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Learning to Live with Change

Learning to Live with Change. Chapter 23. I. Ideas of Change. A. Romanticism Rousseau New attitudes and aesthetic values Intuition, emotion, nature 1. Romantic Philosophy and Literature August Schlegel Samuel Coleridge William Blake. I. Ideas of Change. A. Romanticism

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Learning to Live with Change

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  1. Learning to Live with Change Chapter 23

  2. I. Ideas of Change • A. Romanticism • Rousseau • New attitudes and aesthetic values • Intuition, emotion, nature • 1. Romantic Philosophy and Literature • August Schlegel • Samuel Coleridge • William Blake

  3. I. Ideas of Change • A. Romanticism • 1. Romantic Philosophy and Literature • Madame Anna-Louise de Staël • Victor Hugo • Alexander Dumas

  4. I. Ideas of Change • A. Romanticism • 2. The Wider Influence of Romanticism • Hans Christian Andersen • William Constable • J. M. W. Turner • Eugène Delacroix

  5. I. Ideas of Change • A. Romanticism • 2. The Wider Influence of Romanticism • Franz Schubert • Robert Schumann • Conservatives • Radicals

  6. I. Ideas of Change • B. Social Thought • 1. Conservatism • Social order • Religion • Hierarchy • Edmund Burke • Joseph de Maistre • Louis de Bonald

  7. I. Ideas of Change • B. Social Thought • 2. Liberalism • Social progress • Economic development • Middle-class values

  8. I. Ideas of Change • B. Social Thought • 3. Political Liberalism • John Locke • Benjamin Constant • Constitution

  9. I. Ideas of Change • B. Social Thought • 4. Economic Liberalism • Adam Smith • David Ricardo • Land, capital, labor • Labor theory of value • Iron law of wages • Political economy

  10. I. Ideas of Change • B. Social Thought • 5. Utilitarianism • Jeremy Bentham • Rejects natural rights • “Utility” • Self-interest • Philosophic radicals

  11. I. Ideas of Change • B. Social Thought • 6. John Stuart Mill • Universal suffrage • Production versus distribution • On Liberty

  12. I. Ideas of Change • C. The Early Socialists • 1. Saint-Simon • 2. Fourier • Phalanstery (phalanx) • 3. Robert Owen • New Lanark • Standardized production

  13. I. Ideas of Change • C. The Early Socialists • 4. The Socialist Critique • New forms of social organization foster cooperation and love • Critics of capitalism • Social planning • Traditional family values and sexual mores

  14. II. The Structure of Society • A. Social Classes • Imaginary social pyramid • 1. The Aristocracy • 2. National Differences in Aristocracies • Junkers • 3. Peasants • Decline in putting-out system • Cash crops

  15. II. The Structure of Society • A. Social Classes • 4. Peasant Activism • Land-hungry • Resent taxes and military service • Peasant revolts • 5. Peasants and Social Change • Enclosures • Small landholdings • Regional differences

  16. II. The Structure of Society • A. Social Classes • 6. Workers and Artisans • Livret • 7. Early Labor Movements • Mutual aid • Trade unions • Friendly societies/confraternities • Cooperatives

  17. II. The Structure of Society • A. Social Classes • 9. The Middle Classes • Petite bourgeoisie • 10. Middle-Class Values • Constitutionalism • Civil rights • Legal equality • Economic opportunity

  18. II. The Structure of Society • B. The Changing Population • 1. Demographic Growth • 2. Population and Society • Differential fertility • Thomas Malthus • An Essay on the Principle of Population… • Food supply vs. population increase • 3. Urbanization

  19. II. The Structure of Society • B. The Changing Population • 4. Urban Problems • Pollution • Overcrowding • Inadequate housing • Illegitimacy and prostitution • Police • Robert Peel • Francois Guizot

  20. II. The Structure of Society • C. Social Welfare • 1. Charity • Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge • Mechanics’ Institutes • Polytechnic Association of France

  21. II. The Structure of Society • C. Social Welfare • 2. Public Health • Epidemics • Typhus • Cholera • Vaccinations • Anesthesia • Sanitary regulations • Public Health Commission

  22. II. The Structure of Society • C. Social Welfare • 3. The Irish Famine • Potato blight • 4. Government Regulation • Child labor laws • Jeremy Bentham • Poor Law of 1834 • 5. Education • Universal primary education

  23. III. The Spread of Liberal Government • A. Great Britain • 1. Pressure for Change • St. Peter’s Field • Peterloo Massacre • Six Acts of 1819 • Sir Robert Peel • Duke of Wellington

  24. III. The Spread of Liberal Government • A. Great Britain • 2. The Reform Bill of 1832 • Increased suffrage • Old Sarum • Birmingham and Manchester • Factory Act • Poor Law of 1834

  25. III. The Spread of Liberal Government • A. Great Britain • 3. Chartism and the Corn Laws • People’s Charter • Anti-Corn Law League • Corn Laws • Richard Cobden • John Bright • John Russell • Benjamin Disraeli

  26. III. The Spread of Liberal Government • B. The Revolutions of 1830 • 1. Uprisings across Europe • France • Spain • Poland • Italy • Portugal

  27. III. The Spread of Liberal Government • B. The Revolutions of 1830 • 2. Belgium • Leopold I • 3. France’s July Monarchy • Marquis de Lafayette • Louis Philippe

  28. III. The Spread of Liberal Government • B. The Revolutions of 1830 • 5. Limited Liberalism in France • Adolphe Thiers • Francois Guizot

  29. III. The Spread of Liberal Government • B. The Revolutions of 1830 • 6. Spain • Isabella • Don Carlos and Carlists • 1834 Constitution • Moderates versus anticlerical progressives

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