refined, elegant, tasteful, polished, brilliant.
Credulous (adj) 30 • Too ready to believe, easily deceived. • Synonyms: Gullible, Trusting. • Antonyms: Dubious, Skeptical.
Cupidity (n.) 31 • An eager desire for something; greed • Synonyms: avarice, rapacity, craving, lust • Antonyms: contentment, satiety, gratification
Debase (v.) 32 • To lower in character, quality, or value; to degrade, adulterate; to cause to deteriorate • Synonyms: cheapen, corrupt, demean, depreciate • Antonyms: elevate, uplift, improve, enhance
Deleterious (adj.) 33 • Harmful, injurious • Synonyms: detriments, destructive, pernicious, damaging • Antonyms: helpful, beneficial, harmless, innocuous
Denizen ( N.) 34 Definition: An inhabitant, resident; on who frequents a place Synonyms: dweller, habitué Antonyms: alien, outsider, foreigner
Desecrate (V.)35 Definition: To commit sacrilege upon, treat irreverently; to contaminate, pollute Synonyms: profane, defile, violate Antonyms: revere, venerate, consecrate
Dilatory (ADJ.) 36 Definition: Tending to delay or procrastinate; not prompt; intend to delay or postpone Synonyms: stalling, slow, tardy, laggard Antonyms: prompt, punctual, speedy, expeditious
Disavow (v.) 37 • To deny responsibility for or connection with s. disclaim, retract, abjure a. Acknowledge, admit, grant , certify
Dispassionate(adj.) 38 • Impartial; calm, free from emotion s. unbiased, disinterested, cool, detached a. committed, engaged, partial, biased
Disseminated (v.) 39 • To scatter or spread widely s. disperse, publicize, broadcast, circulate a. Bring together, concentrate, muster, conceal, hide
Dissension (noun) 40 • Disagreement, sharp difference of opinion • Synonyms: strife, discord, contention • Antonyms: agreement, accord, harmony
Dun (verb, noun & adjective) 41 • (v) to demand insistently, especially in payment of debt • (n) a creditor • (adj) dark, dull, drab, dingy • Synonyms: (v) hound, harass, nag • Antonyms: none
Elicit (verb) 42 • To draw forth, bring out from some source • Synonyms: evoke, extract, educe • Antonyms: repress, quash, squelch, stifle
Enhance (verb) 43 • To raise to a higher degree; to increase the value or desirability of • Synonyms: • Improve, elevate • Antonyms: • Diminish, degrade
Enthrall (verb) 44 • To captivate, charm, hold spellbound; to enslave; to imprison • Synonyms: • Fascinate, attract • Antonyms: • Bore to tears, repel
Equanimity (noun) 45 • Calmness, composure, refusal to panic • Synonyms: • Tranquility, imperturbability • Antonyms: • Excitability, flappability, agitation
Equivocate 46 • to use unclear language especially to deceive or mislead someone Synonyms-palter,hedge Antonym-to speak ones mind plainly
Expurgate 47 • remove matter thought to be objectionable or unsuitable from • Synonym- Bleep Bowdlerize cleansestar Decontaminate Lustrate purge • Antonym-dirty Open Allow permit
Extenuate 48 • make (guilt or an offense) seem less serious or more forgivable • Synonym- palliate Minimize Excuse Qualify Decrease Diminish downplay • Antonym- Enlarge Grow Increase Expand Extend Raise develop
ExtricateVerb49 free (someone or something) from a constraint or difficulty. Syn unlock release Ant lock away
Fetter 50 • Noun • a chain or manacle used to restrain a prisoner, typically placed around the ankles. • Synoum chain • Ant unlock