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County of Riverside

County of Riverside. MAXIMUS State Mandated Cost (SB 90) Meeting. County of Riverside. Purpose of Today’s Presentation Introduce County and MAXIMUS Staff Update County Staff on SB 90 Issues Define Roles and Responsibilities for Preparing and Submitting SB 90 Claims. County of Riverside.

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County of Riverside

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Presentation Transcript

  1. County of Riverside MAXIMUS State Mandated Cost (SB 90) Meeting

  2. County of Riverside Purpose of Today’s Presentation • Introduce County and MAXIMUS Staff • Update County Staff on SB 90 Issues • Define Roles and Responsibilities for Preparing and Submitting SB 90 Claims

  3. County of Riverside MAXIMUS SB 90 STAFF • Allan Burdick Project Director • Steve Oppenheim Lead Project Manager • Ginger Wilhite Project Manager

  4. County of Riverside Roles and Responsibilities • County Auditor-Controller’s Office • Create an Organized Claiming Plan • Provide Financial Data • Review Completed Claims • Work with Consultant (MAXIMUS)

  5. County of Riverside Roles and Responsibilities • County Departments • Provide Claiming Data • ICRP Review • Review Completed Claims • Coordinate with Auditor-Controller’s Office for Necessary Changes

  6. County of Riverside Roles and Responsibilities • SB 90 Consultants (MAXIMUS) • Review Mandate Requirements with Departments • Prepare Overhead Rates (ICRP’s) • Prepare SB 90 “Draft” Claims • Review and Modify Claims • Submit Final Claims to State Controller’s Office

  7. County of Riverside Brief SB 90 Overview • Proposition 4 (1979) adds Article XIII B to the California Constitution. • Article XIII B imposed appropriation limits on the tax proceeds of both state and local governments.

  8. County of Riverside Brief SB 90 Overview • Article XIII B section 6 requires that whenever the Legislature or any state agency mandates a new program or higher level of service upon local government, the state must provide a subvention of funds to reimburse the associated costs.

  9. County of Riverside State Budget and Legislative Review • FY 04/05 State Budget • Impact on SB 90 Funding • State Budget Trailer Bills (other legislation) • Possible Assembly Special Committee on State Mandates Reform

  10. Legislative Update AB 2009 AB 2224 AB 2851 AB 2852 AB 2853 AB 2854 AB 2855 AB 2856 SB 1895 County of Riverside

  11. County of Riverside November 2004 Ballot Measures • Two Constitutional Amendments have Qualified for the Ballot • Proposition 65 • Proposition 1A • Significant Changes to the Mandate Process • Possible Impact on Riverside County

  12. County of Riverside Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Annual Claims to be Filed • Filed before January 15th, 2005 • Annual Claims to be Filed • Claims that have been Suspended or Repealed

  13. County of Riverside How to Improve Claim Documentation • Why is there a Need to Improve? • State Audits of SB 90 Claims • What Can We Do? • Time Studies • Workpapers and Documentation

  14. County of Riverside Grand Jury Proceedings Mandate • Expands the Required Response of Counties to Grand Jury Findings • Adds or Amends Other Required Duties Concerning Grand Jury Operations

  15. County of Riverside Grand Jury Proceedings Mandate Reimbursable Components: • Grand Jury Training • Department Meetings with Grand Jury • Providing Support for Grand Jury • Prepare a Response to Each Grand Jury Finding or Recommendation

  16. County of Riverside Grand Jury Proceedings Mandate Plan of Action: • Back Year Claims (FY 1997/98 – 2002/03) • Departments Will Receive Information by Mail • Return Data Collection Forms to MAXIMUS • FY 2003/2004 Claims • Departments Should Have Received Data Collections Forms • If not, they will be resent

  17. County of Riverside Timeline for Filing Annual SB90 Claims • What is the Plan for Submitting the Annual Claims? (refer to handout) • Timeline for Claim Completion • All County Departments • Auditor-Controller’s Department • MAXIMUS

  18. County of Riverside Timeline for Filing Annual SB90 Claims • On-Site Meetings with Claiming Departments • August 17th – 19th • Data for Annual Claims Submitted to MAXIMUS From County Departments • September 15th

  19. County of Riverside Timeline for Filing Annual SB90 Claims • County Departments and Auditor Controller Review Overhead Rates (ICRP’s) • September 30th through November 1st • County Departments and Auditor Controller Review “Draft” Claims • December 1st through December 15th • Review Instructions will be Sent with Claims

  20. County of Riverside Timeline for Filing Annual SB90 Claims • Review Process Complete • Discussion of Claim Modifications • December 15th • Claims Completed and Sent to State Controller’s Office • December 15th – January 15th, 2005

  21. Timeline for Filing Annual SB90 Claims

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