1. Young BirdsRescue, identification & immediate care Norma Henderson
Northern Beaches Branch
2. The Rescue Phone to confirm that:-
It is still alive
What size is it
What is it
Is it convenient to pick it up now
3. The rescue be preparedPeoples’ idea of size can differ
Take with you in the car a carry basket or cardboard box containing a towel, hot water bottle, small bag
Does it really NEED rescue
Check if the parents are around
If so, is it injured or thin
4. The rescue arriving home Check for injuries
Check identification pointers
Keep warm with heat pad, hot water bottle or 25 watt coloured party globe
Rehydrate with glucose
Ring with details to:-
bird co-ordinator,
buddy or experienced carer
5. What bird is this?Solving the puzzle
How big is it
Where did it come from
Were the parents around
Is there a nest
What call does it make
6. Different types of bird Precocial chicks
Hatched covered in down
Run and jump
Able to peck up food
Altricial nestlings
Hatched naked
Eyes closed
Totally dependent upon parents
7. Identification - Feet
The most common layout is 3 toes forward 1 backward
Water birds have webbed feet
Kingfishers and Kookaburras have 2 toes partly joined
Parrots and cuckoos have 2 front and 2 back facing toes
8. Identification - MouthGape and flanges
9. Chick housing Warmth and security are the most important aspectskeep nestling clean
10. Feeding the chick – Precocial chicksPeck up food themselves. They may need teaching
11. Feeding the chick – Altricial nestlingsMethods include spoon, syringe, stick
12. Chick “buddying” Chicks MUST be “buddied” as soon as possible to avoid imprinting and for social contact
THEREFORE ring the bird co-ordinator ASAP