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ENV 2011 & 2012 Portfolio Key Supplemental Projects

ENV 2011 & 2012 Portfolio Key Supplemental Projects. Key Supplemental Projects Global Climate. Regional Deployment and Implications of Renewables. Objectives and Scope

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ENV 2011 & 2012 Portfolio Key Supplemental Projects

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  1. ENV 2011 & 2012 Portfolio Key Supplemental Projects

  2. Key Supplemental ProjectsGlobal Climate

  3. Regional Deployment and Implications of Renewables Objectives and Scope Build upon EPRI data and models to examine the economic potential of wind, solar, biomass, and other renewables on a state-by-state or regional basis Understand regional issues for tying in these resources, and examine interactions with electricity generation, energy storage, and demand management under a variety of policy scenarios Value Inform corporate strategies as well as public policy and regulatory discussions Details and Contact Price: $50,000 Qualifies for Tailored Collaboration Victor Niemeyer niemeyer@epri.com, (650) 855-2262 SPN Number: 1023365 Climate Improved understanding of system-wide effects of renewable generation

  4. Objectives and Scope Provide insight into the potential value of generation asset investments in the face of uncertainties over energy and environmental policies, renewables penetration, and future electricity market structures Evaluate retirement, retrofit, and new generation investments in terms of how robust these investments may be under a wide range of plausible futures Value Improved basis for making generation asset management decisions Details and Contact Price: $100,000 Qualifies for Tailored Collaboration Victor Niemeyer niemeyer@epri.com, (650) 855-2262 SPN Number: 1023364 Environmental Compliance Strategy Support Climate Quantify value of generation asset decisions under multiple uncertainties

  5. Objectives and Scope Reduce electric company costs to manage vegetation on transmission rights-of-way. Demonstrate how to create financial value by implementing enhanced Integrated Vegetation Management on transmission rights-of-way. Increase the suite of options available to electric companies to offset their GHG emissions and comply with potential future requirements to reduce company GHG emissions. Reduce the potential costs to comply with future regulations that may require electric companies to reduce their GHG emissions. Value Reduce cost to manage ROW vegetation; Create valuable GHG emissions offsets; Enhance wildlife habitat; and, Maintain critical system reliability. Details and Contact Price: $50,000/yr Qualifies for Tailored Collaboration Adam Diamant adiamant@epri.com, (510) 260-9105 SPN Number: 1023367 Development of New GHG Offsets Climate By implementing Integrated Vegetation Management on transmission system rights-of- way, electric companies potentially can reduce vegetation management costs, create valuable GHG emissions offsets and enhance wildlife habitat. Developing New GHG Emission Offsets and Reducing Costs of ROW Vegetation Management

  6. Key Supplemental ProjectsAir Quality

  7. Risk Evaluation of Trace Metals for Air,Water and Solid Wastes Objectives and Scope Target critical data gaps for risk assessments and regulatory decision-making Inform the derivation of health reference values for trace metals Provide transparent modeling and data integration to identify biologically supported health reference values Value Achieves viable environmental compliance while protecting public health Provides alternatives to default regulatory strategies Maximizes scientific basis for development of media-specific guidelines, standards, permitting and compliance Details and Contact Price: $50K/yr for 3 years ($150K) Total funding needed: $2.0M Qualifies for Tailored Collaboration Sharan Campleman scampleman@epri.com,(650) 855-2331 SPN Number:1023333 AirQuality Minimizes health and regulatory risk related to trace metals

  8. Chemistry and Health Effects of Carbonaceous Material in the Atmosphere Objectives and Scope Characterize ambient organics to identify their sources Compare measurement methods for carbon Define fractions and compounds of most health relevance Evaluate ability of particulate fractions to deliver organic materials to the lung Undertake additional epidemiological analyses Value Better understanding of chemistry and health effects of carbonaceous material increases the possibility of a separate component-based standard for PM Extent to which carbonaceous materials are reduced affects the need to reduce other fractions of PM, such as sulfate or nitrate to meet mass-based PM standards Details and Contact Price: $50K/yr for 3 years Total funding needed: $1.5M Qualifies for Tailored Collaboration Annette Rohr arohr@epri.com, 425.298.4374 SPN Number: 1023363 AirQuality Inform development of sound science-based air quality regulations

  9. Health Effects of Air Pollution and ParticulateMatter Components Objectives and Scope Determine relationships between PM components and health in St. Louis, Pittsburgh, and Dallas Epidemiological analyses of mortality and morbidity Value Generate needed information and data for consideration of component-specific regulatory approach Enhance data credibility through multi-city analysis Improved decision-making about the need to reduce emissions from power plants compared to other sources Details and Contact Price: $50K/yr for 3 years ($150K) Total funding needed: $1.44M Qualifies for Tailored Collaboration Ronald Wyzga rwyzga@epri.com, 650-855-2132 SPN Number: 1023362 AirQuality Multi-city health analyses provides input into potential component-based standard

  10. Acidification and Nutrient Enrichment Objectives and Scope Development of inexpensive dry deposition measurement methods Collection of data in various aquatic systems in the United States Improvement of simple and complex aquatic models Value Results of the proposed research are expected to affect the implementation of any final proposed standard based on the current methodology being used by EPA, as it will result in better data to ground-truth assumptions and parameter values as well as test the adequacy of the models employed Details and Contact Price: $75K/yr < 5000 MW coal for 3 years ($225K); $150K/yr > 5000 MW coal ($450K) for 3 years Total funding needed: $3.0M Qualifies for Tailored Collaboration Eladio Knipping eknippin@epri.com, (202) 293-6343 SPN Number: 1023361 AirQuality Informs deposition-based regulations and standards

  11. Objectives and Scope Improve existing dispersion models for both near-source and long-range application Implement and evaluate new methodologies for air dispersion model applications for new short-term NO2 and SO2 standards Ensure a higher degree of confidence in use of dispersion models Value Includes latest science in puff and dispersion models in existing EPA models Ensure that the best-available science is used in air quality management including permitting applications Details and Contact Price: $40K/yr Total funding needed: $280K Qualifies for Tailored Collaboration Eladio Knipping eknippin@epri.com, (202) 293-6343 SPN Number: 1023116 Refining Air Dispersion Models I: Addressing Challenges with Existing Models and Methods AirQuality Tests new methodologies for air dispersion model applications

  12. Key Supplemental ProjectsWater & Ecosystems

  13. §316(b) Fish Protection Compliance Strategies Objectives and Scope Assess impingement mortality compliance financial risk exposure with Modified traveling screen cost Use of intake velocity <0.5 feet/second Provide performance study information Value Information to aid budgeting for proposed §316(b) requirements by considering cost and compliance risk Information required on cooling water intake structure performance Details and Contact Price: $20,000/yr for 2 years ($40,000) Qualifies for Tailored Collaboration Dave Bailey dbailey@epri.com, (571) 226-0614 SPN Number: 1023335 Water & Ecosystems Cost Effective Compliance Planning for 316(b)

  14. Assessment of Water Availability Risk to Power Generation Objectives and Scope Select geographical area of interest Apply EPRI’s innovative Water Prism Assess freshwater constraints on current and planned generation Evaluate alternative water saving strategies and technologies across all water using sectors Value Risk assessment of water shortages Cost efficient strategies to reduce water shortage risks Better understanding of water saving technologies within all water using sectors Water resource sustainable growth plans Details and Contact Price: $100K/yr for 2 years ($200K) Qualifies for Tailored Collaboration Robert Goldstein rogoldst@epri.com, (855) 650-2154 SPN Number: 1023579 Water & Ecosystems Insightful decision support analyses for sustainable water use

  15. Objectives and Scope Create a cost effective year round treatment system using biological technologies Use a dual approach for wastewater treatment by developing wetland plants and bacterial/algal bioreactors Value Reduce regulatory exposure Green technology Savings of approx. $1M per year over existing resin-based treatment Details and Contact Price: $40,000/yr for 2 years Qualifies for Tailored Collaboration John W. Goodrich-Mahoney jmahoney@epri.com, 202-293-7516 SPN Number: 1023578 Water & Ecosystems Biotechnological Approaches to Remove Boron from Wastewater Innovative Biological Approaches for Wastewater Treatment

  16. Objectives and Scope Deploy and test a ‘fish-friendly’ hydropower turbine Alden turbine now ready for field testing Site selected, installation planning underway Preliminary cost and supply schedule available – turbine’s performance has been enhanced Value Support #1 R&D priority of hydropower industry Improve environmental performance of hydropower operations Expand options for carbon-free electric power generation Details and Contact Price: $50,000/yr for 3 years Qualifies for Tailored Collaboration Doug Dixon ddixon@epri.com, (804) 642-1025 SPN Number: 1023336 Water & Ecosystems Fish Friendly Turbine Demonstration Project Innovative technology for hydropower development

  17. Objectives and Scope Execution of Pilot Trades Testing of credit stacking GHG and water quality credits Validate business case for trading Watershed modeling simulations Value Shape how trading programs will function across the country Quantification of broader ecosystem benefits from trading Verify future of trading as a compliance tool for power companies Details and Contact Price: $200,000 Qualifies for Tailored Collaboration Jessica Fox jfox@epri.com, (650) 855-2138 SPN Number: 1022644 Water & Ecosystems Water Quality Trading: Pilot Trades for Compliance with Nutrient Criteria and Greenhouse Gas Targets Cost-Effective and Ecologically Beneficial Compliance

  18. Key Supplemental ProjectsRenewables

  19. Objectives and Scope Eagle risk assessment and population modeling for wind development and siting Analysis of habitat viability Tailored modeling for future population assessments Value Understanding of wind energy impacts on eagles provide greater insight into required mitigation efforts Add certainty to long-term operations and provide "adaptive mitigation" strategies Details and Contact Price: $50K/yr for 3 years ($150K) Qualifies for Tailored Collaboration Adam Shor ashor@epri.com, (650) 855-8782 SPN Number: 1023378 Renewables Managing Species Issues for Renewables Mitigation strategies for eagle interactions with wind facilities

  20. Key Supplemental ProjectsLand & Groundwater

  21. Objectives and Scope Development/documentation of cost-effective and environmentally protective closure in compliance with new CCP rules Pore-water pressures, stability Alternative caps Building on closed ponds Groundwater monitoring, remediation Source of information exchange on practical and innovative pond closures Value At-risk pond closures could exceed $5 billion industry-wide Corrective action costs could significantly increase the total pond closure costs Accelerated closures may increase risk of instability Details and Contact Price: Tiered Coal MWe; <5000MW $25K/yr for 2 years ($50K); >5000MW $50K/yr for 2 years ($100K) Qualifies for Tailored Collaboration Ken Ladwig keladwig@epri.com, (262) 754-2744 SPN Number: 1023334 Land & Groundwater Pond Closures Research Innovative and cost-effective pond closure methods

  22. Key Supplemental ProjectsOccupational Health & Safety

  23. Objectives and Scope Evaluate use of novel in-ear dosimeter with built-in feedback system Develop intervention strategies for hearing loss prevention Examine relationship between in-ear/ambient noise levels and injury Value Reduce hearing loss and worker compensation costs Assess leading indicator of noise-induced hearing loss and workplace injuries Incorporates in-ear dosimeter as part of PPE training Details and Contact Price: $50K per company Qualifies for Tailored Collaboration Gabor Mezei gmezei@epri.com, (650) 855-8908 SPN Number: 1023338 Health & Safety Occupational Exposure to Physical Stressors: Intervention and Prevention Reduction of noise-induced hearing loss and injuries

  24. Key Supplemental ProjectsT&D Environmental Issues

  25. Objectives and Scope Address health and safety concerns related to RF exposures from emerging utility infrastructure Advanced Metering Infrastructure Smart Meters Other wireless technologies Characterize ambient and personal RF exposure levels Value Facilitate timely deployment of smart grid technologies Address scientific uncertainty in RF health research Inform public discourse on RF-enabled technologies and potential health effects Details and Contact Price: $150K/yr for 3 years Qualifies for Tailored Collaboration Gabor Mezei gmezei@epri.com, (650) 855-8908 SPN Number: 1023337 T&D Enviro Issues Radio Frequency Characterizationand Health Studies Establish presence and leadership in RF health science

  26. Together…Shaping the Future of Electricity

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