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Bullying. Mrs. Apple’s Class. What do you do when you are bullied?. Suggestions? Let’s see what the best thing to do is…. What will have the best outcome?. What other things to do. Do’s. Don t’s. Do not ignore or push away help. Do not fight back, protect yourself, it is more important.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bullying Mrs. Apple’s Class

  2. What do you do when you are bullied? • Suggestions? Let’s see what the best thing to do is…

  3. What will have the best outcome?

  4. What other things to do Do’s Dont’s Do not ignore or push away help. Do not fight back, protect yourself, it is more important. Do not spread rumors. Do not wait for help to come to you. • Stay positive and stick with friends. • Know that it IS important to get help. • Talk to an adult, one you trust will help you • If this is intimidating, bring a friend along or write it out and hand it to that adult.

  5. Different kinds of bullying

  6. Bullying comes in many forms!

  7. VERBAL BULLYING is one of the most prominent forms… Verbal bullying consists of making mean remarks to other people, calling them names, or joking offensively towards/about them. Verbal Aggression is when a person threatens somebody else or when they are teasing somebody else. Back

  8. Back Physical Bullying If you become physically injured or hurt, you are a victim of physical bullying/abuse. This includes being shoved, punched, pulled on, or any other forced action. If you have had any of your belongings taken from you and destroyed, you have been a victim of physical bullying/abuse.

  9. Indirect Bullying • Includes excluding others from groups, spreading rumors/stories about other people, and sharing other people’s secrets. • Named Indirect Bullying because it is not a direct, face to face, bullying, it is behind their back. Back

  10. Social Alienation/Bullying • When excluding somebody from a group on purpose and pointing out their differences to other people. Back

  11. Intimidation • When a bully threatens a person into doing what they want them to do. • This may also intimidate the bullied to speak to anybody about the bullying issue since threats are so strong, but people will help make and keep you safe. Back

  12. Cyber Bullying • Increasingly becoming the most popular form of bullying today with increased technology. • This is sent through electronics, whether on a phone or computer (through e-mails, IM’s, Facebook, etc.) • Mostly verbal and intimidation bullying is used through this method and is extremely influential and scary. Most secretive and personal form, please let people know if this is happening to you. Back

  13. Overview of Six Types of Bullying Click here for website

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